Saxilby Waterfront Working Group
7pm-9pm Tuesday 14 January 2025
St Andrews Community Centre,
William Street, Saxilby, LN1 2LP
1. Welcome and introduction
2. Receive apologies for absence
3. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
4. Approve notes of 19 November 2024 as minutes and the chair to sign
5. To receive updates and agree actions on the:
a) Storage room on Bridge Street
b) Information boards
c) Noticeboard
d) Heritage lighting
e) Shoal of fish sculpture
f) Memory branch
g) Pipe bridge
h) Village sign
i) Conservation area leaflet
j) Conservation area appraisal
k) Fundraising opportunities
l) Lincoln and District Angling Association events
6. To discuss and agree recommendations to the Planning & Development Committee:
a) Project plan actions for 2025, to include an exit strategy
7. Date of next meeting