
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:45pm at St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.


Members Present

Cllrs Hillman (committee chair), Cotton, Crump, Harper, I Willox and J Willix


Cllr Ives


In Attendance

Elaine Atkin – Parish Clerk

Debbie Johnson – Assistant Clerk


There were no members of public in attendance.


Public Questions 

The following comments were made:

  • Potholes have been filled in on Church Lane near the nursery however the paths are bad. Will these be filled in as well?
  • Lindum have taken up kerb edges near the new development
  • Are we due to have another meeting with Taylor Wimpey (the last one was in July)
  • West Bank potholes need reporting on Fixmystreet
  • Issues raised at the Bridge Street Working Group about traffic on Bridge Street – traffic not giving way, poor parking outside shops. Asked if there can be parking bays outside the shops.


Planning Committee Meeting

001/22 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies had been received from Cllr Ives and these were accepted. 


002/22 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Cotton declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 6 (minute 006/22).


003/22 To approve the notes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 15 December 2021 and the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

Cllr J Willox proposed, and this was resolved.


004/22 To note the meeting action log

The action log was noted. Cllrs Hillman and J Willox agreed to review the actions.


To review and comment on the following West Lindsey District Council Planning consultations:

005/22 Reference 144139: Planning application for rear domestic single storey extension and attached double garage. 92a High Street, Saxilby, LN1 2HG.

We support the two residents’ comments regarding the need to retain the current hedge height, in line with biodiversity for wildlife.


006/22 Reference 144135: Planning application for reserved matters for the erection of 1no. dwelling, considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission 142505 granted 13 April 2021. Plot 3 65, 67 & 69 Church Lane, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PE.

As per Policy 2 – a, b, c, d (Design of new developments) of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan: 

The size of the dwelling is too large for the plots and doesn’t leave sufficient amenity space. 

As per Policy 17 – Traffic and movement around the village: 

We have concerns about construction traffic during the construction phase. Church Lane is already full of potholes and the surface is deteriorating due to the number of cars and volume of construction traffic over the last few years. 

We would request that reasonable working hours (9:00am to 5:00pm, and Saturday mornings) are set during the construction, to minimise disruption to nearby residents. 

We would like assurance that there will be adequate parking provided, as the properties sit on a narrow road (Church Lane), in close proximity to a junction. 

As per Policy 11 - 1b and 1c (Minimising the impact of development of the natural environment: 

With the large amount of development in Saxilby the hedgehog population is on the decline. The Parish Council are requesting developers to support hedgehog ‘highways’ by cutting small holes in garden fences to improve connectivity throughout the development and help protect this endangered species. 

We would request the planting of trees to add to the biodiversity of the area. 

The Council recognises the impact of climate change, and requests that all new development must be fit for the future i.e.be ultra-energy efficient and climate resilient and maximise low carbon and renewable energy. 

We note that this application will be applicable for a CiL contribution.


007/22 To agree and review the Neighbourhood development Plan (NDP) and Character Assessment in 2022 and apply for Locality funding

Cllr Harper proposed, and it was resolved to re-instate the NDP Working Group. Cllr Cotton abstained.


008/22 To agree allocation of the latest CiL income and remaining developer grant



009/22 To agree to apply for funding for the Queen’s Green Canopy (‘plant a tree for the Jubilee’) following community consultation

Cllr J Willox proposed, and it was resolved to consult with the community for proposed location(s) and apply for funding. 


010/22 To note the following concerns from residents raised at the monthly market, and now logged on fixmystreet as appropriate:

a) Concerns for safety of residents due to the surface at Millfield Avenue footpath and road

b) Request for a public meeting for residents concerning the road surface/potholes and erosion of the bank along West Bank

c) Poor state of the surface of Church Lane carriageway (multiple potholes) and footpaths

The concerns were noted. It was suggested that a request could be put in to LCC to get a Highways Officer out to West Bank, particularly where the Fossdyke bank is slipping, opposite 13 West Bank.

It was also suggested that we could try to arrange for a Highways Officer to meet with the Chair and Clerk regarding the West Bank issues.


011/22 To approve a letter to a resident who removed a hedge adjacent to the Daubeney green space



012/22 To consider a request from a resident regarding allotments and asking whether a suitable site could be explored

It was clarified that provision of allotments was an identified project on the community projects list in the Neighbourhood Development Plan (project 2.7). 

Cllr Harper proposed, and it was resolved to note the request, that council continues to look for a suitable site, however there are none at the moment, and also to write to the Coop to see if they would be willing to gift the suggested field for allotments.


013/22 To receive an update regarding a proposed platinum jubilee wood in Saxilby

It was clarified that the parish council has no land it could offer. Cllr Hillman would draft a response.


014/22 To receive an update regarding the solar farms project

The update was noted. It was confirmed that the parish council need to chase a meeting with the proposers of the solar farms project.


015/22 CLOSED SESSION - Committee to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1060 for the following item on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr I Willox and resolved to go into closed session.


016/22 To note an update regarding a land ownership query

The update was noted. A safety issue on the land was discussed and would be flagged up to WLDC.


The meeting closed at 9.05 pm.

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.