July 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) Working Group Meeting held on Tuesday 27 July 2021 at 6.00pm outdoors at The Anglers, Saxilby. 


Present: Craig Bridge, Cllr Jackie Brockway, Peter Hewes, Ben James, 

Absent: Stuart Broxholme, Chris Cook, Justin Hackney, Dave Harrison, Vicky Wentworth, George Whitley, and Cllr J Willox.

In Attendance: Lydia Smithson, Assistant Parish Clerk.


15 Minute Public Question Time 

No questions raised.



21/030 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies for absence had been received from Chris Cook, Cllr J Willox, and Vicki Wentworth.


21/031 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

None received.


21/032 To approve the notes of the meeting of Thursday 24 June 2021 as minutes 

It was proposed by Craig Bridge and resolved to approve the notes of the previous meeting. The Working Group Chairman signed the minutes. 


21/033 To note and agree actions where required on the:

a. Project Plan 



b. MUGA project finance report



c. Architect July site meeting

The meeting was held – changes to plans from public consultation were discussed, also a storage container was added on the plans, and the location of the maintenance gates were changed to be next to storage container required for maintenance equipment. Additional run off for the football pitch was added and gates opening outwards in-line with Football Foundation feedback. Acoustic fencing was added in-line with acoustic report findings. 


d. Lincs FA July meeting and Football Foundation initial plan feedback

As per item c above Football Foundation feedback on plans has been received and plans updated accordingly. 

Indicative costings for the scheme now need to be obtained as the Football Foundation require this information as the next step. Two contractors have been contacted to this end.

The VAT implications of the project need to be determined and a VAT specialist has been contacted to provide a quote in relation to the matter.


e. Acoustic report

Received and noted.


f. Ground investigation report 

Received and noted.


g. Draft business plan

Peter Hewes provided an update on this.


h. Latest plans



21/034 To set the next meeting date 

Wednesday 25 August 2021


The meeting closed at 8.14pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.