
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 20 July 2022 at 7.30pm at St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.


Members Present

Cllrs Cotton, Hillman (committee chair), Harper, J Willox, and I Willox



Cllr Crump 


In Attendance

Lydia Hopton, Parish Clerk

Zarina Belk, Assistant Clerk 

There were no members of public in attendance.


Public Questions 



Planning Committee Meeting

098/22 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies had been received from Cllr Crump and these were accepted.


099/22 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Cotton and Cllr I Willox declared a non-registerable interest in item 5 (Ref 102/22).

Cllr J Willox and Cllr I Willox declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in items 8 and 9 (Ref 105/22 and 106/22) 


100/22 To approve the notes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 15 June 2022 and the chair to sign them as the agreed minutes

Cllr Cotton proposed, and it was resolved to approve the minutes.


101/22 To note the meeting action log

The action log was noted and it was agreed Cllr Hillman and an officer would arrange to meet with Cllr Brockway to go through some outstanding actions. 


To review and comment on the following West Lindsey District Council Planning consultations:

102/22 Reference 145142: Outline planning application to erect up to 9no. dwellings with all matters reserved. Land at 75 Church Lane, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PE

It is disappointing that the developers have not engaged with the community or the parish council prior to this planning application as stated in the NPPF (2021) pp.13 para 40. Furthermore, there has been no link to the NDP (2017) and supporting Character Assessment in the Design and Access Statement. 

The parish council welcomes a meeting with the developer to discuss the proposed development. It supports this development in principle as a brownfield site but only with conditions.

However, there has been over development within this area of the village over the last four years with residents suffering from construction traffic and numerous road closures for water, electricity, and gas connections.

There is no housing need in Saxilby (as quoted in the design and access statement) as Saxilby is exceeds 76% over our allocated of houses in the Local Plan (2016) and the last housing need assessment was completed in 2016. Taylor Wimpy is presently construction 111 3/4/5 bedroom homes to address this identified ‘need’ referred to in the design and access statement. 

There is a great concern regarding the lack of infrastructure which has been demonstrated with the 330 dwellings built in this area over the last four years. 

A ‘lane’ is defined in the Oxford dictionary as a ‘narrow, rural road', and Church Lane is that and it cannot cope with anymore traffic. 

The ‘tree’ junction which is the main access to Church Lane from Church Road is a hazard with the volume of traffic now using it. Long-term residents are aware of how to approach this junction, but construction traffic workers and newer residents drive too fast, not approaching the junction in the correct way. There are further hazards at the junction with parking outside the nursery and church making the lane even more difficult to negotiate. 

The services and retail are in the centre of the village with nothing in the north part of the village where this development is proposed.

The design and access statement is inadequate, it does not provide enough detail about the gated community. The council strongly objects to the gated community, as this is not in-keeping with being part of the community and there is no justification. It is not in-keeping with the character of the area (Character Assessment). 

St Botolphs gate is supported in the Character Assessment and the developer should take reference from this.

There needs to be additional useable public open spaces as highlighted in Character Assessment point 5.111. There is a lack of public open space, only the attenuation pond. 

Consideration may need to be given to contaminated ground surveys.

Further information is needed on boundary treatments, with hedging and planting on road frontage being requested and the boundary treatment to Rutherglen to secure privacy to residents, bins not to be present at the front.

NDP 2 Design of new developments - The parish council supports the development in principle but is disappointed with the lack of detail supplied - whilst acknowledging it is outline planning. The council welcomes the opportunity to have further discussions with the developer in respect of the application, as there is a lack of information currently available. 

There is also a suggestion that some properties could be three story. The council objects to three storey properties. This is against the Neighbourhood Development Plan, the maximum supported is 2.5 storey.

The council supports linking the development with St Botolphs Green Space rear as a footpath, as there is a lack of walking infrastructure.

Mill Lane junction is now at 100% capacity and this will further over load the capacity and there is poor access onto Church Lane at the ‘tree’ junction 

Recomended Schedule of Conditions if this development is approved:

1.  Construction Method Statement including:

(i) The routing and management of construction traffic and lorries not accessing via Sykes Lane.

