
Saxilby Waterfront Working Group

 7pm-9pm Thursday 10 October 2024 
St Andrews Community Centre,
 William Street, Saxilby, LN1 2LP


Chris Hailes, Cllr Hillman (Chair), Cllr Hughes, Jane Kay, Laura Thompson (Administration Officer)


1. Welcome and introduction
Cllr Hillman welcomed those present to the meeting.
2. Receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Dilys Britt.
3. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
None declared.
4. Approve notes of 17 September 2024 as minutes and the chair to sign 
Having been proposed (Jane Kay) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To approve the minutes of 17 September 2024 as minutes, and the chair signed them.
5. To receive updates and agree actions on the:
i) Shoal of fish artwork/sculpture
A discussion was held around ways to further promote the project and encourage interest and participation from the community.
ii) Painting of Virgin boxes on Bridge Street
Cllr Hillman to contact Virgin to follow up on seeking permission to paint the boxes.
iii) Enquiries into memory branch donations
A further enquiry has been received regarding an additional leaf.
iv) Saxilby Waterfront Public Facilities renovation
Independent roof survey is scheduled for 30 October. Co-op and The Sun have been advised that the survey is taking place.
v) Conservation area leaflet for Saxilby
Examples of conservation leaflets from other local areas were shared with the group. West Lindsey Conservation Officer has advised that the name of the conservation area may be changed, and that boundaries may also be amended. These details will need to be confirmed prior to the leaflet being published.
Having been proposed (Jane Kay) and seconded (Chris Hailes), it was RESOLVED:
That Jane Kay and Cllr Hillman will work together to draft content for the conservation leaflet.
vi) Update on quotations for the mosaic plinth, planning permission and location
Co-op are unable to fund planning permission to relocate the mosaic onto the land in front of the Co-op pharmacy. 
vii) Pipe bridge
A letter has been drafted to Sir Edward Leigh. A press release is also in progress.
viii) Flowerbed by the village sign
Having been proposed (Cllr Hughes) and seconded (Chris Hailes), it was RESOLVED:
To request feasibility of grounds staff to complete maintenance of the circular bed around the village sign, including fresh soil and weed suppressant. The group will then consider longer term plans for planting and maintenance.
ix) Wildflower pathway: costings for different seeds
TCV have suggested a sowing plan, which would involve sowing wildflower seeds in both autumn and spring.
Having been proposed (Cllr Hughes) and seconded (Chris Hailes), it was RESOLVED:
To request funds from CRT to cover costs of reseeding.
x) Heritage lighting
xi) Project plan
xii) Volunteer events
Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
To cancel November’s volunteer day due to weather, and restart volunteering events in April 2025. 
Posters advertising the events will need to be removed from around the village, and posts will be made on social media and comms platforms to advise volunteers that the November volunteering day will not be going ahead.
Strategies to encourage participation at the April launch event will be considered.
xiii) Fishing event in October
Lincoln and District Angling Association are holding a pike tutorial day on 19 October. This will be publicised on council comms.
xiv) Bridge Place planters
Dilys Britt will no longer be maintaining the planters. Another waterfront volunteer has offered to continue their maintenance.
6. To discuss and agree recommendations to the Planning & Development Committee: 
i) Proposed location for the mosaic plinth
Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman) and seconded (Cllr Hughes), it was RESOLVED:
That the preferred location for the mosaic is the land in front of Co-op pharmacy, with Westcroft Green as a second choice. As both locations are outside of the Waterfront, this should now be referred back to council/planning committee in order to move the project forward.
ii) Progress of the conservation leaflet
Cllr Hillman will advise the planning and development committee on the progress of the leaflet.
7. Date of next meeting
Thursday 7 November at 7pm.
Meeting ended at 20.19.