
Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan Review 

Steering (Working) Group

7.00pm, Monday 6 January 2025
St Andrews Community Centre, LN1 2LP


Luke Brown (LB), Cllr Emma Bowden (EB), Pete Crowther (PC), Brett Fegan (BF), Martin Furnish (MF), Cllr Elizabeth Hillman (Chair) (EH), Cllr Shiela Hughes (SH) and Cllr Carla Saunders (CS).


NDP25/001 1. Welcome and introductions
Cllr Hillman welcomed those present to the meeting.
NDP25/002 2. Receive apologies for absence
None received.
NDP25/003 3. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
MF declared an interest in Moor Farm, and 70/72 High Street.
NDP25/004 4. Approve notes of 9 December 2024 and the chair to sign them as agreed minutes
Having been proposed (EB) and seconded (SH), it was RESOLVED:
To approve the notes of 9 December 2024 as minutes, and the chair signed them.
NDP25/005 5. To review and agree any actions from Regulation 14 comments from statutory organisations and the public made during the consultation period
Statutory organisations have responded to the draft NDP, with West Lindsey District Council and Lincolnshire County Council giving significant comments. 
Other statutory organisations (Sport England, Natural England, National Highways, Canal & River Trust) had either no comments, or no comments which require significant amendment to the draft plan. 
Comments received were discussed in relation to the draft plan.
Having been proposed (CS) and seconded (BF), it was RESOLVED:
For LB to make amendments to the draft plan which were agreed based on feedback from statutory organisations and the public, and to circulate the revised draft plan to the group with amendments clearly identified.
NDP25/006 6. To discuss and agree any changes to the draft plan including the format
NDP25/007 7. To note and agree any actions on:
a) Consultation Statement
LB is currently working on the Consultation Statement.
b) Basic Condition Statement
LB has completed the Basic Condition Statement, and will circulate to members of the group.
NDP25/008 8. Date of next meeting
Monday 27 January 2025 at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 20.13pm.