
Full Council Meeting Minutes Wednesday 7 April 2021 at 7.00pm

Under the Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meeting) (England) Regulations 2020, this meeting was held by video conference.


Members Present:

Cllrs Brown, Cotton (arrived 7.03pm), Harper, Hillman, Ives, Spurr, I Willox and J Willox 



Cllrs Ashton-Derry and Crump


In Attendance:

Elaine Atkin, Parish Clerk 

Jackie Brockway, District & County Councillor

There were 3 members of the public in attendance.


Cllr Hillman (Vice Chairman) took the Chair to start the meeting.


Public Questions

A Councillor flagged up that overgrown bushes are obscuring vision when turning right out of Skellingthorpe Road onto the A57 again.  Jackie Brockway agreed to report this. 


Full Council Meeting

085/21 To elect a Chairman, following the resignation of Paul Stafford

Cllr Ives proposed Cllr Cotton. There were no other proposals, and this was resolved.

Cllr Cotton took over the Chair. The Declaration of Office as Chairman form will be signed offline.


086/21 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies and a valid reason had been received from Cllrs Ashton-Derry and Crump. It was resolved to accept these.


087/21 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Cotton declared a personal interest in agenda item 9 (minute 093/21).


088/21 To approve the notes of the Full Council meeting held on 3 March 2021 and the Extra Ordinary Full Council meeting on 24 March 2021 and the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

Cllr Hillman proposed, and these were resolved.


089/21 To note the meeting action log

Cllr Hillman noted that goalpost inspections will need picking up due to staff absence (action 010/21).

Cllr Ives noted the latest Government update regarding Covid and re-opening Community Centres will need reviewing (in relation to action 061/21).

The Action Log was noted.


090/21 To consider co-option applications for three vacancies, caused by the resignation of Peter Hewes, Paul Stafford and Richie Bell:

Vacancy 1: Vacancy following the resignation of Peter Hewes

Two candidates stood for the position. Cllr Ives proposed that Ben Loryman is co-opted to this position and this was resolved.


Vacancy 2: Vacancy following the resignation of Paul Stafford

Cllr Cotton proposed that David Kenny is co-opted to this position and this was resolved.

Both were welcomed to the Council and told arrangements would be made to sign their Declaration of Acceptance of Office, after which, they would formally become Councillors.

The Clerk confirmed that the vacancy following the resignation of Richie Bell was also up for co-option, and we should hear from WLDC next week whether the vacancy following the resignation of Shiela Hughes could also be co-opted.


091/21 To approve expenditure above specified limits, as per Financial Regulations

It was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved to approve the expenditure above specified limits. 


092/21 To agree new bank signatories

It was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved, to add on Cllr Hillman (Vice Chairman) and Chair of Finance Committee (to be agreed) to bank signatories; to add the Assistant Clerk to the Unity Trust Account; to remove ex-Councillors; and to contact HSBC to see if the first year’s free banking could be extended as we were unable to make use of this due to issues accessing the new account, compounded by Covid. 


093/21 To agree to become a member of BRAMM (British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons)

This was proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved.


094/21 To agree to commission an external contractor to do a tree inspection audit, as part of the Council’s annual asset review

Cllr Cotton closed the meeting (7.27pm) to ask Jackie Brockway for contact details to help determine which trees fall under the responsibility of WLDC and LCC.

Cllr Cotton re-opened the meeting (7.31pm).

Cllr Cotton proposed and it was resolved that an external contractor is commissioned, with three quotes being obtained if possible.


095/21 To ratify Cllr Harper and Cllr Brown’s membership of committees

It was resolved that Cllr Harper would sit on Planning, Finance and Personnel Committees and Cllr Brown on Planning and Personnel Committees. Cllr Harper indicated he would like to join the Bridge Street Working Group.


To agree to approve the following documents:


096/21 Standing Orders

Defer to May meeting. 


097/21 Complaints Procedure

Defer to May meeting. 


098/21 Vexatious Complaints Procedure

Defer to May meeting. (This is likely to be included as part of the Complaints Procedure).


099/21 Handling of Freedom of Information Requests Policy

This document has already been approved at March Full Council.


100/21 Wellbeing Policy

This document was aimed at employees and there was some discussion whether there needed to be equivalent provision for Councillors and volunteers. Cllr Cotton proposed, and it was resolved to approve this document, and then investigate options for Councillors and volunteers. (District Council has a shadow set of documents which covers Councillors).


101/21 Saxilby Bullying and Harassment Policy 

It was requested that reference is made to the Code of Conduct and cross-reference to other associated policies.

Cllr Cotton proposed and it was resolved to approve this Policy with the amendments as above.


