
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 16 November 2022 at 6.45pm at St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.


Members Present

Cllrs Hillman (committee chair), Meanwell, I Willox, and J Willox



Cllrs Cotton, Crump, and Harper.


In Attendance

Lydia Hopton, Parish Clerk

Zarina Belk, Assistant Clerk 

There was one member of the public in attendance.


Public Questions or comments

A resident raised concern that the Taylor Wimpey development had installed rear gates on properties facing Westcroft Green and that homeowners would be filling in the ditch between the two parcels of land to gain direct access to Westcroft Green  


Planning Committee Meeting

138/22 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting

Cllr Crump and Harper gave their apologies, and these were accepted.


139/22 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr J Willox and I Willox pecuniary Ref 142/22a

Cllr I Willox agenda item Ref 142/22g – personal interest (know applicant)

Cllr Cotton Ref 142/22f – personal interest (know applicant)

Cllr I Willox Ref 142/22g – personal interest (know applicant)


140/22 To approve the notes of the planning committee meeting held on 28 September 2022 and the chair to sign them as the agreed minutes

Cllr I Willox proposed the minutes. It was resolved. 


141/22 To note the: 

a. Meeting action log 

The committee noted the action log. Clerk to chase outstanding responses from other organisations.


b. Decision notice: Ref 145512/ PL/0090/22 - To construct a new framed building for the storage of soil at Lindum Waste Recovery, Saxilby Enterprise Park, Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby – granted with conditions. 



c. Cottam and West Burton Solar farm update, including invite to 7000-acre meeting 

Update noted, Cllr Hillman, Cllr Meanwell and Cllr I Willox expressed an interest in attending the meeting.

Cllr Cotton arrived at 18.56pm


d. Residents’ complaint regarding noise from users of the Westcroft greenspace goal and agree if any further actions are required 

It was proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved to agree the committee chair and clerk would draft a response to the resident and share. 


e. Taylor Wimpey access gates from properties backing onto Westcroft green and agree actions 

It was proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved to contact West Lindsey Enforcement Team (as the gates were not part of the planning application and permission) to raise concerns as there is not believed to be gates on the planning permission and the potential impact biodiversity on the area – damaging vegetation and filling the dyke. Cllr Cotton and Cllr Hillman noted they would be available to have a site meeting with WLDC in relation to the matter.


f. Sign up to the Open Spaces Society and agree to request a case officer 

It was proposed by Cllr Cotton for the sign up to be noted and it was resolved. Cllr Hillman to circulate to members and comms on it to safeguard public spaces.   


g. To note the correspondence from Saxilby Nature Project regarding planting saplings in the parish and agree a response 

The committee thanked the Nature Project for their correspondence. The committee noted the areas suggested were not in ownership by the council but rather the railway, WLDC, and a landowner. The committee supported the idea.


142/22 To review and comment on the following West Lindsey District Council Planning consultations:

a. Reference 145657: Planning application for change of use from Class E (Commercial, Business and Service Use) to Class B8 (Storage or Distribution), together with associated external alterations. Unit 37 Riverside Enterprise Park Skellingthorpe Road Saxilby LN1 2LR     

Cllr I and J Willox left at 7.22pm 

The council supports the application in principle in-line with NDP policy 7 - 1, 2, 3, and 4, as it supports employment for local people.

As part of NDP policy 7.4 the development must provide walking and cycling routes to the village in-line with proposal map 6 – including under the A57 (as per Sustrans feasibility study). 

However, the parish council have great concerns for the safe-ty of employees walking or cycling to work. The footpath is incomplete and needs to be complete before any further development.

Cycling and pedestrian walking routes are unsafe. The cycle/walking routes must start from the village under the A57 junction to accessing all the businesses. This route is not complete at the present time and therefore walking and cycling to work is unsafe.

Speed of traffic including large lorries on the Saxilby Road are a safety hazard for pedestrians and cyclists. Traffic reduction of the speed limit to 50 mph on Saxilby road from the A57 junction to beyond the Saxilby business park is NDP p.55 5.6

Based on the above a traffic management plan is requested to address these concerns and ensure the policies are complied with.

Policy 7: Saxilby Business and Enterprise Parks developments must provide or contribute to the provisions of walking and cycling routes to the village and take every opportunity to encourage other means of transport than the car.

NDP Community Project p.55  5.3 improvement of footpath surface 

Policy 17: Traffic and Movement around the village1. Development proposals in Saxilby must ensure that any transport impacts of the theme are identified and acceptable. Any measures needed to deal with anticipated impacts must be implemented.


b. Reference 145637: Outline planning application to vary conditions 8 (method statement in relation to Network Rail land), 9 (scheme for 1.8m wide footpath) and 11 (approved plans) of outline permission 144932 granted 12 August 2022. Land at Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2LR   

No comments.


c. Reference 145718: Planning application for 1no. dwelling for farm worker. Castle Farm, Cowdale Lane, Sturton by Stow, Lincoln, LN1 2PL.

