
Bridge Street Working Group Meeting

Tuesday 15 February 2022



Jenny Clarke, Cllr Harper, Helen Hill, Cllr Hillman, Sheila Hughes, and Jane Kay.


Public Question Time

No members of the public present 



1. To receive apologies and accept 

Apologies from Dilys Britt and Amelia Stanham were received. These were accepted.


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

None declared


3. To approve the notes of 18 January 2022 as minutes of the meeting

Shiela Hughes proposed to approve the minutes and it was resolved. 


4. To approve a funding application to Community Wildlife trust for further wild-flower planting. 

Jane Kay proposed to recommend for the funding application to be submitted and it was resolved.


5. To receive an update from the Waterfront Festival Task and Finish Group

An update was circulated to the group prior to the meeting. Event infrastructure is now in place except the sounds system and generator. Expressions of interest for stall holders are almost ready to go on the website.


6. To agree priorities for the next stage in the regeneration of the Conservation Area as per project plan

All agreed for the following priorities: to recommend for the artwork (shoal of fish and memory branch) to be commissioned, to move the badly positioned tree, to in-fill the beech hedge to replace failed saplings, parking improvements, the Water-front Festival, refurbishment of the toilets, new street name signs, and the cutting back of the brambles over the flood wall were the next priorities.


7. To agree priority tasks for the volunteer days [in 2022]

Shiela Hughes proposed, and it was resolved the edges of verges, improvements to the west gateway, and repainting of the planters were the priorities. 

Jenny suggested inviting Cllr Brockway to discuss the condition of the pavements. 


8. To receive an update of fundraising - Dilys Britt/Jane Kay

So far £122 has been raised. The pens have been a success. There is still out-standing money to collect from the ice cream shop, but the tenant is not respond-ing to any correspondence. Dilys and Jane were thanked for their work with fund raising. 


9. To agree information for the noticeboard and a volunteer to have the key to keep the board updated.

It was proposed by Jenny Clarke to keep one side of the board for Bridge Street and the other side for groups and businesses and this was resolved. It was also suggested that businesses should pay a small fee for advertising their business if they use the board and local groups should have free promotion. 

Jenny Clarke and Cllr Hillman agreed to look at a layout for the Bridge Street side.


10. To agree an official unveiling of the noticeboard and date

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved that an official unveiling of the notice-board should take place in recognition of the support and contributions. This could take place during our next volunteer day in April.


11. To note the following updates:

a. Steps and ramp of Foss dyke footbridge - update to be an agenda item for the Planning Committee.

b. Beech hedge planting on Bridge Palace Corner. Waiting for TCV to plant the hedge.

c. Renewal of street names. Parish Council are waiting for a response from WLDC.

d. Lincoln to Saxilby cycle path connection - no update this month

e. CRT community events planned for Saxilby 2022. This was fully supported.


12. Date of the next meeting

Tuesday 15 March 2022 at 7pm    


The meeting finished at 20.29pm.