
Full Council Meeting Minutes Wednesday 3 March 2021 at 7.00pm

Under the Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meeting) (England) Regulations 2020, this meeting was held by video conference.


Members Present:

Cllrs Cotton, Crump, Hillman (Vice-Chairman, chaired meeting), Hughes, Ives, I Willox and J Willox 

Cllr Jackie Brockway 



Cllrs Ashton-Derry


In Attendance:

Lydia Hopton, Assistant Parish Clerk 

There were four members of the public in attendance.


Public Questions

Three members of the public were present.

There were no questions.   


Full Council Meeting

040/21 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies and a valid reason had been received from Cllr Ashton-Derry. This was accepted.


041/21 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Cotton declared non-pecuniary interests in agenda items 11(Ref 049/21), 12 (Ref 050/21) and 25 (Ref 063/21).

Item 10 Hughes declared non-pecuniary interests in agenda item 10 (Ref 048/21).


042/21 To approve the notes of the Full Council meeting held on 3 February 2021 and the Extra Ordinary Full Council meeting on 10 February 2021 and the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Hughes to approve Full Council meeting minutes for 3 February and resolved.

It was proposed by Cllr Crump to approve the Extra-Full Council meeting minutes for 10 February and resolved.


043/21 Clerk’s Report – to note the meeting action log



044/21 To consider co-option applications for two vacancies:

Vacancy 1: Vacancy following the resignation of Rob Cavill

Three candidates stood for the position. Voting took place on each of the candidates. Cllr Cotton proposed Mike Brown for the co-option, Cllr Hughes seconded, and it was resolved with all in favour.

Vacancy 2: Vacancy following the resignation of Peter Hewes 

Three candidates stood for the position. Voting took place on each of the candidates. Cllr Crump proposed Steve Harper for the co-option, Cllr Cotton seconded, and it was resolved with all in favour.


7.19pm One member of the public left the meeting.


045/21 To approve expenditure above specified limits, as per Financial Regulations

It was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved to approve the expenditure above specified limits. 


046/21 To review progress against the 2020-21 Action Plan

The Action Plan was reviewed and noted.


047/21 To agree the initial Action Plan for 2021-22

Cllr Crump offered to share the welcome pack received by ACIS. It was proposed by Cllr Ives and resolved to approve the initial action plan, pending the Big Community Survey results. 


048/21 To consider a request for financial support from SIGNS

Cllr Cotton noted the excellent work SIGNS had been doing to support the Community Support Scheme and Cllr Crump thanked them for their support and in general to support the community. It was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved to approve the request for £309. 


049/21 To approve 2021-22 burial fees and charges

a. Cllr Ives proposed it was resolved for a 2% increase on charges

b. Cllr Cotton proposed that an additional increase was supported, but more detailed information including costs were requested to be brought back to Full Council to determine charges, this was resolved

c. Cllr Cotton proposed that fees received from any supplementary increase as agreed above, are put into ring-fenced put into ring-fenced and this was resolved

d. Cllr Crump proposed the agreed fees are published on our website and shared with local funeral directors and it was resolved.


050/21 To approve a new SLA with WLDC for emptying bins and litter picking from 1st April 2021 

19.46 Cllr Cotton was moved into the waiting room.

Cllr J Willox proposed the SLA was accepted and this was resolved.

Cllr Hughes proposed the Clerk ensures Enhanced DBS check(s) are put in place for grounds staff where required, as per the SLA, and this was resolved.

Cllr Crump proposed the Clerk is authorised to sign the SLA on behalf of the Council and this was resolved.

It was also requested the Clerks contact WLDC requesting the provision of bins on the new estates. 


051/21 To agree a meeting date for the Emergency Plan Group to review the Plan and allocate roles

19.52 Cllr Cotton was brought back in from the Waiting Room.

Cllr Ives proposed the Assistant Clerk would contact group members to agree a mutually convenient date and this was resolved


To agree to approve the following new documents:

052/21 Pay Policy, as requested by the Internal Auditor

Cllr Cotton proposed this would be moved to closed session and this was resolved


053/21 Data Breach Policy

Cllr Crump proposed and it was resolved to approve the Data Breach Policy. 


