
Wednesday 6th January 2021 at 7.30pm

Under the Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meeting) (England) Regulations 2020, this meeting was held by video conference.


Members Present:

Cllrs Bell, Crump, Hewes, Hillman, Hughes, Ives, Stafford (Chairman), I Willox and J Willox 


Cllrs Ashton Derry, Cotton and Spurr

In Attendance:

Elaine Atkin, Parish Clerk 

There were no members of the public in attendance.


Public Questions

Cllr Ives asked if lockdown would have any impact on residents being able to return completed surveys. It was confirmed that residents could post at the collection point whilst taking their daily exercise, but we could also arrange Covid-safe collection as required.


Full Council Meeting

001/21 Chairman’s Welcome, including priorities for 2021

Cllr Stafford shared the draft priorities for 2021 and asked for feedback, prior to approval at February’s meeting.


002/21 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies and a valid reason had been received from Cllrs Ashton Derry and Cotton and these were accepted.


003/21 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

There were none.


004/21To approve the notes of the Full Council meeting held on 2nd December and the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

Cllr Hillman confirmed that (minute 220/20) a meeting had been requested with the Chair of the MUGA Working Group and Assistant Clerk, to ensure there is no conflict of funding applications. Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to approve to minutes with that amendment.


005/21 Clerk’s Report – to note the meeting action log

The updated Action Log was noted.


006/21 To agree the 2021-22 budget and the 2021-22 final precept submission to WLDC

The budget and precept submission of £207,460 (3% increase on Band D) was proposed by Cllr Hewes and resolved.

It was agreed that Cllrs Stafford, Hewes and Hughes would sign the precept form and return to the Clerk for signature and submission.


007/21 To agree to contact the Memorial Field trustees and Field in Trust regarding progression of the wheeled park and MUGA projects

This was proposed by Cllr Stafford and resolved.


008/21 To agree expenditure above specified limits, as per Financial Regulations

This was proposed by Cllr Crump and resolved.


009/21 To consider a S.137 grant funding request for 2021-22

Cllr Hughes proposed a contribution of £100 and this was resolved.


010/21 To note the:

a. Councillor resignation 

Confirmed that we now officially have 2 vacancies.

b. Update on the Fire Restoration at the Community Centre


c. Bridge Street Working Group update

d. MUGA Working Group update

e. Communications update

f. Update on Legionella Risk Assessment Report Actions

Clerk to seek advice from our H&S Advisor regarding a written scheme.

g. Update on annual play area and football pitch inspection actions, including update on the play are inspection process

Cllr Hillman asked who does the goalpost inspections when the Grounds Manager is on leave.

h. List of meetings held by Councillors and officers in December

i. Update on the residents’ consultation

360 online responses so far.

All updates noted.


011/21 Closed Session – Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) act 1960 for the following items, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Hughes and resolved to go into closed session. 


012/21 Bar and Centre Staff Update and agree actions if required

Cllr Bell gave a verbal update, which was noted. 


013/21 To note the Staffing Matter Update

Cllr Bell gave a verbal update, which was noted.


014/21 To review the latest Cashflow report



The meeting closed at 8:24 pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.