
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 20 October 2021 at 7.45pm at St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.


Members Present

Cllrs Hillman (chairman), Cotton, Harper, J Willox (vice-chairman), and I Willox



Cllrs Crump and Ives


In Attendance

Elaine Atkin – Parish Clerk

There were no members of public in attendance.


Public Questions 

There were none.




161/21 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies had been received from Cllrs Crump and Ives and these were accepted. 

162/21 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllrs I and J Willox declared pecuniary interests in agenda items 5 (minute 165/21), 6 (minute 166/21) and 7 (minute 167/21). Cllrs I and J willox declared a personal interest in agenda item 14 (minute 174/21). All committee members had a dispensation for agenda item 12 (minute 172/21).



163/21 To approve the notes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 18 August 2021 and 15 September 2021 and the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

Cllr Harper proposed that the August minutes were accepted, and this was resolved. Cllr I Willox proposed that the September minutes were accepted, and this was resolved.

164/21 To note the meeting action log

Action 094/21 to be closed. This will be chased again in the spring.


The action log was noted.


Cllrs I and J Willox left the meeting (7:33pm).


To review and comment on the following West Lindsey District Council Planning consultations:


165/21 Reference 143637: Planning application to erect 2no. light industrial units with associated parking spaces. Riverside Enterprise Park, Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby, LN1 2LR. 

We support the new units, as per Policy 7 of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan (Saxilby Business and Enterprise Parks).

We are concerned over the lack of progress with the cycle/walking route. As per Policy 16.2 of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan (Existing and New Non Vehicular Routes) - New development shall take every opportunity to provide new, or enhance existing, non-vehicular routes including connections with the existing network. 


Also, Policy 7.4: Saxilby Business and Enterprise Parks – Developments must provide or contribute to the provision of the walking and cycling routes to the village shown on Proposal Map 6 and take every opportunity to encourage other means of transport than the car. 

We also request that a new speed restriction is considered along the Skellingthorpe Road and junction capacity (with the A57) is reviewed, given the impact of the expected additional traffic.


166/21 Reference 143638: Planning application to erect 3no. light industrial units with associated parking spaces. Riverside Enterprise Park, Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby, LN1 2LR.

We support the new units, as per Policy 7 of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan (Saxilby Business and Enterprise Parks).

We are concerned over the lack of progress with the cycle/walking route. As per Policy 16.2 of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan (Existing and New Non Vehicular Routes) - New development shall take every opportunity to provide new, or enhance existing, non-vehicular routes including connections with the existing network. 

Also, Policy 7.4: Saxilby Business and Enterprise Parks – Developments must provide or contribute to the provision of the walking and cycling routes to the village shown on Proposal Map 6 and take every opportunity to encourage other means of transport than the car. 

We also request that a new speed restriction is considered along the Skellingthorpe Road and junction capacity (with the A57) is reviewed, given the impact of the expected additional traffic.


167/21 Reference 143655: Planning application to erect terrace of 4no. light industrial units – Class B1/B2/B8 – including associated parking being variation of condition 3 of planning permission 141456 granted 6 October 2020 re: footway delivery timescales. Riverside Enterprise Park, Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby, LN1 2LR.

We support the new units, as per Policy 7 of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan (Saxilby Business and Enterprise Parks).

We do not believe that a variation of condition 3 should be approved. The approved 1.8-metre-wide footway should be fully implemented before any further permission is granted - this condition is essential for the safety of those people working at this location and travelling from Saxilby and Skellingthorpe by foot or cycle. It also helps to promote a greener environment.

As per Policy 16.2 of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan (Existing and New Non Vehicular Routes) - New development shall take every opportunity to provide new, or enhance existing, non-vehicular routes including connections with the existing network. 

Also, Policy 7.4: Saxilby Business and Enterprise Parks – Developments must provide or contribute to the provision of the walking and cycling routes to the village shown on Proposal Map 6 and take every opportunity to encourage other means of transport than the car. 

We also request that a new speed restriction is considered along the Skellingthorpe Road and junction capacity (with the A57) is reviewed, given the impact of the expected additional traffic.

Cllrs I and J Willox returned (8:04pm). Cllr Harper briefly left the room (8:04pm) and returned (8:05pm).


168/21 Reference 143717: Planning application for removal of south facing flat roof extension, new front entrance doors to rear hall and improved car parking to front. Methodist Church, High Street, Saxilby, LN1 2HA.

