
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 13th January 2021 at 7.00pm

Under the Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meeting)

(England) Regulations 2020, this meeting was held by video conference.


Members Present:

Cllrs Crump, Hillman (Committee Chairman), Stafford, I Willox, and J Willox 



Cllr Cotton and Ives


In Attendance:

Elaine Atkin, Parish Clerk

Rachel Hughes, WLDC Contributions Officer


Public Questions

There were none.


Planning Committee Meeting

001/21 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies had been received from Cllr Cotton, and these were accepted.


002/21 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr I Willox and J Willox declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 6j (ref 014/21).


003/21 To approve the notes of the Planning Committee meeting dated 9th December 2020 and the Committee Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

These were proposed by Cllr Crump and resolved.


004/21 Update from WLDC Contributions Officer regarding S.106/CiL monies

Briefing paper had been shared prior to the meeting.

Key discussion points:

  • Evolving picture due to lots of Government consultations in relation to planning legislation.
  • New NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) in 2019 overrides the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Development Plan, especially for entry level exception sites, which was tucked away in the Framework document.
  • S.106 money takes time to come through, whilst CiL contributions are front-loaded payments (payable when the site is opened up and access established)
  • CiL implemented in 2018 (so too late for Church Road and Sturton Road developments)
  • CiL regulations still being amended
  • CiL - greater flexibility on what the money can be spent on
  • We will get 25% of CiL contributions
  • Query over number of self-builds and are these used as a way to get round CiL obligations. Self-build exemption definitions are woolly, so difficult for WLDC to challenge these applications.
  • What more can Saxilby do to push for infrastructure improvements i.e. education, doctor’s, junction improvements, sewers etc.
  • Query whether we are due for the first S.106 payment in relation to Sturton Road (Ingleby View) development, due to number of occupied new homes. Cllr Hillman was asked to send details to the Contributions Officer.
  • Committee thanked the Contributions Officer for the update.

WLDC Contributions Officer left the meeting (7:38pm)


005/21 To note the meeting action log

Noted. Committee requested an update regarding traffic issues at the next meeting.


To review and comment on the following West Lindsey District Council Planning consultations:

006/21 Reference 141730 (reconsult): Planning application for single storey extension. 81 Mill Lane, Saxilby, LN1 2HN.

This application has now been granted.


007/21 Reference 142044: Planning application to change to use of agricultural land to a wildlife area and for the construction of wetland/pond being to vary condition 2 of planning permission 140167 granted 18 December 2019 – relocation of proposed site. Field south of Sykes Lane, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2NX.

We support this application.

As per Policy 12: Green Infrastructure in the made Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan.


008/21 Reference 142082: Outline planning application for 3no. replacement dwellings – all matters reserved. 65, 67 & 69 Church Lane, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PE.

We recognise that these properties need to be replaced.

We are disappointed that the developer had not had any pre-planning discussions with the Council as per the NPPF.

There is no mention of the made Neighbourhood Development Plan or supporting Character Assessment.

As per NDP Policy 2: Design of new developments. The front gardens to contribute to the character of Church Lane. The footpath in front of these properties has been badly damaged by lorries and needs replacing/improving, which will assist with walking (“clear and legible pedestrian routes”).


009/21 Reference 142088: Planning application for erection of a single garage. Land to the rear of 5 Bridge Street, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PZ.
The boundary issue/ownership of the land needs to be resolved first.

Neighbourhood Development Plan:

Policy 2.1.c – Design of new developments (Be of appropriate scale and density in relation to its setting).

Policy 5 – Protecting the historic environment.

This property is just outside the Bridge Street Conservation Area – we would request WLDC Conservation Officer’s views.


010/21 Reference 142096: Planning application for a single storey extension and alterations to dwelling. 84 Mill Lane, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2QQ.
No comments.


011/21 Reference 142155: Planning application to erect two storey extension – resubmission of planning application 141626. 13 Church Lane, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PE.

NDP Policy 5 – Protecting the historic environment, supports developments that enhance and preserve the character or appearance of the parish.

NDP Policy 2 – Design of new developments.

We would request that WLDC Conservation Officer’s views are sought, due to the fact that the original application (141626) was refused due to proximity to the Grade I listed St Botolph’s Church.

