Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
6.30pm Wednesday 17 April 2024
Function Room, St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.
Members Present
Cllrs Barratt, Hillman, and Roberts, Waller (Chair)
Cllr Crump, Cllr Hewes (Resigned)
In Attendance
Zarina Belk, Assistant Clerk
F24/ 043 1. Elect a chair.
Having been proposed (Cllr Robers) and seconded (Cllr Hillman), it was RESOLVED
To elect Cllr Waller as Chair.
F24/044 2. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence.
None received.
F24/045 3. Receive Declarations of Interest as per Localism Act 2011
F24/046 4. Agree to update the Elections Ear Marked Reserve (EMR) for 2024/25 to previously agreed level from General Reserves
Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr Barratt) it was RESOLVED to:
Agree to update the Elections Ear Marked Reserve (EMR) for 2024/25 to previously agreed level from General Reserves.
F24/047 5. Agree to split s106 Ring Fenced Funds (RFF) into two RFF based on their required usage
Having been proposed (Cllr Roberts) and seconded (Cllr Barratt) it was RESOLVED to:
split s106 Ring Fenced Funds (RFF) into two RFF based on their required usage.
F24/048 6 Review the internal auditor report(s) and agree any recommended actions for February (month 12) accounts.
F24/049 7. Annual review of internal auditor in respect of personal independence, financial independence, and professional independence (JPAG 2024, para 4.11)
Having been proposed (Cllr Barratt) and seconded (Cllr Hillman) it was RESOLVED to:
approve the internal auditor in respect of personal independence, financial independence, and professional independence (JPAG 2024, para 4.11)
F24/050 8. Agree the internal audit programme of work, having regard to the authority’s identified risks.
Having been proposed (Cllr Roberts) and seconded (Cllr Barratt) it was RESOLVED:
To adopt the JPAG internal audit programme of work in principle but the committee would like to see it presented in a format more in-line with the previous internal audit report format.
To approve the March 2024 financial reports (month 12):
F24/051 9. Explanations of variances report for income and expenditure and agree virements.
Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr Roberts) it was RESOLVED to:
Note the explanations of variances report for income and expenditure and agree virements.
F24/052 10. Income and expenditure report
Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman), and seconded (Cllr Roberts) it was RESOLVED to:
approve the income and expenditure report for March.
F24/053 11. Verified bank reconciliations and sign the reconciliation and bank statements.
Having been proposed (Cllr Barratt) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED to:
approve the verified bank reconciliations and the chair signed them.
F24/054 12. Income, payments, and transfers reports
Having been proposed (Cllr Roberts) and seconded (Cllr Barratt), it was RESOLVED to:
approve the income, payments, and transfers reports for March.
F24/055 13. Note the play area inspection report.
Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED to:
note the findings and ask the Grounds manager for a plan of action so that it could be monitored.
F24/056 14. Note the meeting action log.
F24/057 15. Approve notes of the finance committee meeting as minutes for 20 March 2024
Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED to:
approve the 20 March 2024 finance committee meeting notes as minutes.
F24/058 16. CLOSED SESSION – Committee to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
Having been proposed (Cllr Barratt) and seconded (Cllr Roberts), it was RESOLVED:
For finance committee to go into closed session.
F24/059 17. Review outstanding sales receipts due and make any recommendations to council.
The meeting closed at 19:30pm
Please be advised these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.
List of Payments
A detailed list of all payments shall be disclosed within, or as an attachment to, the minutes of the meeting at which payment was authorised (Financial Reg 5b).
Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council 2023 / 2024
Coop Everyday Account
List of Payments made between 01/03/24 to 31/03/24
Date Paid Payee Name Amount Paid Transaction Detail
01/03/2024 Screwfix Direct 27.22 masonry bit, handle wallplate
01/03/2024 eracco Estelle Wells Ltd 44.34 brown rock salt
01/03/2024 Amazon 21.65 A4 copy paper
01/03/2024 West Lindsey District Council 28.16 Recycling collection Mar 24
04/03/2024 Smarty 5.4 010324 to 310324
05/03/2024 Amazon 24.46 A4 folders label cards
05/03/2024 Cooperative Bank 7.5 Commission
05/03/2024 Cooperative Bank 10 Service Charge
05/03/2024 Cooperative Bank 1.9 Fee Delat Card Purchases
06/03/2024 One Stop Convenience Store 3.1 milk
06/03/2024 Xero (UK) Ltd 18 040324 to 030424
06/03/2024 Safety Gloves 30.54 A120 Black PU Palm Gloves
07/03/2024 L.A.B Plannign Services Ltd 2440 march invoice
07/03/2024 Lincoln Security Limited 32 padlock
08/03/2024 Tesco Mobile Ltd 15.99 230124 to 220324
11/03/2024 Lincolnsh. Association of Loca 198 Annual Training Fee 24/25
11/03/2024 LCS IT Solutions 18 Data Destruction & Certificate
11/03/2024 PEARSONS NURSERY LTD 92.96 Plants
11/03/2024 Nicholsons 156 Bookkeeping support
11/03/2024 Kram Contract Cleaning Ltd 912.6 Cleaning
12/03/2024 Fields in Trust 4800 Deed of Termination
12/03/2024 Saxilby Cricket Club 200 Sec 137 grant Balls
12/03/2024 One Stop Convenience Store 3.1 milk
13/03/2024 Amazon 7.99 blue rolls hand towel
13/03/2024 Post Office 3.45 Stamps
14/03/2024 Nest 427.64 Pensions January ER -
14/03/2024 Facebook seller 50 Cash for sideboard
15/03/2024 West Lindsey District Council 665 150523 TO 150524
15/03/2024 Chandlers Oil 737.64 Diesel Fuel
15/03/2024 Spaldings 86.4 bulbs fuses
15/03/2024 Foss Focus 186.9 Foss Focus
15/03/2024 Kram Contract Cleaning Ltd 912.6 cleaning February
15/03/2024 Amazon 13.74 A4 hard backed envelopes
15/03/2024 Tesco Mobile Ltd 69.23 010224 to 290224
15/03/2024 ACE Shelters Ltd 7414 Man and isntall bus shelter
19/03/2024 Smarty 5.4 March mobile
20/03/2024 British Telecom 58.4 010324 to 310324
21/03/2024 Engie Power Ltd 107.58 150224 TO 290224
21/03/2024 Engie Power Ltd 524.05 150224 TO 290224
21/03/2024 B&B Tractors 76.28 locking pliers helmet
21/03/2024 Sefe Energy -560.9 010124 to 020124
22/03/2024 Bright Spark Electrical 2338.8 LED for toilets and changing
22/03/2024 Cooperative Bank 6 Title register 1000004709756
22/03/2024 Bright Spark Electrical 145 P/Ledger Electronic Payment
24/03/2024 PPL 253.2 music licence
25/03/2024 Engie Power Ltd 130.84 150224 to 290224
25/03/2024 Engie Power Ltd 448.7 010224 to 290224
25/03/2024 Anglian Water 209.5 100923 to 090324
25/03/2024 Stallard Kane Associates Ltd 275 health and safety emp law
25/03/2024 Amazon 3.89 Fuses not delivered
26/03/2024 MORRISONS 77.1 unleaded 50.10 L
26/03/2024 Speedy Asset 153.92 Power washer hire
27/03/2024 David Oglivie Engineering 2740.8 Benches
27/03/2024 Draper Memorials 1440 Repairs to headstones
27/03/2024 Lincoln Security 456 alarm 100324 to 090325
27/03/2024 The Play Inspection Company 666 Outdoor annual inspections
27/03/2024 Society of Local Council Clerk 72 training agendas minutes
27/03/2024 LCS IT Solutions 300 300324 to 290325 PSTN
27/03/2024 Naturescape Wildflowers LLP 40.99 mixed seed mixture
27/03/2024 Lincolnsh. Association of Loca 78 Training inspection only
27/03/2024 Amazon 19.74 masonary paint
27/03/2024 Speedy Asset -153.92 Power washer
27/03/2024 Hewlett Packard 25.49 240224 TO 240324
27/03/2024 Safety Gloves 15.78 Waterfront PPE flexo gloves
27/03/2024 Bright Spark Electrical 174 remove heater, replace switch
28/03/2024 Staff 9270.16 March wages
28/03/2024 Internal Audit 123.45 March Audit
28/03/2024 HMRC 2401.97 PAYE - March - ER - NI -
28/03/2024 Amazon 7.78 masonory paint
28/03/2024 Amazon 9.29 paint brushes
28/03/2024 B & Q 17.35 paint , LED bulb
28/03/2024 Andrew World Joinery 40 supply and fix handle meet rm
28/03/2024 Sefe Energy 100.78 010224 to 140224