
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 24 August 2022 at 7.30pm at St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.


Members Present

Cllr Cotton, Hillman (committee chair), Harper, J Willox, and I Willox



Cllr Crump 


In Attendance

Lydia Hopton, Parish Clerk

Zarina Belk, Assistant Clerk 

There were no members of public in attendance.


Public Questions 



Planning Committee Meeting

117/22 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies had been received from Cllr Crump and these were accepted.


118/22 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Cotton declared an other-registerable interest on Ref 123/22 - sits on WLDC planning committee who are considering the proposal.


Cllr Cotton declared he had an other-registerable interest on Ref 128/22 – sits on the Central Lincolnshire Joint Local Plan Committee.


119/22 To approve the notes of the planning committee meeting held on 20 July 2022 and the chair to sign them as the agreed minutes

Cllr Harper proposed the minutes and they were resolved.


120/22 To note the meeting action log – including a verbal update from Cllr Brockway’s actions following the meeting held between the chair of planning committee and Cllr Brockway

Cllr Hillman provided an update following the meeting with county councillor Brockway and the assistant clerk:

  • Mill Lane/A57 junction – Cllr Brockway has passed on the parish council’s request for a capacity review of the junction to Lincolnshire County Council’s (LCC) Development Management Team
  • Cllr Brockway wanted to understand whether the road has a filter lane or not turning out from Mill Lane onto the A57and has asked LCC for clarification
  • Re-surfacing on Church Lane – LCC still to respond. Works are currently planned for that location to address flooding on the corner 
  • Church Lane/Church Road junction safety to be re-assessed
  • Bridge Place Corner duplicate highways sign to be removed
  • Millfield Avenue to be examined by LCC for interim repairs 

The action log was noted and the following comments made:

  • Ref 078/22 Cllr Cotton wrote to Rob Gilliott at WLDC but not had a response. Cllr Cotton to chase 
  • Ref 210/21 Mark as complete. Add to September Full Council agenda
  • Responded to Cottam and West Burton Solar Project consultation complete.
  • Ref 112/22 complete 


To review and comment on the following West Lindsey District Council Planning consultations:

121/22 Reference 145278: Planning application for the conversion of an existing ancillary combined home office, garden store, and garage building to provide a family annex. Cherry Tree Cottage, Gainsborough Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2LX.

The annex, if permitted, should remain ancillary to the host dwelling and should not be sold off separately now or in the future. The owners of the host dwelling should remain owners of the annex.

The council recognises the impact of climate change and importance of biodiversity, and requests this proposal should be fit for the future e.g. water collection and harvesting, ground source heat pumps, solar panels, and an electric car charging point.


122/22 Reference 145238: Planning application to remove shed and erect detached garage and store. Bow Cottage, High Street, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2HA.

The council queries how the garage will be accessed with vehicles due to the location of the proposed garage being at the rear of the property. 

Vehicles should enter and egress in forward gear onto the public highway. No turning area has been proposed within the plans.

The council recognises the impact of climate change and importance of biodiversity, and requests that this proposal should be fit for the future e.g. use of water collection and harvesting, solar panels, and an electric car charging point.


123/22 Verbal feedback from Cottam and West Burton Solar Project meeting with Cllr Hillman and the Assistant Clerk

Cllr Cotton declared an other-registerable interest - sits on WLDC planning committee who are considering the proposal.

Cllr Hillman provided feedback on the meeting:

1. The planning committee representatives brought up that the last solar project consultation was the same day as the Lincolnshire Show so attendance was lower than otherwise would’ve been.

2. The planning committee representatives asked how the solar development would benefit residents – the company said there would be community grants but they would be administered by a third party. The planning chair noted this would not directly benefit the residents. 

3. The planning committee representatives shared the NDP projects including the Saxilby cycle track to Torksey.

4. The solar company noted one field had been removed from the proposal due to the flood risk and they also removed a field near Ingleby following a meeting with Historic England – due to the ancient monument at Ingleby.

5. The planning committee representatives asked if the solar project had considered other sites such as airfields. The solar project representatives said they had but they were too expensive to purchase. 

6. The planning committee representatives asked what happens at the end of life of the project and the solar project representatives said the development would be reinstated back to fields. 


Cllr Cotton contested the above comment fed back from the meeting stating the current government policy is that it would move to a brownfield site. 


7. The solar project representatives said there would be a two-year planning period and then it would take two years to build the site.

8. The planning committee representatives noted they support Saxilby Nature Project’s proposals to the solar project.

9. The solar project representatives confirmed the council’s consultee responses can be agreed and submitted following the meeting and would be taken into consideration. 

10. The solar project representatives noted there may be solar panels available for community buildings locally. 

11. At the meeting the solar project representatives noted there would be no concrete needed to install the panels and therefore it would not be there to remove as part of the decommissioning.

The planning committee requested clarification and confirmation of this point (para 11 above)


Cllr I Willox noted the development, if approved, it would result in 7,000 acres being taken out of food production. 

Cllr Cotton noted WLDC have opposed proposal. 


The planning committee requested an item goes on October Full Council to consider a position statement on the council’s position on the proposal.

The planning committee requested the consultee feedback is sent to the solar farm project for their second round of consultation. 


124/22 To note an update on a tree felled on Daubeney Avenue Greenspace and agree actions

The update was noted. Cllr Harper proposed the background paper proposal to agree to invoice the other party to fund the replacement of the tree and for the grounds team to plant the replacement tree in autumn. This was resolved.


125/22 To receive an update regarding Saxilby Waterfront footbridge and agree actions

Cllr Cotton proposed an on-site meeting is arranged with Ian Knowles and Gary Reevell to progress the matter. This was resolved.

Cllr Hillman to add timeline information from meeting.



126/22 To note and respond to a resident’s complaint regarding the former ‘footpath’ at the rear of the burial ground being blocked between Church Lane and Sturton Road

This has been passed onto county councillor Jackie Brockway, who has responded to the complaint - there is not a definitive right of way. However, there is now access onto Church Lane via the Lovells estate onto the lane. Clerk to reply to resident.   


127/22 To respond to Lovells correspondence to agree wording for the gate plaque for the Ingleby View Fallen Garden 

It was proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved for the following wording and tree species: 

“This garden and a number of the roads in the Ingleby View development are in memory of the men of the parish who gave their lives during the Great War (1914-1918). The development was started in 2018 - 100 years after the conflict ended. They died for freedom and honour.”

A native red berried Rowan tree was also suggested for the tree species in the garden.


128/22 To note correspondence from the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Team - Notice of the Submission of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government

Cllr Cotton declared he has an other-registerable interest – sits on the central Lincolnshire joint local plan committee.

Committee noted the correspondence.


The meeting closed at 8.51pm.


Please be advised these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant clerk or clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.