012/21 Reference 142191: Planning application to erect detached dormer bungalow with integral garage, including private drive access/turning and associate parking. Land at 19 Sturton Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PG.
NDP Policy 2a, c, e – Design of new developments.

We object to the dormer roofline which is not appropriate to the density in relation to the setting.

We are concerned that the development/build might damage the root systems of the very old Horse Chestnut trees on the site.

We are concerned about the harshness of the proposed boundary fencing, which detracts from the character of the area of open views.

We would like hedgehog highways to be considered in the boundary, to help preserve the environment and wildlife.


013/21 Reference 141578: Planning application for conversion and extension of barn to form 1no. dwelling. Barn at 86 High Street, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2HG.

NDP Policy 5 – Protecting the historic environment.

NDP Policy 2 – Design of new developments.

We would request that WLDC Conservation Officer advises on this application, as this is an undesignated heritage asset in the NDP.

We are concerned about construction traffic accessing the site from the very busy High Street, or parking on the High Street. This site is opposite the entrance to the Coop car park and next to a bus stop.


Cllrs I and J Willox left the meeting (8:23pm).

014/21 Reference 142151: Planning application for change of use from turning area to create 4no. car parking spaces and service yard with fence and gate. Riverside Enterprise Park, Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2LR.

We are supportive of this application, as per NDP Policy 7 – Saxilby Business and Enterprise Parks.

Policy 7.3 also requires landscaping along its boundaries to minimise the visual impact.

Policy 7.4 – We would like to know if any consideration has been made for provision of cycle racks?


Cllrs I and J Willox returned to the meeting (8:26pm).


To agree actions on:

015/21 The condition of Eastcroft footpath (Lincolnshire County Council)

Cllr Stafford proposed, and it was , to contact LCC Public Rights of Way Officer and Jackie Brockway for a meeting to discuss.


016/21 To agree a formal invitation to the CEO of West Lindsey District Council to visit the parish in March 2021

Cllr Stafford proposed, and it was , to invite WLDC CEO for a ‘ward’ tour.


017/21 To inform West Lindsey District Council Contribution Officer of the latest occupancy figures at Ingleby View for the first payment of s.106 monies

Cllr Crump proposed and this was resolved.


018/21 To agree actions in relation to social media posts (and to request further information from Highways regarding proposed changes to the Mill Lane junction)

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved, to re-look at the information from Highways and see what can be posted in relation to the Mill Lane junctions.


To note feedback from:

019/21 Remote meeting with the West Lindsey District Council Senior Housing Strategy and Enabling Officer

Cllr Hillman updated Committee on a conversation with the Chairman of Nettleham Parish Council, who also have an Entry Level Site planning application. The evidence for Housing Need is based on how many people are registered for housing and this is for the authority (across Lincolnshire). There were shared concerns how this impacts on villages such as Nettleham and Saxilby and that it is unknown whether the people on the list are local or not.


020/21 Remote meeting with West Lindsey District Council regarding maintenance of Bridge Street Fossdyke footbridge  

WLDC will produce proposals for the bridge repair, which will have to go to WLDC Management Committee for consideration. The Parish Council have asked to be kept updated on this process.


021/21 Email response from West Lindsey District Council Tree Officer, regarding hedges in the parish

Ongoing discussions. Review next month.


022/21 Remote meeting with Taylor Wimpey regarding their development and community contributions

Meeting held with Taylor Wimpey Director, followed up with our written suggestion that Taylor Wimpey might like to contribute to a new bus shelter or Bridge Street gateway signs. No response has been received yet.


To note the West Lindsey District Council feedback on the following applications:

023/21 Reference 141774: Planning application to erect a log cabin outdoor classroom. The Old Schoolhouse, Church Lane, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PE.  Planning permission granted. Update noted.


024/21 Reference 141782: Outline planning application to erect single storey dwelling and garage with access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications. Land to the rear of 17 Lincoln Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2NF. Planning permission granted. Update noted.

025/21 Reference 141833: Outline planning application for 1no. dwelling including upgrading of the existing access – access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent application. Land to the north of 13 Lincoln Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2NF. Planning permission refused. Update noted.


The meeting closed at 8:46 pm.

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed