
Saxilby Waterfront Working Group meeting

Thursday 8 June 2023 at 7.45pm 

St Andrews Community Centre, William Street, Saxilby. LN1 2LP



Jenny Clarke, Alexia Harrison, Cllr Hewes, Dilys Britt, Jane Kay, Shiela Hughes, Lucy Russon, Chris Hailes, Cllr Hillman, and Danny Johnson.


Public Participation Forum

A member of the working group asked when the Waterfront project is finishing. 



1. To elect a chair

Jane Kay proposed Cllr Hillman and Jenny Clarke nominated herself. The nominations were put forward to a vote.

Resolved - Cllr Hillman to be chair.

2. To elect a vice-chair

Cllr Hewes nominated Jenny Clarke. The nominations were put forward to vote. This was resolved.

3. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence


4. Receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


5. Approve the notes of the meeting of 9 May 2023 as minutes

Shiela Hughes proposed the notes as minutes and it was resolved.

6. To receive feedback and agree any recommendations on a proposal for the flood wall

Jenny Clarke gave feedback on a proposal to power wash the flood wall using a petrol powered pressure washer, and water from the water pipe. Three people were needed to brush the water away. Cllr Hewes will donate the fuel. Mr Clarke would also help. 

Cllr Hillman proposed that a recommendation to council was made and this was not supported by three members of the group.

Cllr Hewes proposed that there was a village survey with Jenny Clarke putting a survey together to bring back to the next meeting with a project plan. This was re-solved.

7. To receive costings and agree any actions of a proposed bench for the top towpath


8. To receive feedback from the Waterfront Task and Finish Group.


9. Budget update

Deferred to the next meeting as the Internal Auditor was in the process of complet-ing the Bridge Street audit for ring fenced funds. 

10. To note an update and agree any actions on:

a. Saxilby cycle path connection


b. Tree planting along Bridge Street 


c. Feedback from the Waterfront Festival Task and Finish Group 2023 

See above

d. Planters along Bridge Street and the village sign

Jenny Clarke proposed that the concrete slabs were removed and replaced with turf. This was resolved. Cllr Hillman to ask if the grounds team can do this in the autumn.

Jenny Clarke proposed a budget for the planters to be brought back to the next meeting along with ideas for the village sign. This was resolved.

e. Plans for the refurbishment of the public toilets


8. To agree the date of the next meeting.

     Thursday 6th July 2023


Meeting ended at 21.15pm