September 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) Working Group Meeting held on 

Tuesday 22nd September 2020 at 7.00pm

Under the Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meeting) (England) Regulations 2020, this meeting was held by video conference.


Present: Cllrs Broxholme, Cavill, and Stafford. Craig Bridge, Alina Hackney, Dave Harrison, Ben James, Vicki Wentworth, Adam Thurston, and Cllr (County and District) Jackie Brockway

Absent: Cllr J Willox

In Attendance: Lydia Smithson Assistant Parish Clerk


Cllr Paul Stafford opened the meeting


Public Questions




20/001 Introduction by Council Chairman Cllr Stafford 

Cllr Stafford welcomed attendees and provided the background to the project, introductions were made by all at the meeting and Adam Thurston provided an overview of what a MUGA is.

Cllr Brockway joined 19.19pm and Chris Cook joined 19.22pm


20/002 To agree initial Working Group members (moved from item 5) 

All present agreed to be Working Group members - Cllrs Broxholme, Cavill, and Stafford, Craig Bridge, Alina Hackney, Dave Harrison, Ben James, Vicki Wentworth, Adam Thurston, and Cllr (County and District) Jackie Brockway. Cllr J Willox has also expressed an interest in joining the Working Group. 


20/003 To elect a Chairman for the Working Group

Craig Bridge stood as chairman and this was resolved. Cllr Stafford passed over chairing the meeting to Craig Bridge.


20/004 To elect a Vice-Chairman for the Working Group 

Cllr Stafford proposed Cllr Rob Cavill and it was resolved.


20/005 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr J Willox and this was accepted.


20/006 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

None received.


20/007 To recommend to Full Council draft Terms of Reference for the Working Group

Cllr Stafford presented draft Terms of Reference and it was resolved to seek approval from Full Council for them:

1. To approve the notes of the Previous Working Group Meeting.

2. To undertake relevant community engagement in relation to the project.

3. To lead on developing the provision of the MUGA in Saxilby including location, size, design and surface.

4. To fund-raise for the project and draft grant applications, for Full Council approval

5. To lead on obtaining planning agreement for the project, with Full Council approval

6. To manage the project in-line with the project plan to deliver the project.

7. To provide a regular update to Full Council.


20/008 Agree initial steps to move project forward 

A discussion took place around the agenda item. 

It was agreed that a vision and project plan need to be a first step, with the Group agreeing for Cllr Cavill, Craig Bridge, Alina Hackney and the Assistant Clerk to meet to start work on a draft. Assistant Clerk to arrange a meeting date. 

Other areas discussed included location, design, size, drainage, cost, commissioning, tendering, community engagement, grant applications, fundraising and long-term management and maintenance of the pitch.


20/009 Agree frequency of meetings

It was agreed to hold monthly meetings, with the next meeting date being Tuesday 20th October at 7.00pm and a site meeting on Friday 25th September at 6.00pm.


The meeting closed at 8:28pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.