
Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan Review 

Steering (Working) Group

Monday 7 October 2024 at 7.00pm
Meeting Room, St Andrews Community Centre, LN1 2LP.


Luke Brown (LB), Pete Crowther (PC), Brett Fegan (BF), Cllr Hillman (EH), Cllr Hughes (SH), Cllr Saunders (CS).


1. Welcome and Introductions
Cllr Hillman welcomed those present to the meeting.
2. Receive apologies
Apologies received from Martin Furnish.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Pete Crowther - Saxilby Nature Project.
4. To approve notes of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan Review Steering Group meeting for 18 June, 2 July and 16 September 2024 and the chair to sign them as agreed minutes.
• 18 June 2024
Having been proposed (CS) and seconded (BF), it was RESOLVED:
To approve the notes of 18 June 2024 as minutes, and the chair signed them.
• 2 July 2024
Having been proposed (PC) and seconded (CS), it was RESOLVED:
To approve the notes of 2 July 2024 as minutes, and the chair signed them.
• 16 September 2024
Having been proposed (SH) and seconded (BF), it was RESOLVED, with one abstention:
To approve the notes of 16 September 2024, and the chair signed them.
5. To consider the draft neighbourhood plan and agree any actions.
Volunteers will be needed to proof read the plan.
The chosen photograph for the front cover is low quality when printed. Another image will need to be chosen.
Further comments on the draft to be sent to LB by Friday 11 October. LB will then amend the plan accordingly.
Further mapping is required.
6. To discuss and agree the format of the next formal public consultation date (Reg 14) on 29 October.
The lounge/small room in Saxilby Village Hall has been booked.
Previous format used at the informal review worked well, so this will largely be replicated. BF took photos of boards at previous meeting and will share these. Projector has been delivered and will be used to display a slideshow of relevant images, which will be put together by BF.
SH will liaise with ZB (Assistant Clerk) to arrange refreshments (hot drinks and cakes).
LB will print the draft plan documents including the design code and the housing needs assessment.
CS will manage signing in at the meeting.
Further stationery supplies will need to be ordered, and additional printing including an A1 map of the parish, signing in sheets, consultation forms, labels, and posters for the door.
The six week consultation period (in accordance with Regulation 14) will run from Monday 28 October to Monday 9 December 2024.
7. To note and agree any actions and timelines:
a) Online mapping 
Mapping for footpaths and community facilities is complete.
Mapping for green spaces is in progress, with some areas to add and a key.
MF is mapping heritage assets on paper, which will then be transferred to a digital map once complete.
LB to liaise with LT (Administration Officer) to complete.
b) Purchase of a projector 
Purchased and received.
c) Neighbourhood plan foreword
EH has drafted the foreword and will send to LB by Friday 11 October.
d) Promotion and publicity for the public consultation event, including posters, flyers and comms
A flyer for all households has been designed, with some amendments suggested prior to printing. Saxilby Scout and Guide Association will deliver to Saxilby in the week leading up to the meeting. Volunteers will be needed to deliver to Ingleby.
Two banners to be ordered to display in the village.
Comms posts to be planned for social media, and for the website.
5. Date of the next meeting
To be agreed at a later date.