March 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) Working Group Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd March 2021 at 7.30pm

Under the Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meeting) (England) Regulations 2020, this meeting was held by video conference.


Present: Craig Bridge, Cllr Jackie Brockway, Cllr Harper, Peter Hewes, Adam Thurston, Vicki Wentworth and Cllr J Willox.

Absent: Stuart Broxholme, Rob Cavill, Chris Cook, Justin Hackney, Dave Harrison, Ben James and George Whitley.

In Attendance: Lydia Smithson, Assistant Parish Clerk.


15 Minute Public Question Time 

Peter Hewes flagged the boundary on the draft MUGA plans may need adjusting. The Assistant Clerk thanked him for flagging this and noted it would be checked against council land records and the plans updated if required. 



21/014 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies for absence had been received from Rob Cavill, Chris Cooke, Ben James, and George Whitley. These were accepted.


21/015 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

None received.


21/016 To approve the notes of the meeting of Tuesday 23rd February 2021 as minutes 

It was proposed by Craig Bridge and resolved to approve the notes of the previous meeting. The Working Group Chairman will sign and return these to the Assistant Clerk. 


21/017 To note and agree actions where required on the:

a. Project Plan 


b. Project Brief V2



21/018 To agree to undertake public and user consultation on the proposed designs 

It was proposed by Cllr J Willox and resolved that public consultation would take place on the draft plans from 8th April using survey monkey to collect the responses, with Cllr J Willox (Cllr Comms and Community Engagement Lead) to work with the Assistant Clerk. It was also agreed for Adam Thurston to consult with local clubs and interested parties to gain feedback on the draft plans. 


21/019 To review and provide feedback to LK2 architects on the draft MUGA plans 

a. The Long-term maintenance, access to, and management of, the facility was queried. As well as the likely hire charges, particularly to local teams. It was explained that the council would own, manage, and maintain the facility and this would be explored in more detail in the Business Plan being developed by Adam Thurston. Final agreement of the Plan including the proposals within it will be by Full Council.

b. The boundary of the site was queried (Assistant Clerk to check if correct and advise architect accordingly).

c. Resident queries regarding noise and light were raised – these will be addressed in the lighting impact assessment and acoustic reports which will be considered as part of the planning process.

d. Craig Bridge proposed the goals on the 5-a-side pitches protrude out of the fence line to provide additional football playing space. This was resolved. 

e. The Working Group resolves to recommend the proposed pitch plan (29m x 41m) is extend by an additional meter (29m x 42m) to fit in the minimum recommended size with run-off for a hockey pitch. This was proposed by Jackie Brockway and resolved. 

f. The Working Group resolves to recommend Option B where the play area fencing on the east side is removed and fencing is re-located or the MUGA fencing used as the new fencing boundary, to ensure sufficient internal MUGA space and external space for the grass football/cricket pitches.

g. The Assistant Clerk will liaise with Architect and Community Centre electrical contractor to determine if the existing power supply is suitable for flood lighting and will feed back to the Working Group. This was proposed by Adam Thurston and resolved. 

h. The Working Group resolves to recommend lighting impact assessment and acoustic report to be undertaken and submitted as part of the planning process. This was proposed by Adam Thurston and resolved. 


21/020 To set the next April meeting date 

20th April 2021


The meeting closed at 8.12pm.

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.