
Full Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 1 September 2021 at 7.00pm at

St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby. 


Members Present:

Cllrs Cotton, Harper, Hillman, Spurr, I Willox and J Willox.


Cllrs Ashton Derry, Brown, Crump and Ives

In Attendance:

Elaine Atkin, Parish Clerk 

There was 1 member of the public in attendance.


Public Questions

The member of public commented that some of the supporting information for this meeting was not on the website and hoped that it would be put on retrospectively.

The member of public noted the agenda items in relation to room hire and to possible extension of library hours and queried whether Councillors have been provided with information as to whether these will be cost neutral, cost beneficial or cost negative. The Clerk confirmed that current proposals are based on scenarios when staff are already in the building or can be in the building and are therefore cost neutral.

The member of public handed out a document showing their opinion of the Council’s financial position. The Chairman confirmed that the Council will continue to take advice and feedback from its RFO and Proper Officer.



Full Council Meeting

255/21 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies and a valid reason for absence had been received from Cllrs Ashton Derry, Brown, Crump and Ives, these were accepted. 


256/21 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

There were none.


257/21 To approve the notes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 4 August 2021, and the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

These were proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved. 


258/21 To note the meeting Action Log

The action log was noted.


259/21 To approve expenditure above specified limits, as per Financial Regulations

This was proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved.


260/21 To review the Action Plan from the recent Health and Safety report

It was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved to:

• Note the priority actions required

• Request a face-to-face visit from our new H&S Advisor, so that they can run through specific responsibilities with relevant staff (action postponed from 2020 due to Covid)


261/21 To approve S.137 grant applications from 

a. Saxilby Voluntary Car Scheme

It was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved to approve this application.

b. Hurricane Sports Foundation

It was proposed by Cllr Cotton and resolved to approve this application.


262/21 To review room hires and agree actions is required

It was resolved to note the report and that officers continue to manage the room bookings working with the Comms Lead to promote the availability of the rooms for hire.


263/21 To elect further Councillor Memorial Field Trustees following the resignation of Dave Kenny

None of the Councillors present at the meeting felt they could put themselves forward for this and it was resolved to put the agenda item back on for October’s Full Council meeting when more Councillors should be present.

The Clerk was requested to put out an email reminder to all Councillors regarding the trustee role.


264/21 To agree to initiate a complaints log and bring back to council for regular review

It was proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved to:

• Introduce the complaints log as proposed

• Include informal complaints or comments made via the Parish Office or made to individual Councillors

• Review the complaints log at Full Council on a quarterly basis

• Log and record formal complaints made via the Council’s Complaints Procedure as per the documented procedure


265/21 Update on cleaning and agree to get quotes from contract cleaners

Cllr Cotton declared a personal interest in this agenda item and left the room (7.50 pm). Cllr Hillman took the chair for this item.


It was proposed by Cllr Spurr and resolved for officers to source quotes from cleaning companies and delegate their appointment to officers, meeting Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and budgetary requirements accordingly.


Cllr Cotton returned (7.57pm) and resumed the chair.



266/21 To approve the following documents:

a. Burial Ground Regulations

b. Memorial Testing Policy

c. Pay Policy

Cllr Cotton proposed and it was resolved to defer all three items to October’s meeting.


To note updates on:

267/21 Meetings held in August



268/21 Latest crime reports



269/21 Saxilby and District MUGA and ratify recommendation from Planning Committee to submit the planning application for this project

It was resolved to:

• Ratify Planning Committee recommendation to approve the MUGA plans for submission for planning permission

• Approve the VAT specialist quote to determine the VAT status of the project


270/21 Bridge Street Working Group



271/21 Communications lead 



272/21 Cricket 



273/21 Wheeled park 



274/21 Bar outsourcing 

The update was noted, including response from Procurement Lincs, who are unable to help or advise.  It was resolved to contact the Plunkett Foundation for the community led approach when the tender document has been agreed.


275/21 Community Speedwatch and agree actions

It was proposed by Cllr Harper and resolved to:

• Contact Sturton Community Speedwatch group to determine what level of volunteers they have

• Use social media and consult with those who have already volunteered, to identify locations (as required for the application to join the scheme) and to push for more volunteers

• Identify funding sources for the required equipment


276/21 Checks on buildings and equipment (Risk Register)



277/21 Library re-opening and review of opening hours, agreeing actions

Cllr J Willox proposed, and it was resolved to:

• Work towards extended opening hours

• Discuss with the volunteers the possibility of opening later in an afternoon to accommodate school children

• Support a re-launch event as proposed by the volunteers


Council also noted the recent sad passing of a long-standing library volunteer and wanted to record its appreciation for all their contributions to the library over the years. 

The member of public left the meeting (8.50pm).


278/21 CLOSED SESSION – Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following items on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved to go into closed session.


279/21 To review and approve the bar tender document 

Cllr Harper proposed, and it was resolved to:

• Determine what the Plunkett Foundation timelines will be

• Re-align dates in the tender document to these

• Extend the period allocated for our review of responses (4-6 weeks being more realistic)


280/21 To note an update on a staffing matter



281/21 To note an update on Grounds Team staffing and agree actions if required

Council was pleased to note the return of the Grounds Manager and also thanked the other grounds staff for their hard work providing cover over the last 6 months.

Cllr Cotton agreed to write to all staff concerned.


282/21 To approve the Administrator documents

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to approve the Administrative Assistant specification with one minor correction to the hours. It was agreed that recruitment to this role was a priority.


283/21 To review quotes for the Local Council insurance renewal and agree a provider

Cllr Cotton proposed, and it was resolved to:

• Agree in principle to move to the alternative provider

• Complete further checks regarding comparative levels of cover

• Delegate the final decision to the Chair, Vice Chair and Clerks, subject to these further checks

• Report back the outcome to next Full Council


284/21 To approve a quote for VAT specialist advice on the MUGA

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to approve the quote from Sports VAT (to be funded from MUGA ring-fenced funds), in line with Financial Regulation 11aii relating to a specialist service quote.


285/21 To approve Legionellosis Risk Assessment quote

Cllr Harper proposed, and it was resolved to approve the Risk Assessment quote and then further review the Management Package quote once results of the Risk Assessment have been received.



The meeting closed at 9.30pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.