
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 18 August 2021 at 7.30pm at St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.

Meeting started at 19.57pm due to Finance Committee over-running


Members Present

Cllrs Cotton, Harper, Hillman and Ives.



Cllrs Crump, I Willox, and J Willox.


In Attendance

Lydia Hopton, Assistant Parish Clerk.

There were no members of public in attendance.


Public Questions 





134/21 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies had been received from Cllrs Crump, I Willox, and J Willox and these were accepted. 

135/21 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Cotton declared personal interest in agenda item 7 (ref 140/21) as sits on Central Lincolnshire Joint Planning Committee in capacity of district councillor.


Cllr Ives declared personal interest in agenda item 5 (ref 138/21).


136/21 To approve the notes of the Planning Committee meeting dated 21 July 2021 and the committee chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

These were proposed by Cllr Harper and resolved. Cllr Hillman signed the minutes.


137/21 To note the meeting action log

The committee noted the log. Cllr Cotton noted the ward tour took place. 

Cllr Hillman and Cllr Cotton attended a local business and two letters were sent and the owner did not turn up at the agreed time. Re action log ref 061/21 (press release item) add the colour of the footbridge has been raised for discussion with WLDC.


To review and comment on the following West Lindsey District Council Planning consultations:


138/21 Reference 143402: Planning application for front extension. 4 Sykes Mews, Saxilby, Lincoln

No comments.


To note the following items and agree actions where required:


139/21 To approve the draft MUGA plans for submission

  • The land investigation report was discussed, noting the clay land and that soakaways may not be suitable for the development.
  • It was agreed that the acoustic wall was an important part of the development.
  • The size of the pitches was raised following comments seen on Facebook – this was clarified by the clerk. 
  • On the plans the field needs labelling as the Memorial Field.

Cllr Harper proposed the plans were recommended for approval by Full Council, taking into account the above comments and this was resolved. 


140/21 To feedback on Committee’s collated comments on the draft Lincolnshire Local Plan, and agree their submission

The following was agreed for submission by the Assistant Clerk prior to the deadline: 


Policy S1 and S4: The Spatial Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy: Large villages have been identified in 2018. Saxilby has already exceeded its allocation of dwellings by 76% and that should be taken into consideration for future allocations. The loss of more greenfield sites is unacceptable and has harmed the character and appearance of the rural setting of Saxilby (S4, 2C) There are a number of brownfield sites in the village that could be used for future developments in place of additional greenfield developments.


Policy S4/ 21: Affordable Housing- First Homes exceptions sites should only be considered if they have support from the community. Affordable homes should be partly owned, not sold to landlords buying multiple properties to rent. 


S6: Reducing Energy Consumption- residential development.  All new developments should have solar panels, sustainable alternative heating systems, electric charging points and high speed broadband connectivity. The surface water drainage and sewer treatment is already over capacity where tankers tank out many tanks of sewerage on a daily basis - this goes against becoming carbon neutral as the community is increasing it’s carbon footprint as lorries are tankering out sewerage and this will increase with further development unless the sewage infrastructure is upgraded. 


Policy S47: Walking and Cycling Infrastructure

Active travel should include safe walking and cycling routes to local business parks.

There needs to be links to national cycle routes to be part of the UK-wide network of convenient routes for walking and cycling.


S58: Green Infrastructure Network (p.137) Policy S65 Trees and Hedgerows 

Hedgerows should be protected as many are removed during building and replaced with fences. The Local Plan should support ‘hedgehog highways’ and insist that new fencing should include these. Trees should be given priority in any new development with existing mature trees being protected as a priority and the development built around them. Additional tree planting should be incorporated in developments. Note, trees and hedgerows are an important part of flood alleviation as they absorb a substantial amounts of water which would otherwise be surface water runoff adding to the load on drainage systems.


Policy S63: Local Green Spaces

We support this policy. 

Allocated land: 

Land off Church Lane (142) Land off Sturton Road (89) Land off Sykes Lane (134) There has not been any consultation with the community for these identified sites.  Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan will be reviewed next year and new sites will be identified. We do not support the number of dwellings and identified sites due to the lack of infrastructure: flooding and drainage, impact on roads and junctions, traffic through the village, lack of shops, impact on the school and doctors.

Even these sites would be subject to constraints caused by major concerns expressed by Anglian Water that existing drainage and sewer networks are already at or close to full capacity, particularly on Sykes Lane [at 105% capacity] and the High Street [at 95% capacity]. Anglian Water have previously stated they will accept no more connections to the Sykes Lane system.

The north of the village has already had 363 dwellings built which has completely changed the character of the area. Anymore large housing estates will change the character even further making Saxilby a town and it will lose its status as a village. 

The potential sites by developers have not consulted with the village and do not feature in the NDP.


141/21 To note an upcoming NALC event on ‘levelling up the environment through biodiversity net gain’ (Wed 27 October 2021) and agree who is to attend

It was proposed by Cllr Harper and resolved to book a place for Cllr Harper and share notes from the event with the committee. 


142/21 Update on overgrown piece of land to the rear of the ACIS properties on the new development, and agree actions 

Cllr Hillman proposed to write to planning and ACIS and request ACIS management plan for the area and it was resolved and add to next agenda for update. 


To note the following West Lindsey District Council planning decisions:

143/21 Reference 143040: Planning application for erection of 1no. poultry unit for meat production, including feed silos, hard standing and ancillary buildings. Ingleby Farm, Sturton Road, Ingleby, Lincoln, LN1 2PQ. Granted.



144/21 Reference 143339: Application for prior notification of proposed demolition. Methodist Church, High Street, Saxilby, Lincoln. Prior permission not given.



145/21 CLOSED SESSION - Committee to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1060 for the following item on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Ives and resolved to go into closed session.


146/21 To discuss a land ownership query and agree actions

Actions were agreed.


The meeting closed at 20:52pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.