Committee is supportive of the letter already submitted by Cllr Cotton and the points raised by Mr Elliot.

Policy 5 in the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan (Protecting the Historic Environment) – supports the request for a heritage statement.

Also, Policy 9 (Protecting Community Facilities). We question whether the methodist chapel is a community asset (religious building) or heritage asset based on its past use and history?

We request that the boundaries are confirmed and retained for biodiversity. 


169/21 Reference 143751: Planning application for single storey extension to dwelling. Station Cottage, Sykes Lane, Saxilby, LN1 2NR.

No comments.


170/21 Reference 143798: Planning application for first floor rear extension. 23 Church Road, Saxilby, LN1 2HH.

No comments.


171/21 Reference 143808: Planning application for demolition of existing dwelling and replace with one and a half storey detached dwelling with detached double garage and workshop. The Laurels, Mays Lane, Saxilby, LN1 2QE.

All new developments should demonstrate how they fit with Policy 2.2 – Design of New Developments criteria of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan. (All new developments must demonstrate how the above criteria, Building for Life 12 and the Saxilby with Ingleby Village Character Assessment has been used in the designing of the site through the submission of a written statement).

We note that this development will be liable for CiL. 

We beliele that given the recent government announcements on the environment, any new build designs should be environmentally friendly, including alternative heat sources.


172/21 Reference 143711: Planning application for a sand dressed pitch & associated hardstanding, installation of high level fencing, new floodlight systems and storage container. St Andrews Community Centre, William Street, Saxilby, LN1 2LP.

No comments – committee is fully supportive of this application.


173/21 To nominate a committee member to check for tree applications (following the resignation of Dave Kenny)

It was resolved to defer this until November.


To note the following items and agree actions where required:


174/21 Update on the Cottam and West Burton solar project (which includes extensive solar development in and around Saxilby and surrounding villages) and agree actions, including inviting Island Green Power to undertake a local public meeting.

It was resolved to:

  • Request hard copies of the consultation materials, as per the email from Island Green Power.
  • Register the Parish Council for a preliminary meeting, as per the developer’s consultation timeline.
  • We have lots of questions regarding this proposal and need to know more. Write to WLDC Chief Executive asking WLDC to organize and host a meeting for West Lindsey parishes potentially impacted by this proposal, along with the developer. 
  • Notify WLDC that we want to be part of any S.106 discussions.
  • Draw up an initial list of questions we have on this scheme.
  • Work on a Comms strategy.
  • Put on the agenda for future meetings once we have any updates.


175/21 Consultation on the Sturton by Stow Neighbourhood Plan and agree any Parish Council comments to be submitted (deferred from September)

Committee resolved to agree and submit the following comments.

The Sturton by Stow Neighbourhood Plan is a good document and there has obviously been a lot of work to complete it. Here are a few points from Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council, based on our experience and learning points from our NDP, which was made in 2017, and which we are about to review.

  1. Traffic and speeding is identified as a community aspiration and not a policy, yet there are lots of points which would justify having it as a separate policy.
  2. A professional Character Assessment would be more beneficial and is useful when commenting on planning applications.
  3. It would be worth considering having a separate policy for tourism, which can be developed when reviewed. You have key tourist attractions in Stow Church, Coates-by-Stow Church and Bransby Horses. 
  4. Community aspirations may be better as a list of community projects. You can then link any CiL monies received, to the projects.
  5. There is nothing about future housing developments and identified possible sites.
  6. Walking and cycling: Consider adding in ‘Don’t Lose Your Way’, the Ramblers’ campaign to put unrecorded rights of way back on the map. Many of these reconnect villages.


To note the following West Lindsey District Council planning decisions


176/21 Reference 143430: Planning application for the conversion and extensions of 2no. brick barns to create 2no. dwellings including removal of modern agricultural buildings and existing lean-to. Moor Farm, Station Road, North Harby, Newark, NG23 7EL. Granted.



177/21 Reference 143532: Planning application for 1no. replacement 1.5 storey dwelling. 8 Mill Lane, Saxxilby, LN1 2QD. Granted.



178/21 CLOSED SESSION - Committee to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1060 for the following item on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr J Willox and resolved to go into closed session.


179/21 To agree any further actions regarding a land ownership query

It was resolved to reject the offer, and agree to meet with the resident, which due to availability, could not be until the second week in November.


The meeting closed at 9:25 pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting