
Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council
Extra-Ordinary Full Council Meeting Minutes
7.00pm Wednesday 13 March 2024
Function Room, St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby, LN1 2LP


Members Present:

Cllrs Barratt, Hewes, Hillman (chair), Hughes, Roberts, Waller, J Willox and, I Willox.


Members Absent:

Cllrs Ashton Derry, Crump, Hadjoudj, and Spurr


In Attendance:
Lydia Hopton, Clerk

Zarina Belk, Assistant Clerk


There were thirty six members of the public in attendance.


FC24/058 1. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr Ashton Derry and Spurr


Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED that:

The reasons for absence were accepted for Cllrs Ashton Derry and Spurr.


FC24/059 2. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Hewes declared an Other Registerable Interest in agenda item 5 Ref FC24/062, under an exemption.


FC24/060 3. To consider granting dispensation requests, these having been submitted in writing to the proper officer before, or at the start of, the meeting.

None received.


FC24/061 4. 15 Minute Public Participation Session

To note a question, representation, or statement from member(s) of public on items on the agenda

No discussion or debate will take place on any representation or statement made. Council may discuss the comments when it formally considers that item of business, debates the matter, and makes a decision on the matter. Three minutes per member of public or organisation.

Please refer to full guidance on public participation at



Five members of the public spoke to agenda item five:

A member of the public said they felt the council was letting the village down walking away from the field.
A member of the public said they felt over the last 20 years the facilities at the recreation ground had been taken apart piece by piece.
A member of the public said that if the council walked away from the pav, the money to pay for a parish office elsewhere would all go to a landlord, rather than to the charity for the recreation ground for all the clubs who use it and residents, and there would be costs to make another place suitable.
A member of the public said it was good to see so many people at the meeting. If the council goes elsewhere, they will be paying more rent than here. They were not sure why the same issue was being brought up that was brought up two years ago. The council, charity, and groups all raised money to get the building up.
A member of the public said did not feel the council was complying with their obligations to serve the community and leaving would come at a cost to the community and negative impact on the well-being of the community.  

FC24/062 5. Agree a process, including community consultation, to consider whether to continue the progression of a lease for the St Andrews Community Centre, following receipt of the rental valuation.

The item was discussed including the background paper. Cllr Waller made an amendment to the ordering of the actions in the proposal whereby it was proposed to instruct the property condition survey and independent feasibility study to be undertaken concurrently, rather than the feasibility study then a condition survey.


The proposal of the process was:

Obtain legal advice and meet with the charity for discussions/negotiations.

Commission a professional condition survey of the community centre


Instruct a consultant to undertake feasibility study into leasing the community centre


a. Scope

b. Existing provision

c. Assessments: Financial, operational, legal, HR, equality, and sustainability

d. Risk

e. Community consultation

f. Roadblocks (e.g. Charity Commission Authority, results of professional survey)

g. Alternative solutions


Obtain legal advice and meet with the charity for discussions/negotiations.

Based on the above, consider if the lease is confirmed to proceed.


Cllr Waller made the above proposal, this was seconded by Cllr J Willox and resolved.

Cllr Hewes did not vote.


The meeting closed at 19.50pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant/clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.


Process Diagram Agreed by Council for Community Centre Lease

Process Diagram