
Full Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday 7th October 2020 at 7.30pm

Under the Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meeting) (England) Regulations 2020, this meeting was held by video conference.

Members Present:
Cllrs Ashton Derry, Bell, Cavill, Cotton, Hewes, Hillman, Hughes, Ives, Stafford (Chairman), I Willox and J Willox 

Cllrs Broxholme, Crump, Spurr

In Attendance:
Elaine Atkin, Parish Clerk 
There was 1 member of the public in attendance.

NDP Briefing (7:30pm)
Cllr Hillman gave a short briefing to Council on the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).

Public Questions (7:45pm)

A member of the public gave an update on further research they had done regarding agenda item 16 (minute 172/20).
There was a comment that our website still said the bar was open.
The bins in the car park are overflowing. It was agreed the Clerk and Cllr Stafford would look at this.
The signs saying the Bridge Street Toilets were closed, need replacing.


Full Council Meeting (7:55pm)

157/20 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Apologies and a valid reason for absence had been received from Cllrs Broxholme, Crump and Spurr and these were accepted.

158/20 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Cotton declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 9 (minute 165/20). Cllr Ashton Derry declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 4 (160/20) and 28 (minute 184/20).

159/20 To approve the notes of the Full Council meeting held on 2nd September 2020 and the Extra-Ordinary Full Council meeting held on 16th September 2020 and the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes
It was confirmed that Cllrs I and J Willox were in attendance at the meeting on 2nd September 2020. Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to approve the notes with this amendment. 
It was confirmed that minute 156/20 at the meeting on 16th September 2020 should read Cllr Hewes, not Cllr Hughes. Cllr Ives proposed, and it was resolved to approve the notes with this amendment.

160/20 To approve expenditure above specified limits, as per Financial Regulations
This was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved. Cllr Ashton Derry abstained.

161/20 To note the list of meetings held by Councillors and officers in September

162/20 To note the crime reports from March - September

163/20 To note an update from the District and County Councillors
Cllr Cotton gave an update from West Lindsey District Council, which is still holding virtual meetings. Devolution discussions have been ongoing, but it was likely that Lincolnshire would retain the current two-tier arrangement. It is not known whether there will be LCC elections next year but if so, they would likely by all postal vote. The update was noted.

164/20 To review the annual play area and football pitch inspections (Memorial Field and Mill Lane) and agree actions required (including arrangements for next year’s inspection)
Cllr Hewes proposed, and it was resolved, that the reports were noted, and that the Grounds team and Clerks review them to determine what can be done in-house and what needs to be contracted out. A report to come back to November’s Full Council.

165/20 To approve the Burial Ground Regulations V5.0
This was proposed by Cllr Bell and resolved.

166/20 To approve the reviewed Code of Conduct V3.2
This was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved.

167/20 To consider a Councillor and Officer Protocol
It was proposed by Cllr Hughes and resolved to approve this. Cllr Hillman asked that the document be added to the new Councillor induction pack.
Cllr Bell briefly left the meeting and then re-joined.

168/20 To agree the Terms of Reference V3.0, taking account of feedback from the relevant committees, and including approval of the Terms of Reference for the MUGA Working Group
Cllr Ives proposed, and it was resolved to approve the document with the exception of the Personnel Committee Terms of Reference, which will come back to November Full Council for approval.

169/20 To consider a mentoring scheme for new Councillors
Deferred to November Full Council.

170/20 To confirm the Remembrance Service arrangements
It was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved that a short private service would be held, Cllr Stafford to lay a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council, and the event would be live streamed for any members of the public.
Cllr Ives briefly left and then re-joined the meeting.

171/20 To receive an update on the request for goalposts on Westcroft green and approve proposed location
Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved that further consultation with local residents and users of Westcroft green would take place regarding siting of the goalpost, with a report going to November Full Council.

172/20 To consider a proposal regarding a children’s cycle track request
Cllr Cavill proposed, and it was resolved that Cllr Stafford and Hewes, along with the resident who raised this, would investigate options further and report back to November Full Council.
The member of public left the meeting at this point.

173/20 To approve a recommendation regarding new goalposts for Mill Lane
Cllr Cotton proposed, and it was resolved to purchase the goalposts using the funding secured by the football team/F.A., and for these to become Council assets.  Cllr Cavill proposed, and it was resolved for the old goalposts to be removed and disposed of. Cllr Cavill proposed, and it was resolved for the new goals to be installed at Mill Lane, by the football team but with the Grounds Manager observing to ensure that they are installed correctly. Cllr Stafford proposed, and it was resolved that the Parish Council should not incur any cost of installation.
Cllrs Hughes and Hewes briefly left the meeting and then re-joined.

174/20 To consider a report on the Scout footpath fence
Cllr Cavill proposed, and it was resolved to remove the end fence post and rail (Bridge Street end), to provide better access/egress to the private road and bins.

175/20 To receive an update on the Communications Task and Finish Group Meeting
Cllr J Willox gave an update, including positive social media feedback received since the new communication strategy has been implemented. Council passed on thanks to Cllr J Willox and the Assistant Clerk for their work on this.

176/20 To receive an update on the fire at the Community Centre
The update was noted.

177/20 To receive a Bridge Street update
Work on the project is now being picked up again. Cllrs Cotton and Hillman are due to discuss next steps with WLDC regarding the footbridge issue, which has been ongoing for a long time.

178/20 Closed Session – Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) act 1960 for the following 6 items, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
It was proposed by Cllr Cavill and resolved to go into closed session. 

179/20 To ratify a recommendation from Personnel Committee
Cllr Bell proposed a recommendation regarding Maternity Cover, and this was resolved

180/20 To note an update on a staff matter
This was noted.

181/20 To agree to suspend Financial Regulation 11h (requirement for 3 estimates) due to the specialist nature of the service required, and approve the lift insurance renewal quote
Cllr Hughes proposed, and it was resolved to suspend Financial Regulation 11h. Cllr Hewes proposed, and it was resolved to approve the quote.

182/20 To agree to suspend Financial Regulation 11h (requirement for 3 estimates) and consider a proposal for alternative grass cutting around the village, due to staff availability issue
Cllr Bell proposed, and it was resolved that this no longer needed progressing.

183/20 To agree to explore proposals for room hires, library and Parish Office, alongside the ongoing bar proposal, as part of a strategy for re-opening the St Andrews Community Centre
It was proposed by Cllr Hewes and resolved to go with option 4, as per the report.

184/20 To review the latest cashflow report and projected 2020-21 budget
Cllr Ashton-Derry left the meeting (9:50pm).

The report was noted.

The meeting closed at 9:53pm.