Saxilby Waterfront Working Group meeting
Tuesday 9th May 2023 at 7.45pm
St Andrews Community Centre, William Street, Saxilby. LN1 2LP
Present: Jenny Clarke, Chris Hailes, Shiela Hughes, Jane Kay, Cllr Hillman, Lucy Russon
1. Welcome and apologies.
Apologies from Alexia Harrison and Danny Johnson
2. To approve the notes of 16 February 2023
Shiela Hughes proposed, and it was resolved.
3. To discuss the flood wall in line with the community consultation and the master plan.
Jenny Clarke proposed that she would make further enquiries about the feasibility of power washing the flood wall and to share the e-mail from the Environment Agency, this was resolved.
4. To give an update and agree actions following recent fund raising and the Lincolnshire Co-op Community Champions Fund Cllr Hillman proposed making further enquiries regarding the price of a bench and bring back to the next meeting. This was resolved.
5. 7. Feedback from the Waterfront Task and Finish Group
6. 8. Feedback from the meeting with the CRT East Midlands Director
7. To note an update and agree any actions:
a. Memory Tree
b. Saxilby cycle path connection
No progress made.
c. Tree planting along Bridge Street
Cllr Hillman proposed contacting National Grid to request if there was any feasibility of scanning the verges along Bridge Street for further tree planting. This was resolved.
d. The damaged beech hedge.
Cllr Hillman proposed, and it was resolved to request a price for a fence.
e. Grass cutting Bridge Place Corner
Grounds have been cutting the grass.
f. Feedback from the Waterfront Festival Task and Finish Group 2023
Duplicate agenda item
g. Planters along Bridge Street
Jenny Clarke proposed a recommendation to council for the retrospective spending of £151 for plants. This was resolved. It was noted that any decisions are made at a meeting and recommendations are made to the council. Cllr Hillman proposed to ask grounds to water trees and plants and it was resolved.
h. Volunteer Days and hours for 2022/23
It was noted that there was 221.5 hours for the monthly volunteer mornings.
i. Plans for the refurbishment of the public toilets.
No further progress
j. Stall at the 1940s event
Jenny Clarke proposed that due other commitments, there was no manpower for a stall. This was resolved.
Meeting ended at 9.05pm
To agree the date of the next meeting
Thursday 8th June at 7.45pm