
Full Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 7 December 2022 at 7.00pm at St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby. 


Members Present:

Cllrs Ashton Derry, Cotton, Crump, Harper, Hewes, Hillman, Mann, Meanwell, Spurr, I Willox, J Willox, and Waller





Not present:



In Attendance:

Lydia Hopton, Clerk

Zarina Belk, Assistant Clerk

There were five members of the public in attendance.


Public Questions

A member of the public made a comment regarding agenda item 7b (Ref 262/22b) noting the memorial garden volunteers use the tennis club electricity and would this be an issue? It was clarified that this wouldn’t be an issue in relation to the item.

A member of the public requested to speak regarding item 262/22g.



256/22 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting



257/22 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Ashton Derry agenda items 6a (Ref 261/22a) and 12 (Ref 267/22) - pecuniary interests 

Cllr Cotton agenda items 9c (Ref 264/22c) and 11 (Ref 266/22) personal interests 

Cllr Hillman 6c pecuniary interest (Ref 261/22a)

Cllr Meanwell item 7b (Ref 262/22b), 9d (Ref 264/22d), and 9e (Ref 264/22e) - other registerable interests


258/22 Approve the notes Full Council on 2 November 2022, and the chair to sign them as the agreed minutes

Cllr Hillman proposed the minutes with two amendments - Agenda item Ref 249/22b - Cllr Hewes committee membership did not include Saxilby Waterfront Working Group. Agenda item Ref 254/22 – reworded to “Cllr Mann proposed for the work be undertaken.”  The ammended minutes were resolved. 


259/22 To note the meeting action log



260/22 To approve the:

a. Councillor-officer protocol (V2) based on an updated protocol from the national Civility and Respect Project 

It was noted some bullet point formatting required updating – clerk to action. 

Cllr Hillman proposed the protocol. This was resolved.


b. Standing Orders and consider including the rules of debate section 

Defer to clarify para 1e-h so it refers more specifically to public question time and bring back to Full Council along with the rules of debate section. 


c. Terms of Reference

Cllr Hillman proposed the Terms of Reference. This was resolved.


d. The media and social media policy and note the social media civility and respect guide and policy supplement 

Council noted the Social Media Civility and Respect Guide and Policy Supplement.

Cllr Harper proposed the media and social media policy. This was resolved. 

It was requested some consistent wording is drafted by the clerk and shared with councillors for if councillors choose to use social media and respond to comments e.g. to “identify myself as a councillor but this comment is made as an individual”. Clerk to action.

An agenda item was requested for full council to discuss adding a statement to the social media channels to provide timelines for a response and to consider the council’s responsiveness on social media.


261/22 Finance and risk

a. To approve expenditure above specified limits, as per Financial Regulations

Cllr Cotton proposed the items of expenditure. This was resolved.

Cllr Cotton queried the necessity of including regular payment items and whether they could be delegated for approval whilst maintaining transparency by continuing to add the payments to the website on a monthly basis. It was agreed the clerk would look into this to ensure legislative requirements could be met and then add to a future agenda.  


b. To review the draft budget and provide feedback as part of the budget setting process 

Move budget from red diesel to white diesel heading

It was requested to add headings to the top of each page 

The potential costs of the burial ground remedial works require further consideration

It was raised that the Christmas Tree Lights Switch On and Waterfront Festival events budget will not cover the entire event costs. It was noted the council’s current position is to minimise any precept changes and if council seeks to increase the provision in this budget, budget will need to be removed from other areas.  


20.03pm Cllr Hillman left the room 


c. Reimburse expenses for village plants for Cllr Hillman 

Cllr Meanwell proposed the expenses of £35.95. It was resolved.


20.04pm Cllr Cotton left the room 

20.04pm Cllr Hillman returned 

20.06pm Cllr Cotton returned 


262/22 Recreation ground and community centre

Cllr Meanwell declared an interest.

a. Fire risk assessment for the community centre 



b. To receive a project update including reviewing the latest project list and agree the following actions regarding the management of the recreation ground: 


1. To agree to add water meters to the bowls and tennis facility feeds

Cllr Hewes proposed to add water meters to the bowls and tennis facility feeds. This was resolved. 


