
Full Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 2 June 2021 at 7.00pm

St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby


Members Present:

Cllrs Brown, Cotton (arrived 7:23pm), Crump, Harper (arrived 7:06pm), Hillman, Loryman, I Willox and J Willox (arrived 7:17pm)



Cllrs Ashton Derry, Ives, Kenny and Spurr


In Attendance:

Elaine Atkin, Parish Clerk 

There were no members of the public in attendance.


Cllr Hillman (Vice Chair) took the chair for the meeting.


Public Questions

There were none.


Full Council Meeting

167/21 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies and a valid reason for absence had been received from Cllrs Ashton Derry, Ives, Kenny and Spurr and these were accepted. The following Councillors had given advance apologies for being late, due to training commitments: Cllrs Cotton, Harper and J Willox.

District and County Councillors Jackie Brockway also sent apologies.


168/21 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

There were none.


169/21 To approve the notes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 7th April 2021 and the Extra Ordinary Full Council meeting held on 5 May 2021 and the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

Cllr Crump proposed, and this was resolved.


170/21 To note the meeting Action Log

The meeting was briefly paused at 7:06pm to allow admittance of Cllr Harper, and it was restarted at 7:07pm.

Actions from May’s meeting seemed to be missing.

The Action Log was noted. The Clerk confirmed that any completed actions would be amended to Archived once they’d been reported at the meeting (and therefore wouldn’t show on the log at the next meeting).


To review and approve the following documents:

171/21 To approve the updated list of assets, in preparation for the external audit (deferred from May meeting)

It was noted that the metal bench on Bridge Place corner was not on the asset list.

Cllr I Willox proposed and it was resolved to approve the asset list.


172/21 To note the Internal Auditor Report of the Annual Governance and Accountability Statement (AGAR) for 2020-21

The meeting was briefly paused at 7:17pm to allow admittance of Cllr J Willox, and it was restarted at 7:18pm.

The report was noted.


173/21 To approve Section 1 Annual Governance Statements of the Annual Governance and Accountability Statement (AGAR) for 2020-21

The meeting was briefly paused at 7:23pm to allow admittance of Cllr Cotton, and it was restarted at 7:25pm.

Council considered each statement in turn, having previously considered the JPAG guidance for answering these statements. All were resolved and Section 1 of the AGAR was signed by Cllr Hillman as chair of the meeting, and the Clerk.


174/21 To approve Section 2 Accounting Statements of the Annual Governance and Accountability Statement (AGAR) for 2020-21

Councillors had been supplied with the JPAG guidance as background for approval of the Accounting Statements. Cllr Crump proposed, and it was resolved to approve the Accounting Statements. These were signed by Cllr Hillman as chair of the meeting, having already been signed by the RFO before being presented to Council for approval.


175/21 To note the agreed period for the exercise of public rights as Monday 28 June 2021 to Friday 6 August 2021 inclusive (30-day period, which includes the first 10 working days of July)

This was noted.

Cllr Cotton proposed that thanks to the RFO/Clerk and Assistant Clerk are minuted for the work on the AGAR preparation.


176/21 Bar outsourcing project plan

Cllr Cotton proposed and it was resolved to approve the plan and to consider ‘all options’ at this point.


177/21 To ratify April Planning Committee recommendation regarding allocation of CiL monies received in April 2021 (ref 082/21)

Cllr Harper proposed, and this was resolved.


178/21 To approve expenditure above specified limits, as per Financial Regulations

Cllr J Willox proposed, and this was resolved.


179/21 To agree to conclude the Community Support Scheme with users to be on-boarded to the Good Neighbour Scheme, co-ordinated by SIGNS (as per SIGNS request)

Cllr Crump proposed and it was resolved that the Chairman formally writes to SIGNS and Alan Measures, thanking them for their unwavering support to the community over the last 14 months.

Cllr I Willox proposed, and it was resolved that the Council ceases promotion of the Community Support Scheme and promote the SIGNS service for those requiring support.

Cllr Crump proposed, and it was resolved to continue to offer support to SIGNS where required.


180/21 To consider a request to camp on the Memorial Field

Cllr Cotton proposed, and it was resolved, that we respond to say that unfortunately we cannot satisfy the request this year, due to the Community Centre and facilities being currently closed, and due to restrictions on the boater facilities, however we are happy to consider such a request in future years.


181/21 Data Protection Policy

Cllr Cotton proposed, and it was resolved, to approve this Policy.


To note:

182/21 Decisions taken under delegated powers

The decisions were taken at May Personnel, Finance and Planning Committees under delegated powers agreed at Full Council in May 2021 and ratified by the Chairs and Clerks. Decisions noted.


183/21 Summary of meetings held in May

An additional Westcroft consultation meeting held with Cllrs Hillman and Loryman was confirmed as missing. The list of meetings was noted.


184/21 Latest crime reports

These were noted. The Clerk confirmed that the missing crime reports from October 2020 were now starting to come through and would be shared with Council.


185/21 MUGA update

This was noted.


186/21 Bridge Street update

This was noted.


187/21 Communications Lead update

This was noted. 


188/21 Cricket update

Cllr J Willox confirmed that we now had sufficient signups for the All Stars and Dynamos to order the big kit bags.

Cllr J Willox proposed, and it was resolved, to aim to get together one women’s softball team from Saxilby and for them to take part in one cricket festival this summer.


189/21 Wheeled park sign off documents and inspection report

Questions were asked regarding weekly checks, inspection requirements and wording on the signage to state that children under a certain age must be supervised.

The update was noted.

Cllr Hillman gave thanks to the Assistant Clerk for her input to this project.


190/21 CLOSED SESSION – Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following items on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved to go into closed session.


191/21 To consider and approve quotes for Mill Lane LED lights (deferred from April)

Cllr Cotton proposed, and it was resolved, to delegate a decision to the Chair and Clerks, if the same contractor is able to quote for the LED lights and the EICR remedial works (if this is more economical). If this is not possible then another quote for the LED lights will need to be brought to July Full Council for consideration.


192/21 To consider and approve quotes for an Accoustic Report for the MUGA

Cllr J Willox proposed, and it was resolved, to approve the grounds investigation quote from ENS. 


193/21 To receive the EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) for Mill Lane and Bridge Street toilets, and agree for the remedial works identified

The Bridge Street toilets EICR was deemed satisfactory, and this was noted. The EICR for Mill Lane has highlighted urgent work required.


Cllr Cotton proposed, and it was resolved, to delegate powers to the Chair and Clerks to approve the works (within a ‘reasonable amount’), given the urgency.


194/21 To approve the Caretaker role

Cllr Harper proposed, and this was resolved


195/21 To receive an update on a staffing matter

The update was noted.


196/21 To ratify a staff proposal

Cllr I Willox proposed, and this was resolved.


197/21 To review and approve Cash Handling Procedure (internal document)

Cllr Crump proposed, and this was resolved.


The meeting closed at 8.40 pm.

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.