
 7pm-9pm Thursday 13 June 2024 
St Andrews Community Centre,
 William Street, Saxilby, LN1 2LP
Dilys Britt, Jenny Clarke, Chris Hailes, Cllr Hillman (Chair), Cllr Hughes, Jane Kay, and Laura Thompson (Administrative Officer)


1. Welcome and introduction
Cllr Hillman welcomed those present to the meeting.
2. Receive apologies for absence
None received.
3. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
None declared.
4. Approve notes of 9 May 2024 as minutes and the chair to sign 
Having been proposed (Chris Hailes) and seconded (Jane Kay), it was RESOLVED:
To approve the minutes of 9 May 2024, and the chair signed them.
5. To receive updates and agree actions on the:
i. Waterfront budget
Update received.
ii. Lincoln District Angling Association (LDAA) fishing event in July
LDAA are unable to run a full-scale event as planned. They are happy to provide smaller taster sessions or similar throughout the year.
Discussed and agreed to hold the date of 20th July for a smaller scale fishing event.
Having been proposed (Jane Kay) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To liaise with LDAA regarding a smaller scale fishing event, and whether they would like to have stalls for trading and marketing, as well as taster fishing sessions.
iii. Benches for the top towpath and land ownership
Designs for the two donated/sponsored benches along the top towpath have been confirmed.
The parish council’s ownership of the ‘history bench’ on the top towpath has been confirmed.
A discussion took place regarding land ownership of the strip of land behind the top towpath.
iv. Saxilby Nature Project blog (Pocket Park)
A discussion took place regarding the concerns raised by Saxilby Nature Project’s blog regard-ing the importance of the area for wildflowers and wildlife.
Ownership of the land needs to be confirmed, and a multi-agency meeting is being planned to discuss the longer-term use and management of the land.
v. Request from a resident regarding the memory branch
Having been proposed (Chris Hailes) and seconded (Jenny Clarke) it was RESOLVED:
To enquire with James Sutton (sculptor) regarding the cost of engraving an empty leaf, and add-ing an information plaque to the memory branch.
Having been proposed (Chris Hailes) and seconded (Jenny Clarke) it was RESOLVED:
To recommend to planning and development committee to acceptance of the offer of a dona-tion, which will be used to cover the costs of the plaque and the engraving of one of the empty leaves.
vi. Creating a visual record of the regeneration
Having been proposed (Jane Kay) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To approach a photographer to discuss a photography project to record the regeneration.
vii. Refurbishment of the mosaic – feedback from a meeting with Lincolnshire Co-op
Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Chris Hailes), it was RESOLVED:
To write to Lincolnshire Co-op with the proposed area of the mosaic, and to ascertain whether Lincolnshire Co-op require specific bricks to be used, and whether planning permission is re-quired for the location.
Having been proposed (Dilys Britt) and seconded (Cllr Hughes) it was RESOLVED:
To obtain quotations for the building of the plinth and mount for the mosaic.
viii. Commissioning of the shoal of fish artwork (masterplan 6.4)
A site meeting is to be arranged between Saxilby Parish Council, James Sutton (sculptor), and Highways Agency to discuss the location and licensing for the artwork.
Planning for the intergenerational workshops is underway with liaison between the Parish Coun-cil, Saxilby C of E Primary School, and Wispington House. The workshops will take place on Thursday, 20 June.
ix. Wildflower pathway 2024 and feedback from TCV (including B-Line insect pathways)
The recently planted wildflower pathway has been strimmed by CRT, therefore it is no longer possible to register for the B-Line insect pathway.
Having been proposed (Dilys Britt) and seconded (Jenny Clarke), it was RESOLVED:
To recommend to planning and development committee that TCV price the cost of the wildflow-ers, and reimbursement is requested from CRT.
x. Refurbishment of the water pipe bridge – Anglian Water
Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Chris Hailes) it was RESOLVED:
To recommend to planning and development committee a press release is written and to ap-proach Sir Edward Leigh to increase public awareness of the campaign.
xi. Volunteer event organisation
A discussion took place regarding the signing in and registration process for volunteers, and what information is required from volunteers prior to commencing activities (for example, emergency contacts, medical information and GDPR consent).
A discussion took place regarding equipment and signage required on volunteering days.
Having been proposed (Jenny Clarke) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To recommend to planning and development committee to order more hi-vis vests.
xii. Replacement dog waste bin
Update received.
xiii. Painting of the BT boxes on Bridge Street/Queensway
Permission to paint the BT boxes has been requested.
6. To discuss and agree recommendations to the planning committee regarding: 
a. Music event on Sunday 15 September 2024
A discussion took place regarding costings and options for various aspects of the event.
No recommendations made.
b. The Canal and River Trust Partner Organisation volunteer scheme
c. Refurbishment of the public toilets including funding (Masterplan 6.7), and recommend to the planning committee any permissions needed
Update received.
d. Fund raising activities and events
7. Date of next meeting
Thursday, 11 July 2024
The meeting closed at 21:02.