
Extraordinary Full Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 21 June 2022 at 7.00pm at St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby. 


Members Present:

Cllrs Cotton, Crump, Hillman, Mann, Spurr, and I Willox.



Cllrs Ashton Derry, Harper, Saunders, and J Willox.


In Attendance:

Lydia Hopton, Acting Clerk. 

There was one member of public in attendance.


Public Questions

It was noted an apple tree had been cut down by a resident on the Daubeney estate green space. A councillor queried the best course of action to take and noted the previous agreement for signage to be erected at agreed green spaces.  



176/22 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies were received for Cllrs Ashton Derry, Harper, Saunders, and J Willox, which were accepted.


177/22 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

None received.


178/22 Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) – External Audit

a. To receive the annual internal audit report for 2021-22 and agree any actions required

It was noted by the acting clerk the internal auditor’s report brings to the attention of the external auditor that issues have been brought to light regarding the memorial field. This is in the process of being worked through to understand and put in place any necessary actions required. The accounts represent the year end position and legal and financial advice is being sought to understand any remedial actions required so these can be enacted.

Cllr Cotton proposed to receive report and this was resolved with all in favour.


b. To approve the Annual Governance Statement of the 2021-22 annual return and the clerk and chairman to sign

Cllr Mann proposed, and it was resolved with all in favour to approve the Annual Governance Statement of the 2021-22 annual return and the clerk and chairman signed the statement.


c. To approve Accounting Statements of the 2021-22 annual return (already approved by the Responsible Financial Officer - RFO) and for the chairman to sign

Cllr Crump proposed, and it was resolved with all in favour to approve Accounting Statements of the 2021-22 annual return and for it to be signed.


d. To confirm the dates for the period of exercise of public rights, as proposed by the RFO 

It was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved with all in favour to agree the following dates of Friday 1 July 2022 - Thursday 11 August 2022.


The meeting closed at 7:12pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.