
Bridge Street Working Group Meeting 

Held Remotely

13 July 2021 at 7pm


Working Group Members Present: Liz Hillman, Jane Kay, Sheila Hughes, Amelia Stanham, Steve Harper, Jenny Clarke and Dilys Britt joined at 7:20pm

Apologies: Peter Hewes, Helen Hill

Members of the Public: -


Public Question Time

No members of public in attendance.



21/039 Declarations of Interest 

No conflicts of interest declared.


21/040 Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

Dily Britt proposed Liz Hillman as Chairman and this was resolved

Jenny Clarke proposed Sheila Hughes as Vice Chairman and this was resolved


21/041To approve the meeting notes of 18 May 2021 and 27 April 2021 as minutes of the meetings

27 April - Sheila Hughes proposed the meeting notes and this was resolved.

18 May - Jenny Clarke proposed the meeting notes and this was resolved. 


21/042 Update on fund raising including plant sale

Pens & Quizzes

Amelia reported quizzes and pens in situ with Jenny, and at Waters Edge, Duck Egg Blue, Sun Inn and Pooles. Scrummies didn’t respond.

Jenny reported a couple had been sold and will encourage Abbie to push them.

Liz went into Water’s Edge and saw the pens, Jenny said they would put up a poster but not up yet. Jenny to encourage them to put it up.

Comms post been drafted to highlight the quiz. Liz to chase James.


Plant Sale

• Jane reported we need more flowering plants next time

• Try to get more cuttings for next year

• Great success and raised £285

• Idea to put pictures next to plants to show what they grow into


Saxilby Waterfront Summer Activities and Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022

Summer Activities

  • 24/07 Let’s Fish and volunteer days 7/08 and 4/09. To start at 10am
  • Paddle Boarding to be organised
  • Painting activities


Queens Jubilee

  • Waterfront Festival should be brought forward a month and discussed should it happen weekend of June 3-6th if we do activities will they clash with other village activities.
  • Sheila suggested we should be proactive in contacting other organisations and Jenny highlighted we need to book things like ice cream vans a year in advance.
  • To consider a list of all possible activities and look at road closure, to be an agenda item for August’s meeting.

21/043 Updates

a. Village Planting  

Jenny holding a number of plants and evergreens in pots but need to be planted. Suggestion that they should be used near bench on Bridge Street or near the new signs but that is a way off. Sheila is concerned they might not be maintained or trampled on; Jenny offered to maintain the border by the bench if used. Dilys suggested that we get Bernie on board as he maintains the grass there. Planters then suggested but there is a concern these are being regularly stolen around the village. If we went for borders, we would need to get Parish Council permission but wouldn’t come through until September. Agreement reached that Liz would purchase some cheap planters and then plant them up in the picnic area as they are less likely to be stolen from there. Mike and Dilys would plant them up. Steve to supply compost.

Concrete planters along Bridge Street to be painted black, masonry paint to be sourced. If footpath is put in the planters may have to be removed, general disagreement to that suggestion.

b. Volunteer days, including painting and plans for next volunteer day – previously covered under point 6

c. Meetings with Sun Inn tenants and Bella Pizza – 

Sun Tenants – good meeting, keen to understand about the area. Noted an original door had been removed and replaced with garage door. They suggested doing a Beer Festival to tie in with Waterfront Festival. Keen to help. They were not aware the pub is in a conservation area and Liz left information and Conservation Officers name. They want to put up a more substantial fence along the edge of their property to reduce noise to Navigation Court and are thinking about using grass area for caravan park or glamping.

Bella Pizza – Finally got a meeting with Mehmet, he gave us permission to sort out car park, kill weeds and paint the fence (Note: it is a resident’s fence so would need his permission). Bin discussed but felt it should be a council bin and not the restaurants. Happy to have a conversation about other businesses in the area to use his car park up to 5pm at which point it needs to be available for his customers. Side wall would need scaffolding to be painted so unlikely to be painted in totality, simple solution just to paint the base of the wall (need Mehmet’s agreement).

d. Procedure for any purchases by Working Group members – spends need to be  agreed at meeting.

e. Ongoing issue with deer in canal – CRT are aware, there are four ramps in place, they suggested there should be a green bridge in place for them to cross. Dilys suggested that we take a boat drip down the dyke to review exit points for deer.

f. New bench for bus stop – to be delivered at the same time as the benches for the skate park to save cost. Cost of a banner is £22.50 discussed for volunteer days. CEO of WLDC taking a tour of Saxilby and will be visiting Bridge Street and specifically the bridge.

g. Picnic area litter bin – post mounted litter bin put in place on Saturday morning, limited options as to where it was placed. Larger discussion held about rubbish being placed by the existing bin which shouldn’t happen. Historically there were 7 bins on Bridge Street which was too many but current situation needs to be reviewed including additional bin at Bella Pizza.


21/044 Next Meeting Date 

17 August 2021 @ 7:00pm


End of meeting 8:35pm