
Bridge Street Working Group Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 17th November 2020 at 7.00pm


Under the Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meeting) (England) Regulations 2020, this meeting was held by video conference.


Working Group Members Present:

Dilys Britt, Jenny Clarke, Amelia Stanham, Karen Baty, Jane Kay, Cllr Hillman, Cllr Hughes, and Cllr Stafford





In Attendance:

Lydia Smithson, Parish Clerk 

There were no members of the public in attendance.


Public Questions



Full Council Meeting

20/025 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting.



20/026 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011



20/027 To approve the meeting notes of 4th February 2020 as minutes of the meeting

It was proposed by Dilys Britt and resolved to approve the notes as minutes.


20/028 To agree the noticeboard design as per the Masterplan 

It was proposed by Jenny Clarke and resolved to approve the design.


20/029a To agree a press release with Lovells

This was proposed by Shiela Hughes and resolved to issue a press release. 

20/029b To agree a possible ‘opening’ in the spring.

Item to be brought back to the Working Group in the New Year, dependant on lockdown status. 

20/029c To request the removal of the 'no through' road sign.

Jenny Clarke proposed to request the removal of the no through road sign and existing street name sign and replace with heritage street name sign with no through road sign on it. This was resolved

20/029d Update of works including replacing of hedging, more bollards, trees

Cllr Hillman to contact Anglian Water regarding hedge whips which were planted and have died, to request dead whips are replaced.  

Shiela Hughes proposed bollards at the back to be installed by the Grounds Team and this was resolved.

Jayne Kay proposed two additional trees on Bridge Place corner at the rear – this was resolved.  


20/030 To promote the Community Lottery and the project ’Saxilby Waterfront’ and agree any other possible funding opportunities, including Hunter offer

It was agreed to change the wording on the Community Lottery to Saxilby Waterfront project and share on social media (as an evergreen post)

Print leaflets to leaflet drop 

VCS funding for greenspaces – trees / pocket park

The Group thanked Cllr Willox for sharing the offer from Hunter, and using a Hunter item as part of a raffle, where the winners were live streamed was discussed. It was also noted it could be tied in with the opening of Bridge Place Corner.


20/031 To agree next steps regarding parking and traffic

Cllr Hillman fed back on the Highways meeting regarding parking and traffic in the community. A Traffic Regulation Order would be required for any changes in parking and this would be via County Councillor Brockway e.g. marking bays, limited times three-hour parking limit – permits, highways re-marking sun and Navigation court lost two parking spaces, line in-front of toilet for safety, speeding – Smiley SID. 

Cllr Hillman proposed contact was made with Cllr Brockway and process for TRO to be fed back next time and this was resolved


20/032 Update on:

20/032a Tree planting on Bridge Street 

We have received the permit now from the Environment Agency, utilities and the County Council in order to plant the boulevard of trees along Bridge Street with planting due over winter.

20/032b Response from WLDC re footbridge

Update provided and a meeting with WLDC is being arranged.

20/032c Response from Anglian Water re pipe bridge

Updated provided.

20/032d Cycle path connection between Lincoln and Saxilby

Scheme is back on track and now starting to progress once again.

20/032e Volunteer days

Two days were completed following lockdown 1.0. The November one had to be cancelled. The Assistant Clerk has also been in touch with CRT regarding any winter works planned. 

The TCV have finished planting of wildflowers, which will be shared on social media.


20/033 Agree next meeting date 

26th January 2021. 


The meeting closed at 8.27pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.