Saxilby Waterfront Working Group
Tuesday 19 November 7pm
St Andrews Community Centre, LN1 2LP
Cllr Hillman (Chair), Cllr Hughes, Jane Kay
1. Welcome and Introduction
Cllr Hillman welcomed those present to the meeting.
2. Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence
Apologies were received from Dilys Britt, Jenny Clarke, and Chris Hailes.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
None declared.
4. To approve notes of 7 November as minutes and the chair to sign
Having been proposed (Cllr Hughes) and seconded (Jane Kay), it was RESOLVED:
To approve the notes of 7 November 2024 as minutes, and the chair signed them.
5. To agree to write to the History Group to ask if the bench can be refurbished with teak oil by the grounds team during the winter.
Having been proposed (Jane Kay) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To write to Saxilby & District History Group to ask if they are happy for the bench to be maintained with teak oil by the grounds team during the winter.
6. To agree to apply for community funding to replace the information boards, and the graph design, and printing as a co-ordinated set (master plan 6.13)
a. Having been proposed (Jane Kay) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To recommend to planning and development committee to apply for grant applications including Community Wildlife Trust, One Stop, One Stop Carriers and the Bradbury Foundation.
b. Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To write to statutory organisations and stakeholders to see if there is interest in covering some costs towards the new information boards.
c. Having been proposed (Cllr Hughes) and seconded (Cllr Hillman), it was RESOLVED:
To write to local businesses to seek expressions of interest in covering some costs towards the new information boards.
d. Having been proposed (Jane Kay) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To approach Saxilby and District History Group to support with review and consolidation of content on the information boards.
e. Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To bring the item back to Planning & Development Committee once the above actions have been completed.
7. Next meeting 14th January 2025
Meeting ended at 19:27.