
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 15 September 2021 at 7.30pm at St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.


Members Present

Cllrs Hillman (chairman), J Willox (vice-chairman), I Willox, G Ives, and D Cotton



Cllrs Crump and Harper


In Attendance

There was no officer present due to sickness.

There were no members of public in attendance.


Public Questions 



Planning Committee Meeting


147/21 To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies had been received from Cllrs Crump and Harper and these were accepted. 


148/21 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

There were none.


149/21 To approve the notes of the Planning Committee meeting dated 18 August 2021 and the committee chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

Deferred to October’s meeting.


150/21 To note the meeting action log

Deferred to October’s meeting.


To review and comment on the following West Lindsey District Council Planning consultations:


151/21 Reference 143430: Planning application for the conversion and extension of 2no. brick barns to create 2no. dwellings including removal of modern agricultural buildings and existing lean-to. Moor Farm, Station Road North, Harby, Newark, NG23 7EL.

No observations. Committee understand this is a small development of several houses and therefore would be liable for CiL money.


152/21 Reference 143532: Planning application for 1no. replacement 1.5 storey dwelling. 8 Mill Lane, Saxilby, LN1 2QD.

The Committee felt that this dwelling is in a row of bungalows of single-story design and therefore as a replacement of the dwelling which was to be retained and now has to be rebuilt in its entirety, it would be inappropriate for this dwelling to be 1.5 story high. Previous Application 142772 comments from that response still apply.


In the Character Assessment from the Neighbourhood Plan, page 45, 5.101 Area G most of the Western side of Mill Lane are single storey.


153/21 Reference 143564: Planning application removal of existing dwelling and outbuildings, and erection of 1no. replacement dwelling with garages. 33 West Bank, Saxilby, LN1 2LU.

Extremely large four-bedroom house with six garages. (Note while not material planning considerations why would there be need for three permanent staff also many design features seem adaptable to use as a conference centre or similar) This is set out to be a domestic dwelling house and the Parish Council would seek assurance that this is a domestic and not commercial building and should remain as a large dwelling house and not be used for the running of a commercial centre without further planning permissions.

Construction Traffic Plan ought to be considered given the singular accessibility of West Bank and also the level crossing and the need to transport everything across the crossing.

Committee support the comments from the Canal and River Trust. There were also concerns about drainage particularly use of soakaways which may have issues with permeation of the soil being mainly clay.


154/21 Reference 143605: Planning application to remove existing outbuilding/verandah and erect single storey rear extension. 30 Church Road, Saxilby, LN1 2HJ.

Committee was concerned about the quality and detail on the plans. There were no dimensions on the plans and no detail and therefore a proper decision on whether Committee wanted to comment was difficult to ascertain.


To note the following items and agree actions where required:


155/21 To note a donation of a large tree and make suggestions for an appropriate location

This is a tree as a sapling which will grow into a substantial tree such as a large Oak or two Silver Birch are suggested. 

Suggestion was that the donor might approach Taylor-Wimpy for location on their site, or within the new burial ground extension. There was further suggestion of the nature projects on the periphery of the village or the woodland on the other side of the canal.

There appears to be no tree scape on the Lovell’s site and there might be a possible location on their site.

Given this will become a large tree in time it was felt that it was difficult to find a site for it within the main part of the existing village.


156/21 To note the consultation period for the Sturton by Stow Neighbourhood Plan (deadline 22 October 2021)

The next planning Committee will be 20 October and it was resolved to defer until then.

If members have any comments, they can send them to Cllr Hillman as Chairman of Planning in the meantime.


157/21 To note the new bus shelter on Church Road and the recommendation that it should be cleaned monthly and agree actions

Members were pleased to note the new bus shelter had been erected and looks very good. Committee felt the new bus shelter should be on our asset register as a separate item.

As the cleaning has to be on a monthly basis it was felt we might seek a volunteer in the near location of the shelter. It was resolved to make this recommendation to Full Council.


To note the following West Lindsey District Council planning decisions


158/21 Reference 143402: Planning application for front extension. 4 Sykes Mews, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2PQ. Granted.



159/21 CLOSED SESSION - Committee to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1060 for the following item on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Ives and resolved to go into closed session.


160/21 To discuss a land ownership query and agree actions

WLDC Planning Enforcement officer had been to view the site and had not realised that this was public space land as a designation in the NDP. Committee felt that there is unlikely to be support for a retrospective change of use application. Committee resolved to seek restitution of the land back to public open space, including the same post and rail fencing, in a timely manner and at no cost to the Parish Council.

Planning legislation allows Neighbourhood Plans to designate public open spaces.  See p46, policy 15, para 1 - designated local green spaces, No.10 Northfield Rise Public Open Spaces and para 2 of the made Saxilby Neighbourhood Development Plan.


The meeting closed at 8:40 pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant/Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.