The council supports small businesses and the expansion of existing business - NDP policy 8. 

Any building should reflect the character and appearance of the local context in relation to scale, design, and materials.

The council recognises the impact of climate change and importance of biodiversity, and requests that this proposal should be fit for the future e.g. super insulated, water collection and harvesting, ground source heat pumps, solar panels, and an electric car charging point.

The council notes CIL may be applicable and requests it is applied. 


d. Reference 145741: Planning application for removal of existing buildings and erection of 6no. dwellings. The Old Rectory Residential Home, Sturton Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PG.     

The council request this is called into WLDC planning committee 

There has been no engagement with the parish council and community which is not in-line with the NPPF and Local Plan. The council welcomes engagement  

The council request an extension of time so developers can meet with the council

A heritage statement is requested

NDP - Policy 5:

It is noted the proposed building to be removed is a building of notable interest in the NDP pp 62 due to the age, and historical significance to the parish char-acter. 

The council requests the conservation officer is consulted for their views

The application submitted is of poor quality of, making the application difficult to understand 

Policy 11 and 12 

Trees have TPOs and need protection and frame the road on the village approach as in the Character Assessment point 3.15 and provides the ‘thick vegetation’ giving way housing along Sturton Road. The Saxilby with Ingleby Character Assessment notes the importance of the trees on the street scene -  pp60-61 para 6.13, 6.18, 6.19-6.21.

Mature gardens and tree which form well established landscaping features as per the Character Assessment

It is understood trees have tree protection orders in the plot and these have been trimmed. 

There should be no impact on biodiversity

Trees, mature shrubs and hedging need to be properly protected during construction process if the development is permitted 

There should be soft boundary treatments in-line with the NDP and Character Assessment for the area

Policy 16 and 17 

The council supports the extension of the public footpath from Mill Lane/Sturton Road onto Broxholme Lane in front of the length of the development in-line with NDP policy 

Access should be onto Broxholme Lane for all properties

Policy 14.3 

Development should have open space on-site 

The council notes the development may be eligible for CIL and requests it is applied

The development should be fit for the future - the council recognises the impact of climate change and importance of biodiversity, and requests that this proposal should be fit for the future e.g. net zero, highly energy efficient, super insulated, water collection and harvesting, ground source heat pumps, solar panels, and electric car charging points.

NDP Policy 1 and 2 also need to be taken into account


e. Reference 145409: Planning application to alter outbuildings to form granny annexe and construct garage/workshop being removal of condition 2 of planning permission W85/231/89 granted 29 March 1989 re: independent occupation of annexe. The Bungalow Sturton Road Ingleby Lincoln LN1 2PQ.

Application withdrawn. 


f. Reference 145742: Application for a lawful development certificate to continue use as a dwellinghouse in breach of occupancy condition 2 of planning permission W85/231/89. The Bungalow, Sturton Road, Ingleby, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 2PQ.

Cllr Cotton declared a personal interest (knows applicant).

The council is opposed to the removal of condition two of planning permission W85/231/89 granted 29 March 1989. The condition was originally put in place for family reasons and carefully thought out for the development by the planning authority. The condition should still stand, and the annex remain subservient to the main development. 


g. Reference 145416: Planning application for change of use from dog rescue centre to dog day care and boarding. 1 Green Lane Saxilby Lincoln LN1 4AW.

Cllr I Willox declared a personal interest (knows applicant).

The council supports the application - policy 8a, b, and c.

The development should be fit for the future - the council recognises the impact of climate change and importance of biodiversity, and requests that this proposal should be fit for the future e.g. net zero, highly energy efficient, super insulated, water collection and harvesting, ground source heat pumps, solar panels, and electric car charging points.


143/22 Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Review 

1. To receive a quote to review the NDP and its associated documentation and agree to recommend its approval at Full Council 

Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved.


2. To recommend to December Full Council a Locality funding application to cover the review process expenditure and submission in December  

Cllr Meanwell proposed, and it was resolved.


3. To resurrect the NDP Working Group with the first meeting to be held in January 

Cllr Cotton proposed, and it was resolved.   


144/22 CLOSED SESSION – Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted

Cllr J Willox proposed to go into closed session at 19.44. This was resolved.


145/22 Update on Northfield Rise land and agree actions

Cllr Hillman proposed to apply for an Open Spaces Case Officer and feed back to the committee. This was resolved.


The meeting closed at 7.46pm.

Please be advised these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant clerk or clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.