
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 11th November 2020 at 6.45pm

Under the Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meeting)

(England) Regulations 2020, this meeting was held by video conference.


Members Present:

Cllrs Crump, Hillman (Committee Chairman), Stafford, I Willox, and J Willox 



Cllr Cotton and Ives

In Attendance:

Lydia Smithson, Assistant Parish Clerk


Public Questions

There were none.


Planning Committee Meeting

088/20 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies had been received from Cllr Cotton and Ives, and these were accepted.

089/20 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr I Willox and J Willox declared a personal interest in agenda item three (ref 090/20)

Cllr Hillman declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item three (ref 090/20)


Cllr Hillman removed to the Waiting Room due to declaring a pecuniary interest in the item


090/20 To discuss a pre-planning proposal from Geda Construction for an affordable homes scheme on Broxholme Lane

Meeting suspended to allow the New Business Manager from Geda Construction to share information on the scheme 6.50pm


  • Geda have been looking conjunction with Platform Housing Group (and Local Planning Authority involved) for an affordable housing site in Saxilby for some time. They have carried out further sequential testing to see what sites are available, following the initial meeting where a different of parcel of land had been identified. The landowner is supportive.
  • Currently looking to develop 26 units, in-line with LA housing needs, meeting what LA has identified as local housing need. It would be built on exception land -  with six for shared ownership and some with affordable rent (around 80% of market rent). They would be built in perpetuity for local people, using a cascading scale to allocate them.   
  • Types proposed are those identified as being needed by the LA – smaller accommodation particularly one bedroom properties and bungalows
  • A Committee member noted 70 affordable homes built over last two years (this compares to 36 in Nettleham and 12 in Dunholme) and many of these had been filled by non-local people, that the parish is currently 76% over allocation for housing from the Plamn
  • Infrastructure not keeping pace with what is happening and don’t have the infrastructure in place to develop any more housing – e.g. sewers ‘over capacity’
  • That the parish has brownfield sites which may be more appropriate.
  • Geda noted no brownfield sites have come forward during the process.
  • It was noted there are over 55’s properties on the new Church Fields development and has this been taken into consideration by the LA when identifying current need?
  • The LA contact was requested so the committee could contact them to discuss the housing need identification process, as there appears to be a void between what has been ‘identified’ by the LA and experiences relating to need at ground level.

New Business Manager from Geda Construction left, the meeting was re-started and Cllr Hillman was admitted back from the Waiting Room 7.09pm

091/20 To approve the notes of the Planning Committee meeting dated 11th November 2020 and the Committee Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

These were proposed by Cllr Stafford and resolved.

092/20 To note the meeting action log


093/20 To review and comment on the following West Lindsey District Council Planning consultations

Reference 141985: Planning application for part change of use to dwelling to provide chiropractic therapy. 21 Otter Avenue, Saxilby, LN1 2HU.

The council supports small business in-line with policy 8 in the Saxilby with Ingleby NDP.

There is concern regarding parking with it being in a residential area and ensuring off-street parking is utilised and not on street parking, whilst noting in-line with the Character Assessment 6.13 and 6.18 the importance of protecting front gardens, and landscaping.

Reference 141994: Planning application for construction of new stables and access road. Moor Farm, Station Road, North Harby, Newark, NG23 7EL.

No comment.

Reference 142019: Planning application for ground and first floor extensions to side and rear. 15 Church Lane, Saxilby, LN1 2PE.

The Council request the Conservation Officer provides their view on the application, in reference to Policy 5 Protecting the Historic Environment, as the application is in the vicinity of the Church which is a grade I listed building.

Reference 142042: Notification under Electricity Act 1989 Overhead lines (Exemption) (England and Wales) Regulations 2009 – SMI/3801329 - install additional pole leg. Land north of West Bank, Saxilby, LN1 2LU

No comment.


094/20 To agree actions regarding:


Speed limit reduction in Ingleby

Raised by a resident to request the council consider supporting a request for a reduction in speed through Ingleby.

It was proposed by Cllr Stafford and resolved to:

Support a speed limit reduction at Ingleby including the bends and to the Bransby/Sturton crossroads

Contact Sturton Parish Council (and Bransby) to gauge their views.

Contact the Neighbourhood Policing Team and request Smiley SID is put out both ways on regular basis, and with regards to the speed limit request.

Contact Cllr Brockway to request Traffic Regulation Order is put in place.


Parking on Bridge Street

Cllr Stafford proposed, and it was that the council consult with businesses and residents on Bridge Street on whether there should be parking limitations put in place, before moving forward with requesting a Traffic Regulation Order. Add to March agenda to consider draft survey


Parking on Highfield Road

Cllr Stafford proposed:

Write to local businesses involved to request staff and customers use the car park and park considerately and not on pavement

Contact police/county council for clarification/enforcement of not parking on pavements

Bring back in March to see if still an issue and consider a TRO


095/20 To approve submission of the wheeled park planning application

Proposer J Willox and resolved with all in favour.


096/20 To note and agree any actions regarding enquiries about St Botolphs Gate green spaces

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved that the enquiry would be responded to, noting the areas area green spaces and the Council would not support the development of, or access across it.

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to contact neighbourhood policing team regarding the damage to the spinney off St Botolphs Gate requesting the police make enquiries regarding damage to spinney.


097/20 To note feedback from:

a. The Role of the Highway & Lead Local Flood Authority in the Planning Process training

Feedback noted.


b. WLDC Tree Officer  

Tree Officer isn’t available until next year for a meeting.


c. Taylor Wimpey at Saxilby Height

Meeting being arranged with a East Midlands Director for December.


d. WLDC footbridge over the Fossdyke

Meeting being arranged with WLDC including Chief Executive for January.


e. WLDC S.106 & CiL

Report received and WLDC Officer to attend in January.


098/20 To note the West Lindsey District Council feedback on the following applications


Reference 141587: Planning application for change of use from agricultural land to a wildlife area. Land adjacent to Sykes Junction, Sykes Lane, Saxilby, LN1 2NX.

Planning permission granted.


Reference 141657: Planning application to erect a garden building to be used as a grooming business. 8 Woodhall Crescent, Saxilby, LN1 2HZ.

Planning permission granted.


The meeting closed at 7:56 pm.