102/21 Grievance Procedure  

It was requested that section 5 is re-worded, and that reference is made to the Code of Conduct and WLDC Monitoring Officer.

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to approve the document with the amendments above. 


To note: 


103/21 Resignations of Peter Hewes, Paul Stafford, Richie Bell and Shiela Hughes 

Update noted. Thanks were passed to these ex-Councillors for their contributions.


104/21 MUGA update, including any initial feedback on draft plans

Cllr J Willox confirmed that a public consultation on the MUGA is due to be launched tomorrow.

The update was noted.


105/21 Bridge Street Update

Comments were made about the amount of litter being generated around local businesses and it was confirmed there were plans to encourage such businesses to arrange litter picks in the immediate vicinity of their premises.

The update was noted.


106/21 Communications Lead Update



107/21 Cricket Update

It was clarified that the initial focus was to be on junior teams, however a longer-term aim was to get adult teams back.

The update was noted.


108/21 Fire Update

Cllr Spurr noted a recent visit around the Community Centre, which was looking good after the reinstatement works, especially the library.

The update was noted.


109/21 Contribution from Taylor Wimpey towards the Church Road replacement bus shelter (near Church Lane junction)

It was confirmed that the Parish Council had formally acknowledged this contribution.

The update was noted.


110/21 Contributions from Chiselwood and WLDC towards Bridge Street noticeboard  

Cllr Cotton declared an interest in this item as part of the funds had come from his WLDD Councillor Initiative Fund. 

It was confirmed that the Parish Council had formally acknowledged these contributions.

The update was noted.


111/21 Feedback on one complaint 

Council noted that in relation to a complaint made last year, one apology was made, and one apology was not made. Both people concerned are no longer on the Council.


112/21 Resident concern about speeding in the village 

It was noted that there was an agenda item planned for May’s meeting around Community Speedwatch, and the resident was to be updated accordingly. A suggestion was made to Jackie Brockway whether the 30MPH speed limit sign could be moved beyond the Queensway junction on Mill Lane as the current sign can be ‘lost’ when turning into Mill Lane off the A57.


113/21 Summary of Meetings Held

Cllr J Willox confirmed that a meeting held with the Assistant Clerk and cricket organisation was not on the list.



Cllr Cotton closed the meeting (8.23pm) to enable Jackie Brockway to speak.

Jackie gave an update on the recent flooding of back gardens in the Rosehill Close area and passed on thanks to the Grounds Manager and Clerk in helping the Highways Officer to investigate, even though this was not a Parish Council or Highways issue. A blockage has now been removed but there is still concern over future flooding. WLDC are helping and it was suggested that Anglian Water will need to be involved.

Jackie also mentioned a resident who cuts the grass and does general grounds maintenance in the Daubeney Estate area, who is asking for financial help towards extra bins for this waste. Unfortunately, WLDC and the Parish Council are unable to help and there was a suggestion that the local residents who are benefitting from this, might want to contribute.

 Cllr Cotton re-opened the meeting (8.28pm).


114/21 CLOSED SESSION – Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following items on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved to go into closed session.

The members of the public and Jackie Brockway left the meeting.


To consider and approve the following quotes:

115/21 Mill Lane LED lights

Deferred to May meeting. 


116/21 MUGA ground investigation works

Cllr J Willox proposed, and it was resolved, as per the recommendation, that the quotes are put forward to the architect and for the architect to select the most appropriate contractor to meet the requirements of the works, whilst providing value for money


117/21 Memorial field roundabout drainage and surfacing works to allow roundabout to be brought back into use

Deferred to May meeting.


118/21 To receive feedback from the annual HR audit

Cllr Cotton noted thanks to the Clerks for achieving the high compliance score. The report was noted.


119/21 To receive the Bar and Centre Staff update and agree actions if required

Cllr Cotton proposed and it was resolved, to continue with furlough, pending completion of the consultation process for those staff affected.


120/21 To note a staffing matter and recommended actions and to agree delegation where required

The update was noted. Cllr Cotton proposed and it was resolved to give delegated authority to members of the Personnel Committee and the Clerk, with 2 members of the Personnel Committee and the Clerk required as a minimum for any decisions; Chairman and Vice Chairman to be substitutes in the event there are insufficient Personnel Committee members available; and that any decisions are to be reported back to the next Full Council meeting.


121/21 To agree cleaner’s job specification and job description

Amendments were suggested regarding the boater facilities at Bridge Street, requirement for some weekend working, and noting the extra requirements due to Covid restrictions.

Cllr Ives proposed, and it was resolved to accept the job specification and description with the amendments as above, and that the role will only be advertised externally if there is no internal interest.


122/21 To review the latest cashflow report

This was noted.


The meeting closed at 9.04pm.

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.