
Saxilby Waterfront Working Group
Thursday 11 January 2024
Present: Chris Hailes, Cllr Hewes, Cllr Hillman (chair), Cllr Hughes and Jane Kay


1. Welcome and Introduction
The chair welcomed those present to the meeting.
2. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence
Dilys Britt and Jenny Clerk.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were none.
4. To approve notes of 13 July, 6 October 2023, and 9 November 2023 as minutes and the chair to sign 
5. Note the project progress to date and agree priorities for 2024 in-line with the Masterplan(2018)
The project plan was reviewed with completed tasks added. It was agreed to bring back to next month’s meeting to decide priorities. 
6. Receive feedback and agree actions from a meeting with CRT regarding vol-unteers.
Cllr Hughes proposed the recommendation in the background paper and this was resolved. Chris Haines seconded.
7. Agree to recommend to full council to apply for community grant funding from Skipton Building Society and the King Charles III charitable funding to develop the pocket park
Jane Kay proposed that a recommendation to planning committee was made for full council to approve applying for the grants. This was seconded by Cllr Hughes and was resolved.
8. Discuss and agree actions to promote the Lincs Lottery Funding
Cllr Hillman proposed and Shiela Hughes seconded and it was resolved to have a campaign to promote the community lottery. It was agreed to bring back to next month’s meeting to plan.
9. Recommend to Full Council (event)s) for 2024
Suggestions were made and it was agreed to share any further suggestions for con-sideration.
10. Receive Waterfront Festival income and expenditure report and recommend to planning committee what to spend funds on
Saxilby Waterfront Festival raised £3,140.
Outstanding projects in the plan are: information boards and shoal of fish. Cllr Hill-man proposed that we need a quote for the shoal of fish and photos of the current information boards to discuss further at the next meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Hughes and resolved.
11. Receive an update on the Waterfront budget 
12. Receive an update on Christmas decorations 
Providers and costs were discussed. It was agreed to bring back to the group in a few months once the budget has been confirmed.
To receive updates and agree any actions on:
13. Public Facilities refurbishment
14. The footbridge refurbishment and an official opening
15. Refurbishment of the mosaic
Cllr Hughes proposed and Chris Hailes seconded that a recommendation was made to the planning committee for Cllr Hillman and Cllr Hughes to visit Zoo Ce-ramics (who originally worked on the mosaic in 2012) to see if they can help with the final refurbishment stage. This was resolved. 
16. Queensway bus shelter
17. Heritage Lighting
18. Cycle path from Lincoln to Saxilby
19. Chrysanthemums that were in the planters
20. To agree a date for the next meeting
Thursday 8 February 2024.