
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 19 July 2023 at 7.30pm at

St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.


Members Present

Cllrs Hillman (committee chair), Meanwell, I Willox, J Willox, and Waller


Members Absent

Cllrs Crump and Spurr 


In Attendance

Zarina Belk, Assistant Parish Clerk

Eight members of the public 



Public Participation Session 

Members of the public expressed their concern over the planning application item P23/134. Concerns were raised regarding:

a. The amount of traffic and damage it would cause to West Bank

b. The ecological effects of the site

c. Flood damage – where will the water go?

d. Lack of detail on the planning application

e. Concern to wildlife

f. Not in the curtilage of the village




P23/119 Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Crump and Spurr. 

I Willox proposed we accept apologies. This was resolved.


P23/120 Receive declarations of interest (Localism Act 2011)

Cllr Meanwell item P23/129 non-pecuniary

Cllrs I and J Willox item P23/132 non-pecuniary


P23/121 Approve the notes of the 17 May 2023 planning committee meeting and the chair to sign them as the agreed minutes.

RESOLVED: Cllr Waller proposed the notes. They were resolved. 


P23/122 Note the Meeting action log  



P23/123 Note feedback from the Taylor Wimpey site meeting regarding the progress of their development




P23/124 To agree to reimburse expenses for a Saxilby Waterfront Volunteer for plants for Saxilby Waterfront 

1. RESOLVED: It was proposed by Cllr N Waller and resolved with one abstention to reimburse expenses for plants for Saxilby Waterfront.

2. RESOLVED: Cllr J Willox proposed 2/3 from waterfront budget and 1/3 from village planting budget. This was resolved. 

3. RESOLVED: Cllr J Willox proposed: “All volunteers should be made aware of the above council process, to ensure the correct process is followed going forwards using our terms of reference”. This was resolved. 


P23/125 Application 146729 Planning application (major-other) to reinstate ground back to original levels and change of use of land to residential curtilage.  33 west bank, Saxilby, LN1 2lu


Planning committee strongly object to the planning application for the following reasons:


There is an anticipated impact with amount of HGV movements along West Bank which is a single lane road. There are no passing places. The construction traffic could cause instability of the bank alongside the canal if vehicles try to pass each other.  

This will also have an impact at the A57/junction and along Bridge Street to access Westbank. Plus, there are a large number of lorries already accessing the sewerage treatment at the end of West Bank. It can be up to three to four tankers per hour, 24 hours a day if there is a problem. The surface of the single lane road is already in a bad state of disrepair and has potholes. The development is not supported in NDP Policy 17.  


We support The Wildlife Trust recommendation of an ecological survey.  


There is great concern over flooding if the land is levelled. – LP14 Local plan.


It is not supported with our council objective of biodiversity.


We would like this application to go to WLDC planning committee so the parish council can speak on behalf of the residents.


Very disappointed that there are no detailed reports in the application on such a serious matter.


This application is not supported by the following policies in the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood development plan (2017):

Policy 17: Traffic and Movement Around the Village 

Policy 13: Development along the Fossdyke Canal 

b. Respect and protect the amenity, biodiversity species, wildlife value and recreational value of the Fossdyke Canal. 


LP14 Managing Water Resources and flood Risk 

Please inform clerk@saxilbyparishcounil.co.uk, assistant@saxilbyparishcouncil.co.uk

and cllr.hillman@saxilbyparishcouncil.co.uk regarding the date of the meeting as we are very keen not to miss it. Thank you. 



P23/126 Application 146841 Planning application for conversion of garage into additional living space inc. replacement of garage door with window/door.  4 Fossdyke Paddock, Saxilby, LN1 4AU 

No comments.


P23/127 Application 146922. Planning application for lawful development certificate for the siting of a caravan ancillary to the main dwelling house. The Bungalow, White House Farm, West Bank, Saxilby, LN1 2LU

The council is unable to comment as there is little or no information regarding the 

caravan or what the intentions of use are.


To Note regular updates on the following projects and agree any actions required:


P23/128 NDP review group 



P23/129 MUGA (NDP project 3.1) 



P23/130 Waterfront working group (NDP project 4.0)

Noted – items 1,2,5,6 and 7 Cllr Meanwell proposed it was resolved:


Recommendation 1: To note the update and to agree who should go to Universal Coatings to see the footbridge being refurbished. Cllrs to update clerk as to who wishes to go to the workshop to look at bridge.


Recommendation 2: To note the public facilities update and note the survey proposal.


Recommendation 5: To note the mosaic update and agree for a further funding

application if necessary to complete the project.


Recommendation 6: To agree for the grounds team to remove some old

slabs from the grass verge.


Recommendation 7: To recommend to full council a £250 contribution

towards the bench outside of the conservation area.


P23/131 Waterfront festival 



P23/132 LCC cycle path connection between Lincoln and Saxilby (NDP project 1.4)



The meeting closed at 20.56pm.


Please be advised these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant clerk or clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council.