
Full Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 2 February 2022 at 7.00pm at St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby. 


Members Present:

Cllrs Hillman (chair for the meeting), Ashton Derry, Crump, Harper, Mann, Saunders, Spurr, J Willox.


Cllrs Cotton, Ives and I Willox.


In Attendance:

Elaine Atkin, Parish Clerk 

Debbie Johnson, Assistant Clerk

There were six members of public in attendance.


Public Questions

The following comments were made:

  • A member of the public briefed council on a plan to fund a defibrillator to be housed on a property in The Paddocks, over 55’s housing, and asked council for support, specifically for the ongoing maintenance of the defibrillator. (As per agenda item 8 – minute 031/22).
  • Request for support from the council to take on a new Platinum Jubilee commemorative bench, to be purchased with funds raised by the Saxilby Mystery Group and Saxilby Monday Craft Club and installed at Oaklands.
  • No response received yet to a question asked at a previous meeting by the memorial field trustees regarding the answer the parish council made to a question on the Annual Return.
  • Confirmation from the memorial field trustees that as per the Charity Commission advice, there is an obligation to submit annual accounts for the memorial field.
  • Confirmation that there used to be a bench outside Oaklands in commemoration of Dr MacPhail. This was removed due to anti-social behaviour and then put near the village sign. It was subsequently removed for refurbishment by the grounds team. Is this still around and if so, could it be used elsewhere in the village?
  • What progress is being made as regards the bar? The resident stated they had previously rung the office.
  • There have always been 10 memorial field trustees in the past but now there are no parish council trustees. Will a meeting between the parish council and the trustees take place?
  • Noted that the council has receive its legal advice as regards the issue raised by the memorial field trustees, but this has not been made public yet. A discussion is taking place in closed session tonight. Can council please clarify which of the three legal reasons for having an item in closed session applies to this agenda item (item 28 – minute 051/22). Comment that the parish council is ignoring procedures.
  • The memorial field trustees have updated the indenture and intend to bring it up to date. They hope that the council will get involved. The trustees will continue with the plan as shared with the Charity Commission. The trustees are supportive of the cricket plans however there is currently a blocker. Councillors are required on the trustees board. The council should not represent itself as a charity (sole managing trustee).

5 members of the public left the meeting (7:15pm).


Full Council Meeting

025/22 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies and a valid reason for absence had been received from Cllrs Cotton, Ives and I Willox and these were accepted.


026/22 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Crump declared a personal non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 8 (minute 031/22).

Cllr Ashton Derry declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 6 (minute 029/22).


027/22 To approve the notes of the Full Council meeting held on 5 January 2022, and the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

These were proposed by Cllr Mann and resolved. 


028/22 To consider co-option application(s)

No applications had been received. 


028/22 To note the meeting Action Log

The action log was noted.


029/22 To approve expenditure above specified limits, as per Financial Regulations

There was a query regarding the cleaning invoice, which is to be investigated.

The expenditure approval was proposed by Cllr Crump and resolved. Cllr Ashton Derry abstained.


030/22 To consider a S.137 grant for 2022-23 from Citizens Advice Lindsey

Cllr Spurr proposed a grant of £100 be awarded, and this was resolved.


031/22 To agree to work with WLDC to explore the possibility of installing a defibrillator at the north end of the village

Cllr Spurr proposed, and it was resolved to work with WLDC to explore this possibility.

The member of public was thanked for their kind offer to host the defibrillator.

Cllr Spurr offered to donate £100 towards the ongoing maintenance of the defibrillator. 


032/22 To approve Committee Terms of Reference V4.3

Cllr Harper proposed, and this was resolved.


033/22 To review bank signatories and agree amendments, in light of a risk highlighted by the internal auditor

Cllr Ashton Derry proposed, and it was resolved to remove any signatories now left, add the Assistant Clerk to the Unity Trust account, and add on Cllrs Hillman, I Willox and Crump to all accounts.


034/22 To receive the annual Health & Safety Compliance Audit, and updated Health & Safety documents, and agree actions required 

A query was raised regarding the COSHH cabinet requirements as flagged in the report, and the Clerk was asked to clarify with the advisor.

Cllr Mann proposed, and it was resolved to receive the report and focus attention on the high priority items and report back to Council each month as regards progress.

Receipt of the Health & Safety Policy was deferred to March.


035/22 To agree to formalise the Communication Group

Deferred and to be put back on the agenda at a later date.


To note updates on:

036/22 Meetings held in January

Update noted.

The Clerks were requested to provide ‘Saxilby Parish Council’ signage for those councillors attending the monthly market.

Cllr Ashton Derry had to leave the meeting (8:00pm).


037/22 Correspondence received in January

Update noted. It was confirmed that key social media enquiries would be added on.


038/22 Latest crime reports

Update noted. 


039/22 Saxilby and District MUGA 

A verbal update was given and noted.


040/22 Bridge Street Working Group and agree actions

The update was noted.

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to apply for Queens’ Platinum Jubilee funding for refurbishment of the mosaic and the fish artwork for the footbridge.

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to fund replacement street signs for the Conservation Area featuring the Waterfront logo, from the Bridge Street project budget.

Cllr Hillman also requested help from more volunteers for the Waterfront Festival.


041/22 Communications lead 

Update noted. 


042/22 Cricket, and ratify approval of expenditure on the cricket boundary risk assessment 

The update was noted.

Cllr J Willox proposed, and it was resolved to ratify approval of the ball strike risk assessment.


043/22 Bar outsourcing 

The update was noted. 


The remaining member of the public left the meeting (8:18pm).


044/22 CLOSED SESSION – Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following items on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Spurr and resolved to go into closed session.


045/22 To confirm cost for village signage (St Botolph’s Gate green space to the rear, Mill Lane sports field, MacPhail green space)

The costs were noted.

Cllr J Willox proposed, and it was resolved to ask for local business sponsorship, update the quote if it has expired, report on the latest CiL position and feed all this back at the March meeting. 


046/22 To ratify a decision to proceed with electrical works at Mill Lane and St Andrews Community Centre, taken under emergency powers due to Health & Safety issues

It was proposed by Cllr Mann and resolved to ratify the decision.


047/22 To review quotes for a Fire Risk Assessment

Cllr J Willox proposed, and it was resolved to commission First Call Risk Assessments.


048/22 To review quotes for Bridge Street road closure for the Waterfront Festival

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to go with the quotes from Chevron for the road closure and Security 4 for the marshalls.


049/22 To review quotes for tree works

Cllr Spurr proposed, and it was resolved to accept two quotes.

Cllr Crump proposed, and it was resolved to commission Welton Tree Services for the top three priority items and see whether this work could be split before and after April, accepting potential constraints of nesting season. Cllr J Willox abstained.

Cllr Crump proposed and it was resolved for the grounds team to pick up the lowest priority.


050/22 To discuss a burial matter and agree actions

Cllr Mann proposed, and it was resolved to agree actions as per the recommendations.


051/22 To agree actions following legal advice regarding an issue raised by the Memorial Field trustees

Cllr Harper proposed, and it was resolved to agree the council’s stance, share our legal advice with the trustees and to arrange a meeting as discussed. Cllr Saunders abstained.


The meeting closed at 9:38pm.

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.