
Wednesday 23 August 2023 

St Andrews Community Centre, William Street, Saxilby.  


12 noon 15 Minute Public Participation Session

When members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the group. Those items not on the agenda will not be debated but referred, if appropriate, to the next meeting. Three minutes per member of public or organisation.

No members of the public were present.


12.15pm Minutes of the MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) Working Group Meeting 


Present: Craig Bridge, Ray Scott, Cllr Hewes, Trevor Brock, and Elaine Meanwell

Apologies: Cllr Brockway, Adi Putt, Vicki Wilkinson, and Cllr J Willox


In Attendance: 

Lydia Hopton, Parish Clerk

No members of the public were present.



23/032 To receive apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllr Brockway, Adi Putt, Vicki Wilkinson, and Cllr J Willox.


23/033 To receive Declarations of Interest (Localism Act 2011)

None disclosed.


23/034 To approve the notes of the meeting of 13 July 2023 as minutes 

RESOLVED. Craig Bridge proposed the notes as minutes. This was resolved.


23/035 To review the updated draft MUGA fencing plans and recommend to Full Council to approve

RESOLVED. Craig Bridge proposed to recommend the draft plans to full council to approve, with one change to increase the height of the south fencing boundary to 5m following discussions with LACE housing. This was resolved.


23/036 Review progress against the project list and agree next steps including developing a tender specification  

1. Next steps include agreeing the surface type to go into the specification 

2. Write to charity to ask for formal permission for the council to refurbish the MUGA and for an agreement to be put in place 


23/037 To agree the next meeting date

It was agreed for w/c 18 September.


The meeting closed 12.25pm 


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant/clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.