To review and approve the following documents:


054/21 Grant Awarding Policy and Application Form for 2021-22

19.55 Cllr Hughes left the meeting 

Cllr Ives proposed and it was resolved to approve the Grant Awarding Policy and Application Form for 2021-22.


055/21 Respect Code

Cllr Cotton proposed and it was resolved to approve the respect code.


056/21 Whistle Blowing Policy

Cllr Spurr proposed and it was resolved to approve the Whistle Blowing Policy.


057/21 Handling of Freedom of Information Policy 

Cllr Crump proposed and it was resolved to approve the Handling of Freedom of Information Policy.


19.58 A member of the public joined the meeting 


058/21 Payroll Procedure  

Cllr Cotton moved to closed session and resolved.



To note: 

059/21 New office telephone and broadband contract 


20.01 Cllr Hughes returned to the meeting 


060/21 Fire update



061/21 Update on Community Centre and facility re-opening, following recent Government Covid-19 announcements

Cllr Cotton proposed the actions in the paper and for officers to be empowered to work in-line with current and future Government Covid-19 legislation in respect of the Community Centre and facility re-opening, and it was resolved


062/21 MUGA Update


063/21 Bridge Street Update

Noted and update has been received re the bridge on WLDC. 

064/21 Communications Lead Update


065/21 Saxilby Cricket Update



066/21 Agree to apply for new goal posts for small football pitch at Mill Lane (external funded)  

Cllr Crump proposed and it was resolved to apply for Football Foundation funding for the goalposts and for these to be added to the asset register and weekly inspection list 


067/21 Feedback on complaint 


068/21 Resident correspondence regarding the bar and agree a response 

Cllr Cotton thanked the resident and advised the resident to there is currently a bar project and community consultation taking place which will guide the future of the bar. The correspondence was noted. 


069/21 Summary of Meetings Held


Three members of the public left the meeting


070/21 CLOSED SESSION – Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following items on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved to go into closed session.


To approve the following quotes:

071/21 Mill Lane CCTV recommendations

Cllr Ives proposed the camera is replaced in the current financial year, which is compatible with new and old system (and put this in writing that it must compatible) and to replace rest of system in 2021/22, bringing to the April meeting where budget will come from. This was resolved

Cllr Ives requested a copy of current insurance documents is sent to councillors.  


072/21 Part funding of Community Centre CCTV quote (following fire restoration)

20.52Cllr Ives left the meeting 

20.54 Cllr Ives returned to the meeting 

Cllr Cotton proposed and it was resolved that Council agrees to fund the £1,800 net via the Community Centre CCTV budget and then the Community Centre building maintenance budget.


073/21 To agree actions to enhance data security

Cllr Cotton proposed council notes the report and approves the purchase of Microsoft 365 licences and councillor email accounts are set up, with an appropriate budget being identified, and this was resolved.  

It was also noted to consider setting up an IT refresh ring-fenced fund for budgeting going forward.


21.05 Cllr Crump left the meeting. 


074/21 To receive the Bar and Centre Staff update and agree actions if required

Item 1: The proposed action was agreed. 

Item 2: The proposed action was agreed.

Item 3: No action was agreed.

Item 4: Two actions were agreed. 


075/21 To note a staffing matter and recommended actions

An action was agreed.

21.26 Cllr Cotton left the meeting 


076/21 To review the latest cashflow report

21.29 Cllr Cotton returned to the meeting.

The report was reviewed. 


077/21 Pay Policy, as requested by the Internal Auditor

Cllr Cotton proposed and it was resolved to approve the Pay Policy and to add into the Financial Regulations reference to the Staff Pay Policy.  


078/21 Payroll Procedure  

Cllr Cotton proposed and the procedure was resolved


The meeting closed at 9.34pm.

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.