
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 15 June 2022 at 7:00pm at St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.


Members Present

Cllrs Hillman (committee chair), Saunders, J Willox and I Willox



Cllrs Cotton, Crump, and Harper


In Attendance

Lydia Hopton, Acting Clerk

There were two members of public in attendance.

Public Questions 

One member of the public commented on agenda item 5d - 51 Church Road application: 

The existing property is to be converted for a family house. There have been some objections and these have been taken on board by the applicant to address the majority of the points raised. 

The architect is well known as having a good understanding of local needs and has been sympathetic to these needs. The majority of the objections if not all are not materialistic objections. We feel we have been sympathetic to try and reduce any impact on anybody and surrounding area. Some comments made have been very personal and the applicants have made many improvements to the existing property on-site. 

What has been proposed will greatly enhance what is there and current workshops are not in the best condition and the proposal will greatly improve them.

Another member of the public commented on the same application noting they were concerned some of the objections were from those objecting do not relate actually relate to the objectors own residential property and were not located near it. 


Councillors noted there is a live application 144980 for tree works on Lincoln Road.   



083/22 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies had been received from Cllrs Cotton, Crump, and Harper and these were accepted.


084/22 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr I and J Willox declared a non-registerable interest in agenda item 5c and a disclosable pecuniary interest in agenda item 5e. Cllr Hillman declared a non-registerable interest in item 5d.


085/22 To approve the notes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 18 May 2022 and the chair to sign them as the agreed minutes

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to approve the minutes, with two corrections - Hillman on item 068/22 and Cllr J Harper on item 081/22.


086/22 To note the meeting action log

The action log was noted. 


To review and comment on the following West Lindsey District Council Planning consultations:

Cllr Hillman proposed to move agenda item 5d (Ref 087/22) to the first in the list of the consultations to be commented on and this was agreed. 

087/22 Reference 144612: Planning application to convert and extend workshop building (Unit 1) to 1no. Dwelling and remove 2no. workshop buildings (Units 2 & 3). Land at 51 Church Lane, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PE

Cllr Hillman left the room.

Committee noted the positive step of the applicant taking on-board the comments previously shared however issues remain relevant – the narrow driveway, insufficient space to move on the driveway, proximity to the boundary, and insufficient garden space. 

The council recognises the impact of climate change and biodiversity, and requests that this proposal should be fit for the future i.e. ultra-energy efficient and climate resilient, maximising low carbon and renewable energy.

Two members of the public left 19.19pm

Cllr Hillman returned 19.20pm.


088/22 Reference 144889: Planning application for single storey rear extension and first floor extension over existing garage. 19 Westcroft Drive, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PT

The proposal links with NDP policy 2 whereby materials used should be appropriate to the development context and policy 11 to retain well-established landscape features and using boundary treatments that are sympathetic to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity.

The council recognises the impact of climate change and biodiversity, and requests that this proposal should be fit for the future e.g. water collection and harvesting. 


089/22 Reference 144892: Planning application for a replacement bungalow with rooms in the roof, including detached garage/garden store/wc, private drive access, parking and turning area. 19 Sturton Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PG

The council recognises the impact of climate change and biodiversity, and requests that this proposal should be fit for the future i.e. ultra-energy efficient and climate resilient, maximising low carbon and renewable energy.

The council strongly support root protection for the established trees and requests Tree Conservation Officer reviews the application and supports protection of chestnut tree referred to in Saxilby with Ingleby Character Assessment para 3.15, p14. 

NDP Policy 2 - the materials should be appropriate to the development context.

NDP Policy 11 – the development should retain well-established landscape features such as mature trees, species-rich hedgerows and ponds and the use of boundary treatments should be sympathetic to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity – including hedgehog highways.

A construction method statement is requested to cover construction traffic due to it being a busy road so as not to impede flow of traffic, with off-road parking for those working on-site, wheel washing, and hours when machinery will be operated.

CIL may apply to the site. 


090/22 Reference 144932: Outline planning application for the material change of use of land, erection of buildings and associated development for employment uses falling within any of use classes B1 Business, B2 General Industrial and B8 Storage and Distribution, with means of access, layout of internal estate roads and drainage attenuation features to be considered. Layout (aside from internal estate roads and drainage attenuation features), appearance, landscaping and scale are reserved for future consideration being variation of condition 12 of planning permission 140696 granted 10 July 2020 - changes to the Drainage Layout & Kerb & Surfacing drawings. Land At Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2LR (see also agenda item 9)

Defer as insufficient members present with Cllr I and J Willox declaring interest.


091/22 Reference 144975: Planning application for erection of 8No. light industrial units with associated access road and parking spaces. Land at Riverside Enterprise Park Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2FU

Defer as insufficient members present as Cllr I and J Willox chose to leave the room following declaring an interest.


092/22 Reference 143711: To note the withdrawal of planning application 143711. Planning application for a sand dressed pitch & associated hardstanding, installation of high-level fencing, new floodlight systems and storage container. St Andrews Community Centre, William Street, Saxilby Lincoln, LN1 2LP



093/22 To agree a planning committee member(s) to attend an online discussion session on Stage Two of the Airspace Modernisation Programme at East Midlands Airport on Monday 27 June, 2pm-3.30pm or Tuesday 28 June, 10.30am-12

It was agreed to also share the item with committee members not present to see if any are available to attend and any interested councillors to sign up.  


094/22 Update on recent meeting with Taylor Wimpey (Saxilby Heights)

Cllr J Willox provided an update – the site representative shared more detailed information regarding the SUDs, which is due to be dug out in autumn 2022. 

It was clarified the Church Lane hedge (road side) is LCC responsibility and home owner owns up until the middle of the hedge and thus maintain the far side.  

All hedges should be maintained at 3m in height in planning conditions. 

Previously an oak tree was to be planted on one of the green spaces on-site, however the species to be planted will now be a Magnolia tree. A wooden tree bench is being planned. A metal one in keeping with the other latest village furniture is the preference of the committee, however the developer has come back and will not change it to a preferred metal seat.    

Bird and bat boxes have not been installed to date.

Tactile crossing points currently missing - action chase Taylor Wimpey, Lovells and Lindum’s regarding this planning condition.


095/22 To note and agree a response to correspondence from a resident regarding Taylor Wimpey (Saxilby Heights) permitted working days and hours

In the planning appeal decision in the construction management statement there is hours machine will be operated on. A councillor had tried calling WLDC planning officers who were unavailable and they were advised it was an enforcement issue and they said would get a call back. 

Cllr Hillman to seek to find the permitted working days and hours for the Church Lane development to share with the resident.


096/22 To note and agree a response to resident correspondence regarding planning application 144932

Defer until application is considered next time and then update the resident who contacted the council  

Request meeting with Jackie Brockway re highways and contact CRT regarding reduced visibility due to over grown foliage.


097/22 To note an update from WLDC regarding Community Infrastructure Levy payments (CIL)



The meeting closed at 8.03pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant/clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.