2. To agree to add electric meters to the bowls and tennis facility feed

Cllr Aston Derry proposed to add the two internal meters to the two bowls feeds. This was resolved. 


No action was required in relation to the tennis meter as it has been established, they have a separate feed.

263/22 To approve a planning committee recommendation to apply for Locality funding for the neighbourhood development plan review, utilising the services of a planner 

Cllr Hillman proposed to apply for Locality funding to enable the neighbourhood plan review. This was resolved.


264/22 Community 

a. To receive an update on the community speed watch project and agree items for expenditure 

Council noted the verbal update by the assistant clerk. 

Cllr Cotton proposed to agree the items for expenditure in table one of the background report. This was resolved.

A councillor requested the smiley SID is put up on Mill Lane – clerks to request police put it up. 

It was noted the SID on the A57 is not displaying correctly – assistant clerk to report.


b. To receive a Saxilby Waterfront update and agree actions

Council received the update. Cllr Hillman proposed the following actions contained within the background paper:


i. Full Council to approve the recommendation from Saxilby Waterfront Working Group (SWWG) that the parish council sets up a separate Saxilby Waterfront Volunteers Facebook. 

Cllr Aston Derry proposed agreeing the item in principle, with more detail being required. 

It was noted Instagram and Twitter are not covered by this proposal, are these to be covered? 

Further discussion regarding the process is required. A phased approach, tied into the completion of the council project, based on the Masterplan, and moving over to an independent Waterfront Group being set-up to maintain the improvements was suggested. The separate group could then take over responsibility for comms for the group.


ii. Full Council to approve the recommendation from SWWG that the last volunteer day for 2022 was November and volunteer days will commence March 2023. 

Cllr Ashton Derry proposed the item. This was resolved. 


iii. Full Council to approve the recommendation from SWWG that the Waterfront Festival 2023 will be held on Sunday 2 July and a Waterfront Festival sub-group will oversee the planning of the festival with council approval (as per Terms of Reference). 

Cllr Ashton Derry proposed the item. This was resolved. 


c. To note burial ground headstone remedial costs and agree to a burial ground surplus cost to be added to the burial fees for 2023/24 onwards 

Deferred. Add to next council agenda.


d. To support, consider, and agree charges to cover floodlight usage for the basketball court/MUGA area

Cllr Hewes proposed the council charge each football team using the facility a minimum charge of £5 per month for up to 10 hours and £0.40 per hour thereafter for any additional hours used. This was resolved with one abstention (Cllr Meanwell).


e. To consider and agree interim grounds maintenance charges for football teams using the recreation ground 

Cllr Mann proposed the following fees are charged for teams playing at the recreation ground for the 2022/23 season to contribute towards pitch maintenance costs. £525.00 per team playing on the senior 11-a-side pitch. £364.00 per team playing on a pitch under the 11-a-side pitch size at the recreation ground. This was resolved with one abstention (Cllr Meanwell).


f. To provide feedback on the draft rental agreement for football teams using Mill Lane 

Council noted the draft agreement and supported sharing the draft with the football teams prior to the forthcoming joint meetings with the teams and to bring back a final draft for sign off.


g. To receive an update on the library warm space and respond to an offer of support from local organisations

A verbal update was received from the clerk.


21.00pm meeting closed to allow an organisation to speak on the matter.

21.07pm meeting re-opened

Cllr Harper proposed a meeting is arranged with interested organisations to progress support available in the community. This was resolved. 

Cllr Hewes, Meanwell, Crump, Ashton Derry, Spurr, and Cotton all offered to be involved in supporting the initiative.


21.09pm four members of the public left.

21.09pm Cllr Harper left.


265/22 CLOSED SESSION – Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Cllr Ashton Derry proposed council went into closed session. This was resolved.


21.10pm Cllr Harper returned 


266/22 To approve a quote for a planner for the NDP review (in-line with financial regulation 11aii)

Cllr Hillman proposed the quote. It was resolved.


21.15pm Cllr Ashton Derry left 

21.15pm The clerks left the room 


267/22 To note the now agreed national 2022/23 pay rates and approve back pay due to applicable staff members  

Cllr Cotton proposed and it was resolved to approve the backpay due.


21.20pm The clerks returned.


The meeting closed at 21.24pm


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant/clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.