
Saxilby Waterfront Working Group meeting
Thursday 5th October 2023 at 7pm 
St Andrews Community Centre, William Street, Saxilby. LN1 2LP
Present: Dilys Britt, Jenny Clark, Jane Kay, Chris Hailes, and Cllr Hillman


1. Welcome and Introduction
2. To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence
Cllr Hewes and Shiela Hughes.
3. Declarations of interest in accordance of the Localism Act 2011
None given.
4. To approve notes of 13 July 2023 as minutes and the chair to sign them
Deferred to next meting.
5. To discuss and agree actions regarding lobbying for the refurbishment of the Pipe Bridge
Jenny Clark proposed, Chris Hailes seconded, and it was resolved that Cllr Hillman would ascertain the estimated cost of the repaint and once the footbridge is back to contact Public Affairs to request a site visit. 
6. To discuss and agree actions for progressing heritage lighting on Bridge Street 
Dilys Britt proposed, Jenny Clark seconded, and it was resolved that Jane Kay would research into the old lighting and Cllr Hillman would ascertain how much is in the budget in view of match funding and ask the parish clerk to request a FOI to LCC regarding the date the lighting was changed. 
7. To discuss and agree dates and actions for Volunteer days including  Winter planting
Jenny Clerk proposed, Chris Hailes seconded and it was resolved that £110 would be requested for winter planting with  £60 from the village planting and £50 from SWWG funds. The last volunteer day would be November and start in March. These would be recommendations to the planning committee.
8. To discuss a proposal to renovate the flower bed around the Mill Lane/A57 village sign and agree recommendations to full council, via the planning committee 
Jenny Clerk proposed, Dilys Britt seconded, and it was resolved that a recommendation would be put forward to the planning committee. 
9. To recommend a bench design for Queensway 
Chris Hailes proposed, Cllr Hillman seconded, and it was resolved to select the fish design.
To receive updates and agree any actions on:
10. Refurbishment of the public facilities
Dilys to encourage U3A members to complete the survey on-line.
11. Waterfront Festival
A debrief of the festival was shared with the group. The Waterfront Festival Task and Finish Group was now dissolved. 
12. Refurbishment of Mosaic
Two thirds of tiles are cleaned, cement removed, and catalogued.  We are waiting for a volunteer to finish the tiles.
13. Tree Planting Bridge Street
Where there are still gaps we now know that the cables are on the edge of the grass.  We have potentially £800 from National Grid. The possibility of having further trees to be explored.
14. The Footbridge Refurbishment
15. Queensway Bus shelter
16. Next meeting 
Thursday 2nd November 2023.
The meeting concluded at 21.04 hours.