(ii) Wheel washing facilities

iii)  Hours during which machinery may be operated, vehicles may enter and leave, and works carried out on site. 

iv) Details of noise reduction measures

v) Measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction

2. Design of the new development as noted in the character assessment point 5.108 and Fig 5.47 and 5.48 as examples of how architectural expression can provide elements of variety using a range of roof forms, heights, finishes and setbacks,

3. The ‘tree’ junction: To improve safety with new road markings, plus slow down signs and a children crossing sign opposite the public footpath on Church Road used as part of walking to school.

4. Biodiversity:

• The development should be built around the hedgerows and any mature trees

• Hedgehog highways and bird boxes to be put in place

• Mature and existing hedgerow to be retained at a height of no less than three meters

• NDP 11 Minimise impact on environment – boundary treatments

• The trees and hedges on-site to be protected and retained as a condition 

5. Climate change: There should be electric charging points, solar panels, and energy saving schemes, sustainable heating and cooling

6. Provision of bin collection areas with four bin spaces at properties to shelter the number of bins provided and out of public view and bin areas for putting out the bins on collection day

7. There is limited parking on-site and visitors will be parking on a bend on a narrow road. Further car parking space is required on the driveways

8. Children will be crossing over Church Road along the footpath route to walk to school, request as part of the conditions is to fund a zebra crossing 

9. It is requested that a contribution to local health provision is made as part of the application is approved.

10. The same applicant put in two applications which means this site is not applicable for S106, therefore the council requests CIL is applied.


103/22 Reference 145169: Planning application for first floor rear extension - resubmission of 143798 23 Church Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2HH

The council stands by the comments previously made on the previous application submitted.


104/22 Reference 145030: Planning application for removal of conservatory, construction of a two storey side extension and alterations - Resub: 144555, 31 Lincoln Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2NF

The council stands by the comments previously made on the previous application submitted.

Cllr I and J Willox left the room at 20.12


105/22 Reference 144932: Outline planning application for the material change of use of land, erection of buildings and associated development for employment uses falling within any of use classes B1 Business, B2 General Industrial and B8 Storage and Distribution, with means of access, layout of internal estate roads and drainage attenuation features to be considered. Layout (aside from internal estate roads and drainage attenuation features), appearance, landscaping and scale are reserved for future consideration being variation of condition 12 of planning permission 140696 granted 10 July 2020 - changes to the Drainage Layout & Kerb & Surfacing drawings. Land At Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2LR (see also agenda item 9)

The land is within the NDP. Policy 7:1 and pp.74 proposal map 3: 1 Riverside Enterprise Park Proposed Employment Site. The development is supported, with conditions.

The council request a junction capacity assessment is carried out at the A57 junction (policy 17).

Any development should be in-line with NDP policy 7 and 17 including “Policy 7: Saxilby Business and Enterprise Parks - All new development must ensure that suitable flood resilience and resistance materials, including where appropriate, the use of sustainable urban drainage systems, are incorporated into the design of any development.

Development schemes must include landscaping within sites and along boundaries to ensure development is satisfactory screens form the A57 boundary to minimise the visual impact on the setting of the village and nearby residential properties

A reduction in speed limit is requested to 50mph from the development to A57 junction due to the developments taking place and vehicles turning out. Currently workers walk and cycle along this route and it is not safe.

Policy 17: Traffic and Movement around the village

Development proposals in Saxilby must ensure that any transport impacts of the theme are identified and acceptable. Any measures needed to deal with anticipated impacts must be implemented

Developments must provide or contribute to the provision of the walking or cycling routes to the village as shown on Proposal map (page 32) and take every opportunity to encourage other means of transport than the car.

The design and access statement should make provision for people to walk and cycle to work and currently can’t as the footpath/cycle way being built is not connected to the village. As part of the development the planning gain needs to complete and provide the connection to Saxilby as per proposal map 6 (Sustrans have carried a feasibility assessment on this matter - funded by WLDC)   

Boundary treatment alongside railway should be retained (NDP Policy 7:3) and landscape screening provided as per NDP. 

Construction traffic method statement to be provided.


106/22 Reference 144975: Planning application for erection of 8No. light industrial units with associated access road and parking spaces. Land at Riverside Enterprise Park Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2FU

Same comments provided as above application: 

The land is within the NDP. Policy 7:1 and pp.74 proposal map 3: 1 Riverside Enterprise Park Proposed Employment Site. The development is supported, with conditions.

The council request a junction capacity assessment is carried out at the A57 junction (policy 17).

