
Saxilby Waterfront Working Group
 7pm-9pm Thursday 9 May 2024 
St Andrews Community Centre,
 William Street, Saxilby, LN1 2LP
Dilys Britt, Jenny Clarke, Chris Hailes, Cllr Hillman, Jane Kay, and Laura Thompson (Administration Officer)


1. To elect a chair for 2024/25
Having been proposed (Dilys Britt) and seconded (Chris Hailes), it was RESOLVED:
To elect Cllr Hillman as chair for 2024/25.
2. To elect a vice-chair for 2024/25
Having been proposed (Dilys Britt) and seconded (Chris Hailes), it was RESOLVED:
To elect Jenny Clarke as vice-chair for 2024/25.
3. Welcome and introduction
Cllr Hillman welcomed those present to the meeting.
4. Receive apologies 
Apologies received from Cllr Hughes. 
5. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
None declared.
6. Approve notes of 9 April 2024 as minutes and the chair to sign
Having been proposed (Chris Hailes) and seconded (Dilys Britt), it was RESOLVED:
To approve the minutes of 9 April 2024 and the chair signed them.
7. To note the conservation area status as ‘vulnerable’
8. To discuss and agree recommendations to the planning committee regarding: 
a. Music event on Sunday 15 September 2024
A discussion took place regarding refreshments, entertainment, licenses required, insurance and first aid requirements, and costs for the event. Recommendations deferred.
b. Refurbishment of the public toilets including funding (Masterplan 6.7)
Applications for funding are in progress.
No recommendations.
c. Addition of a no parking zone outside the public toilets for safety reasons
Having been proposed (Jenny Clarke) and seconded (Dilys Britt), it was RESOLVED:
To make a recommendation to planning and development committee that Highways complete a site visit from Canal Court to Queensway to assess current parking restrictions.
d. Consideration of a pedestrian crossing from the public footpath to the footbridge
Having been proposed (Jenny Clarke) and seconded (Dilys Britt), it was RESOLVED:
To make a recommendation to planning and development committee that Highways complete a site visit from Canal Court to Queensway to assess need for a pedestrian crossing.
e. Consideration of double yellow lines on Bridge Place
Having been proposed (Jenny Clarke) and seconded (Chris Hailes) it was RESOLVED:
To make a recommendation to planning and development committee to request Highways install double yellow lines on the corner of Bridge Place, from The Sun’s parking space up to the end of Bridge Place Corner.
9. To receive an update on the Waterfront budget
Item deferred.
To receive updates and agree any actions on:
10. Supporting the Lincoln District Angling Association fishing event in July
Date agreed for Saturday 20th July.
11. Benches for the top towpath
Ownership of the wooden bench on the top towpath needs to be ascertained before completing or requesting maintenance.
Decorative bench designs for the towpath to be confirmed through liaison with sponsors.
‘Salmon’ decorative bench is currently in the workshop at Mill Lane, prior to being installed at the Queensway bus stop.
12. Meeting with Saxilby Nature Project
13. Feedback from LCC Tree Officer
Officer advised that planting of trees may be problematic due to utilities. Shrubs, planters and similar would be more straightforward.
14. Creating a visual record of the regeneration
15. Replacement of the dog bin by the footbridge
Having been proposed (Jane Kay) and seconded (Dilys Britt), it was RESOLVED:
To make a recommendation to planning and development committee for the replacement of the dog bin by the footbridge.
16. Refurbishment of the mosaic - discuss possible sites for the mosaic
Lincolnshire Co-op have asked for further information prior to discussing possible placement on their land.
17. Commissioning of the shoal of fish artwork (masterplan 6.4)
Highways have not responded positively to queries regarding planning an artwork licence. A site visit has been requested.
Saxilby C of E school has been contacted to arrange dates for intergenerational workshops in liaison with Wispington House.
18. Wildflower sowing 2024 and tree work by TCV, including B-Line insect pathways
19. Refurbishment of the pipe bridge
20. Volunteer days 2024 and publicity/Comms
21. Funding and fund-raising including Lincoln Community Lottery Funding update
22. Grass cutting schedule for the waterfront
23. Painting of the BT boxes on Bridge Street/Queensway
Having been proposed (Dilys Britt) and seconded (Chris Hailes), it was RESOLVED:
To make a recommendation to planning and development committee to apply to paint the BT boxes black in line with other metal and paintwork on the waterfront.
24. Date of next meeting
13 June 2024
Meeting closed 21:20.