
Planning and Development Committee Meeting Minutes

7.15pm Wednesday 17 July 2024 

Function Room, St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby, LN1 2LP.


Members Present

Cllrs Hillman (committee chair), Hughes, Waller, I Willox and J Willox.


Members Absent

Cllrs Barratt, Crump, and Saunders.


In Attendance

Zarina Belk, Assistant Parish Clerk




P24/118 1. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.

Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr Waller), it was RESOLVED to:

Accept apologies from Cllrs Barratt, Crump and Saunders.


P24/119 2. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllrs I and J Willox declared a pecuniary interest in item P24/093. 7.


P24/120 3. To consider granting dispensation requests, these having been submitted in writing to the proper officer before, or at the start of, the meeting.

None received.


P24/121 4. 15 Minute Public Participation Session with respect of business on the agenda only. To note a question, representation, or statement from member(s) of public.

No public present.


P24/122 5. Approve planning committee meeting notes as minutes for 19 June 2024

Having been proposed (Cllr J Willox) and seconded (Cllr Waller) it was RESOLVED to:

Approve the planning committee meeting notes as minutes for 19 June 2024.


P24/0123 6a. Respond to LCC consultation on Skellingthorpe Road Saxilby Proposed 40mph speed limit, following a request from the parish council.

Having been proposed (Cllr J Willox) and seconded (Cllr Waller) it was RESOLVED to:

Fully support the speed reduction. This is supported by NDP Policy 17 - Traffic and Movement Around the Village. 


P24/124 6b To note and agree actions regarding Lincolnshire County Council request to review the no waiting restrictions at Westbank Saxilby 

The committee support in principle, however there are strong concerns about where those cars will be displaced to. There are no carparks in the immediate vicinity. This has also had a detrimental effect on businesses opportunities and trying to survive. Council request that highways look into car parking in general in Saxilby.


19:27 Cllrs I and J Willox left the room


P24/125 7 Agree two councillors to attend a meeting request from a developer 

Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Hillman) it was RESOLVED to:

Ask two councillors to attend a meeting in principle, subject to availability. Cllrs Saunders, Waller, Hughes and Hillman are all willing to attend.


19:30 Cllr I and J Willox re-enter the room.


P24/126 8 Make a recommendation to full council to apply for planning permission for council agreed works to Bridge Street Waterfront Facilities and for formal permission from the landlord.

Deferred to August planning where councillors request full details of the plans to be submitted.


To note updates and agree any actions required: 


P24/127 9. Meeting action log



P24/128 10. NDP Review Working Group

Noted that there will be an informal consultation on 19 August 2024 in the church hall.


P24/129 11. NDP Project 1.4 LCC cycle path connection between Lincoln and Saxilby

Noted that there is also some fencing and gates that need completing.


P24/130 12. NDP Project 3.1 Saxilby and District Multi-Use Games Area, including project list



P24/131 13. NDP Project 4.0 Saxilby Waterfront Working Group

No update as meeting is tomorrow.


P24/132 14. NDP Para 102 Saxilby Speed watch Scheme

Noted, also a meeting to be held tomorrow.


P24/133 15.  Retail Grant Project 

To receive the update and note progress and agree to apply to CRT for the shoal of fish artwork to be installed on the canal side.

Having been proposed (Cllr Waller) and seconded (Cllr Hughes) it was RESOLVED to:

receive the update and note progress and agree to apply to CRT for the shoal of fish artwork to be installed on the canal side


P24/134 16. D-Day 80 Co-ordination

a. Planning and Development committee to note the report.



b. To consider making a further donation of £20 to the Royal British Legion.



c. Add an item onto the October planning and development agenda to confirm tree planting arrangements and ceremony for November 

Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED to:

Add an item onto the October planning to arrange a ceremony in November.


d. To consider allocating funds when setting the 2025-26 budget for the WWII 80 commemorations and to contact local organisations with a view to collaborating on arrangements 

Having been proposed (Cllr J Willox) and seconded (Cllr Waller), it was RESOLVED to:

Allocate funds when setting the 2025-26 budget for the WW11 80 commemorations and to contact local organisations.


Agree consultee response on the following planning applications:


P24/135 17. Application Number: WL/2024/00041. Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters for 1 no. dwelling (Plot 2, No. 67) considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline permission 142505 granted 13 April 2021. Location: (Plot 2, No. 67) 65, 67 & 69 Church Lane, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PE. Reconsult. 

Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED to:

Request CIL money as the floor measurements are greater than the original build.


P24/136 18.  Application Number: WL/2024/00449. Proposal: Application for reserved matters and discharge of conditions (3 & 19) for Site A for the erection of 1no. commercial office unit with associated access road and parking spaces class E(g)(i) considering appearance, landscaping, layout & scale following outline planning permission 147060 granted 16 October 2023. Location: Site A, Saxilby Enterprise Park, Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2LR

Having been proposed (Cllr J Willox) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED to:

Support the application as per NDP Policy (2017) 7 sub paragraph 2 and 3, Saxilby Business and Enterprise parks but note that, concerns were raised that the cycle / footpath has not been completed from the A57 Skellingthorpe Road to the junction to Business Park. 


P24/137 19. Application Number: WL/2024/00476. Proposal: Application for prior notification of proposed development by telecommunications code systems operators for 20m high valmont climbable monopole on 5.2 x 5.2 x 1.4m deep concrete base with config 1 circular headframe for 6no. antenna apertures at 0/120/240 & 4no. 600 dishes, RRU's, BOB's and active Routers to be fixed to headframe below antennas and associated ancillary works. Location: Field Off Church Lane, Saxilby, Lincoln.

Having been proposed (Cllr Hughes) and seconded (Cllr J Willox), it was RESOLVED to:

Support in principle but request it is set back further from the road.


P24/138 20. Application Number: WL/2024/00517. Proposal: Planning application for the erection of 2 no. broiler poultry units (meat production) with feed silos, ancillary biomass boiler heating system, roof mounted PV panels and hardstanding. Location: Ingleby Farm, Sturton Road, Ingleby, Lincoln, LN1 2PQ.

Cllr I Willox declared a personal interest as he knows the applicant.

Having been proposed by (Cllr Waller) and seconded by (Cllr J Willox) it was resolved to support the application.


P24/139 21. Application Number: WL/2024/00530. Proposal: Planning application to remove existing offshoots and erect single storey rear extension and other alterations. Location: 28 Westcroft Drive, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PT.

No comments.


P24/140 22 To agree a consultee response to the public consultation for a proposed reservoir in Lincolnshire

Responses to be submitted before the end of July. Cllr Waller to draft a response.


P24/141 23 To agree any further pre-application consultation response to One Earth Solar Farm for a proposed solar farm and battery storage facility covering around 3,950 acres on the border of Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire, with a grid connection at High Marnham, following receipt of further location information. 

Having been proposed (Cllr J Willox) and seconded (Cllr I Willox), it was RESOLVED to:

State that we are still opposed to the applications, re our previous statements. 


P24/142 24 To agree a pre-application consultation response to WHP Telecoms Ltd regarding a proposed communications installation for Arqiva’s smart meter network for Anglian Water at Saxilby, West Bank, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2LU, following receipt of further information.

No comments.


The meeting closed at 20:26pm.


Please be advised these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant clerk or clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council until they are approved and signed.