
Bridge Street Working Group Meeting  

Tuesday 15 March 2022, 7pm.
Present: Jenny Clarke, Cllr Hillman, Amelia Stanham 


Public question time

No members of the public present  


Meeting agenda

1. To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.  
Apologies: Dilys Britt, Cllr Harper, Helen Hill, Sheila Hughes, Jane Kay. 

2.To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 
None declared 

3.  To approve the notes of 15 February 2022 as minutes of the meeting 
These were proposed by Jenny Clarke and resolved.  
4. To receive and update from the Waterfront Task and Finish Group 
Update noted. 
5. To agree to recommend to full council a budget for the funding of the beech hedging planting for Bridge Place Corner. 
Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to recommend to full council a budget for the funding of the beech hedging. 
6. To agree to obtain quotes to reinstate the pocket park area 
Jenny Clarke proposed, and it was resolved to obtain quotes to reinstate the pocket park area. 

7. To agree to recommend to full council to apply for funding for the refurbishment of the public toilets. 
Amelia Stanham proposed and it was resolved to recommend to full council to apply for funding to refurbish the public toilets. 
8. To agree to obtain quotes for the new footpath from West Bank to the footbridge on the verge next to the canal. 
Jenny Clarke proposed, and it was resolved to obtain quotes for the footpath in line with the master plan. 
9. To note the following updates: 
a. Volunteer morning. It was agreed to move the date for the unveiling of the noticeboard to May 7th. A new recruitment drive is needed to attract more volunteers. 
b. Lincoln to Saxilby cycle path connection. Deferred to the next meeting 
c. CRT meeting. Cllr Hillman had a meeting with CRT.  It was agreed that the ranger role will be part of the volunteer group. 
d. Request from Anglian Water for a meeting regarding the pipe bridge.  Lydia Smithson, Assistant Clarke and Cllr Hillman had agreed to a meeting. Feedback to be given at the next meeting. 
e. Historic England. An e-mail response with an update from Historic England was noted. 
10. Date of the next meeting 
Tuesday 19th April 2022 at 7pm     

The meeting finished at 20.20