
Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan Review 
Steering (Working) Group
 Tuesday 19 March 2024 at 7.00pm
St Andrews Community Centre, LN1 2LP
Present: Cllr Elizabeth Hillman (EH), Cllr Paul Roberts (PR), Cllr Craig Barratt (CB), Pete Crowther (PC), Brett Fagan (BF), Shiela Hughes (SH), Luke Brown (LB), Martin Furnish (MF), Paul Baguley (PB)


1. Welcome and Introductions
EH opened the meeting at 19:03
2. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence
It was proposed by EH, seconded by SH and resolved to:
Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence for LB, LH, CB, and BF.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
None declared.
4. To approve notes of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan Review Steering Group meeting for the 24 February 2024 and the chair to sign them as agreed minutes.
It was proposed by PR, seconded by MF and resolved to: 
Approve the notes of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan Review Steer-ing Group meeting for the 24 February 2024, with one amendment to add PC to the 
attendance and the chair to sign them as agreed minutes.
To note the return of unspent grant funds (return of grant funds due 31/03/2024). 
It was proposed by PR, seconded by PC and resolved to:
Note the return of unspent grant funds with
i. PB Speak to Lydia regarding funds for return 
ii. Produce a budget sheet for next meeting
5. To review the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Allocations.
• To be addressed next month.
Update noted.
6. To receive a draft of the Design Code and agree any feedback.
a. Discuss and agree a date for the next public consultation in the last week of March.
• LB comments sent to design code team – feedback was appreciated.
Updated noted.
7. To receive an update of the Housing Need Assessment and agree any feed-back.
The update was received.
• SH New builds, new estates, types of housing – all out of date and relying on Census 2021 data. States resident numbers have reduced, which is not accurate. This affects true reflection of:
o Type of housing
o Demographic profile
o Affordable homes
o Specialist accommodation
• It was agreed to send to LB by 9 April any other comments 
8. To review and agree mapping actions for: 
It was proposed by SH, seconded by PR and resolved to the following:
a. Community Facilities (Cllr Roberts)
i. In progress
b. Footpaths (Cllr Hughes)
i. In progress
c. The list of community projects (Cllr Hillman)
i. EH to meet with PB
d. Heritage Buildings (Martin Furnish)
i. Snapshots from mapping software to be sent to MF
e. Local Green spaces (confirm Policy Lead)
i. In progress
9. To discuss and agree any other actions needed for Policy Leads:
It was proposed by EH, seconded by MF and resolved for the following:
a. Heritage Buildings
i. MF to create a new list of photographs which need taking
b. Climate Change
i. Nature Conservation Importance, SINCs, Local Wildlife Sites – con-tact Wildlife Trusts – MF to send list ecologists, send email to Wildlife Trusts to get latest data.
ii. Biodiversity Strategy for May agenda
c. Footpaths
i. Contact Lincolnshire County Council / Lincolnshire Archives 
10. Date of the next meeting
11th or 16th April - TBC
The meeting closed at 20.10.