Any development should be in-line with NDP policy 7 and 17 including “Policy 7: Saxilby Business and Enterprise Parks - All new development must ensure that suitable flood resilience and resistance materials, including where appropriate, the use of sustainable urban drainage systems, are incorporated into the design of any development.

Development schemes must include landscaping within sites and along boundaries to ensure development is satisfactory screens form the A57 boundary to minimise the visual impact on the setting of the village and nearby residential properties

A reduction in speed limit is requested to 50mph from the development to A57 junction due to the developments taking place and vehicles turning out. Currently workers walk and cycle along this route and it is not safe.

Policy 17: Traffic and Movement around the village

Development proposals in Saxilby must ensure that any transport impacts of the theme are identified and acceptable. Any measures needed to deal with anticipated impacts must be implemented

Developments must provide or contribute to the provision of the walking or cycling routes to the village as shown on Proposal map (page 32) and take every opportunity to encourage other means of transport than the car.

The design and access statement should make provision for people to walk and cycle to work and currently can’t as the footpath/cycle way being built is not connected to the village. As part of the development the planning gain needs to complete and provide the connection to Saxilby as per proposal map 6 (Sustrans have carried a feasibility assessment on this matter - funded by WLDC)   

Boundary treatment alongside railway should be retained (NDP Policy 7:3) and landscape screening provided as per NDP.

Construction traffic method statement to be provided.

I Willox and J Willox returned at 20.23pm


107/22 To note any concerns raised by residents at the monthly market, and agree actions if required

Cllr Cotton and Spurr attended. A resident raised that Mill Field Avenue had not been slurry sealed, when other footpaths were in the area. It was resolved to report to LCC and Cllr Brockway. 


108/22 To consider and make a recommendation to Full Council to use capital expenditure to cover the shortfall from Community Infrastructure Levy for a replacement bus shelter on High Street (by the Co-op)

Cllr Cotton proposed to make recommendation to Full Council to use Capital Expenditure to cover shortfall for a black metal bus shelter with full sides, perch bench, and the removal of old bus shelter. This was resolved.


109/22 To consider and respond to the Cottam and West Burton Solar Projects Phase Two consultation (deadline 20 July 2022) and note the publication of the statement of community consultation 

Cllr Cotton declared a non-pecuniary interest as voted on the proposal at WLDC which has been opposed by WLDC.

As per previous meeting the council requests connectivity between villages over land. Connection for cycle and footpath path to be re-opened and these have not been taken on-board. The construction road should be kept for cycling and footpath, as suggested by the Saxilby and District History Group

The ancient monuments need to be protected at Ingleby and not damaged by the development.  

The decommissioning needs to considered as part of the application, to return the land to its original status.  

Meeting has been proposed for Friday for the Planning Committee Chair and Assistant Clerk to attend.


110/22 To respond to a request for support from the Saxilby Nature Project for Island Green Power to place some of their mitigation land adjacent to Hardwick Scrub and Sykes Lane.

Cllr Hillman proposed and the committee resolved to support the proposal, if a suitable management plan is put in place so the mitigation land and its flora does not impinge on other agricultural land, with two objections.    


Residents’ correspondence 

111/22To note and respond to a resident’s complaint on Westcroft Green Space regarding the location of the goal post and Westcroft Green Space project timelines

It was proposed by Cllr J Willox and resolved that the chair responds to the complaint. 


112/22 To respond to a resident’s email regarding the possible future use of the Lovell’s site office following completion of the estate for community use 

It was proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved the clerk to respond to email based on committee feedback. 


113/22 To receive a verbal update on the Lovells Remembrance Garden 

The tree species proposed is willow and oak, which the committee did not feel is appropriate for the space available. A half tree bench is also being proposed. 


114/22 To respond to an invitation to comment on options for updating the Lincolnshire County Council Minerals and Waste Local Plan

No comments.


115/22 CLOSED SESSION – Committee to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1060 for the following item on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Cllr Hillman proposed and it was resolved to go into closed session.


116/22 To note an update regarding a land ownership query and recommend actions for full council approval

It was proposed by Cllr Cotton to put to Full Council - obtain quotes for the reinstatement, agree scope of works, and agree how costs will be allocated. This was resolved with all in favour. 


The meeting closed at 9.07pm.

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant/clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.