
Full Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 6.45pm

Under the Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meeting) (England) Regulations 2020, this meeting was held by video conference.

Members Present:

Cllrs Ashton Derry, Bell, Broxholme, Cavill, Cotton, Crump, Hewes, Hillman, Hughes, Stafford (Chairman), I Willox and J Willox 


Cllrs Ives and Spurr

In Attendance:

Elaine Atkin, Parish Clerk 

There were no members of the public in attendance.


Public Questions

There were none.

Cllr Cavill joined the meeting at 6:52pm.


Full Council Meeting

208/20 Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Stafford confirmed this was the last Full Council for the year and thanked all for their hard work in 2020.


209/20 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

There were no apologies from Parish Councillors. LCC and District Councillor Jackie Brockway had sent her apologies.

It was clarified that Cllrs Broxholme and Cotton would be joining the meeting shortly.


210/20 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Ashton Derry declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 11 (minute ref 218/20).


211/20 To approve the notes of the Full Council meeting held on 4th November 2020 and the Extra-Ordinary Full Council meeting held on 11th November 2020 and the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

Cllr Hughes proposed, and it was resolved to approve the minutes from 4th November.

Cllr Bell proposed, and it was resolved to approve the minutes from 11th November.


212/20 Clerk’s Report – to note the meeting action log

The updated Action Log was noted.

Cllr Cotton joined the meeting - 7:00pm.

Cllr Broxholme joined the meeting – 7:03pm.


At this point the local Police Team (PC Rachel Harrison and PCSO Glenn Patchett) joined the meeting and the Chairman suspended proceedings to allow a discussion on the Police Community Initiative and Community Speed Watch.

Community Speed Watch

This is volunteer-led and requires a minimum of 3 people, who will be issued with a speed gun and hi-vis. The group would select an area/location to monitor (this must be agreed with the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership – LRSP, as there are specific criteria which must be met). Details of any vehicles exceeding the speed limit are recorded and passed on to LRSP who then contact the registered keeper. Repeat offenders (who are caught more than 3 times) then receive a visit from the police.

It was agreed to consider this at a future Full Council meeting.

Community Initiative

Local police team would like to get out in the community more and attend local events, coffee mornings etc. Council were asked if they would be willing to make the Community Centre available (post-Covid) so the police could be available at set times each month, to reach out to the young people in the village.

The police are also in the process of producing a video about lock snap burglaries and Council agreed to post this on our social media once it’s ready.

Cllr Hillman asked for a meeting with the police and Canal and River Trust, about anti-social behaviour near the canal.

The Police were thanked for their updates and left the meeting – 7:20pm. Cllr Stafford re-opened the meeting (agenda item 6).


213/20 To consider and agree the:

a. Process for community consultation on Council priorities, services and facilities

The draft survey was discussed. The intention is for hard copies to be delivered to all residents before the New Year (as well as the survey being available online). Cllr Hewes proposed, and it was resolved, to feed back any comments on the survey questions to officers and the Communications group to finalise prior to printing.

b. Bar proposal project

It was confirmed that this project is linked to and will run in parallel to the community consultation. Councillors queried the potential timescales flagged up if a fundamental change to the bar operating model is subsequently decided. Cllr Hughes proposed, and it was resolved, to accept the proposal to manage this work under a formal project.


214/20 To agree an additional member to sit on the Planning Committee

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved, for Cllr Crump to join the Committee. 


215/20 To elect the Memorial Field Trustees and agree attendance by Trustees and/or representation from the Parish Council at the upcoming Trustee AGM

Cllr Hughes fed back on the recent Trustees meeting, where she was the only Parish Council representative in attendance. Cllr Stafford proposed, and it was resolved, that Cllrs Hughes and Hewes become trustees, and that Cllr Stafford would attend the AGM.


216/20 To consider a request by Saxilby Nature Project

Cllr Hughes volunteered to sit on the Saxilby Nature Project committee. It was confirmed that the Parish Council was unable to hold funding on the Project’s behalf.


217/20 To review and agree the:

a. Complaints Procedure

Following Councillor feedback on this document Cllr Stafford proposed and it was resolved to defer this to February Full Council meeting.

b. Standing Orders

The Clerk explained that there was a new model template available which would require further review. This was deferred to February Full Council meeting.

c. Training and Development Policy

Following Councillor feedback on this document Cllr Cavill proposed and it was resolved to defer this to February Full Council meeting.

Cllr Hughes briefly left the meeting at 8:08pm and returned at 8:09pm.

d. Social Media Policy

The Clerk re-iterated best practice that Councillors should have a separate Facebook account when posting as a Councillor. Cllr Stafford proposed, and it was resolved to accept this document and review again in June.

218/20 To approve expenditure above specified limits, as per Financial Regulations

This was proposed by Cllr Hewes and resolved. Cllr Ashton Derry abstained.


219/20 To agree to continue with the LCC Parish Agreement Scheme (amenity grass cutting) for 2021-22

This was proposed by Cllr Hewes and resolved.


220/20 To note the:

a. Update on the Fire Restoration at the Community Centre

b. Bridge Street Working Group update and agree funding application

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to approve the funding application.

c. MUGA Working Group update

d.Comms Lead update

e.Update on Legionella Risk Assessment Report actions

f.Update on annual play area and football pitch inspection actions

g.List of meetings held by Councillors and officers in November

Items a – g were noted.


221/20 Closed Session – Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) act 1960 for the following items, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Ashton Derry and resolved to go into closed session. 


222/20 Bar and Centre Staff Update and agree actions if required

Cllr Bell proposed, and it was resolved to accept recommendations regarding furlough and flexible furlough.


223/20 To note the Staffing Matter Update

Cllr Bell gave a verbal update, which was noted.

Cllr Crump gave his apologies and left the meeting – 8:43pm.


224/20 To review the latest Cashflow report

Cllr Hewes noted that this was the October report, and a new report would be available for Finance Committee next week.


225/20 To consider and agree quotes for works associated with the Legionnaires Risk Assessment

Cllr Hewes proposed, and it was resolved, to go with the quote from MA Solutions, and for officers to sort out quotes for the dead leg removal.


The meeting closed at 8:51pm.