Minutes of the MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) Working Group Meeting held on Tuesday 15 November 2022 at 7.30pm at St Andrews Community Centre, William Street, Saxilby.
Present: Craig Bridge, Trevor Brock, WLDC and LCC Cllr Jackie Brockway, Peter Hewes, Cllr Elaine Meanwell, Ady Putt, Vicki Wentworth, and Cllr J Willox.
In Attendance: Lydia Hopton, Parish Clerk
Members of the public: Two members of the public were present
15 Minute Public Question Time
None raised
22/008 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting
22/009 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Ady Putt arrived 19.35pm.
22/10 To approve the notes of the meeting of 25 May 2022 as minutes
22/011 To receive an update on the progress of the MUGA project
- The local landowners either side of Mill Lane been contacted. Both have shared they are do not wish to sell land for the MUGA – one written and one verbal, Barry Truelove land – donation of land
- The request for land has gone out in the Foss Focus and online and no landowners have come forward
- The basketball court/old mini MUGA on the recreation ground has recently started to be used by local football teams for training and has now been suggested as an alternative location
- It was discussed about making the project as environmentally sustainable as possible and the benefit of a local provision taking cars off the road who are currently travelling to other sites around Lincoln
- It was discussed that the Mini MUGA would satisfy the current demand in the village in the short to medium term and a full size MUGA could be a long-term project still
22/012 To consider recommending upgrading the concrete/tarmac basketball/MUGA pitch at the recreation ground due to no other sites coming forward elsewhere in the parish
Cllr Hewes proposed the MUGA Working Group recommend to Full Council to upgrade the concrete/tarmac basketball/MUGA pitch at the recreation ground due to no other sites coming forward elsewhere in the parish. This was resolved.
Craig Bridge proposed Cllr Hewes contact and liaise with Lincs FA and Football Foundation and feedback to the MUGA working group to ensure the facility meets their standards including size. This was resolved.
22/013 To agree recommendations for Full Council to consider on next steps based on the above update
- Cllr Hewes proposed an updated project brief is shared with full council in December - including an NDP project, indicative cost, funding streams (e.g., football foundation, council funds, fundraising, and donations), ownership and maintenance, sustainability (financial and environmental), it serves two purposes free access and for hire (residents and non-residents), and CCTV coverage. Cllr Hewes to work with the clerk to update the brief.
- Liaise with Lincs FA and the Football Foundation to ensure the mini MUGA is suitable in terms of size and put forward a MUGA proposal Lincs FA - Football Foundation
- For council to support a funding application to the Football Foundation towards the project
- For further consultation to take place with organisations and residents In December/January including the Foss Focus and social media
This was resolved.
The meeting closed 20.44pm
Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.