Saxilby Waterfront Working Group
7pm-9pm Tuesday 17 September 2024
St Andrews Community Centre,
William Street, Saxilby, LN1 2LP.
Cllr Hillman (Chair), Cllr Hughes, Jane Kay and Laura Thompson (Administration Officer)
1. Welcome and introduction
Cllr Hillman welcomed those present to the meeting.
2. Receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Dilys Britt, Jenny Clarke and Chris Hailes.
3. Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
None declared.
4. Approve notes of 18 July 2024 as minutes and the chair to sign
Having been proposed (Jane Kay) and seconded (Cllr Hillman), it was RESOLVED:
To approve the notes of 18 July 2024 as minutes, and the chair signed them.
5. To receive updates and agree actions on the:
i) Shoal of fish artwork/sculpture
Permission has been given by Canal and River Trust to install the sculpture in the newly proposed location, behind the flood wall on the north side of the canal, to the east of the footbridge. This is on the condition that the sculpture is installed by hand digging as opposed to using any mechanical equipment. Due diligence must also be given to avoid damage to utilities.
Members of the public are now able to purchase and design a fish for the sculpture via TicketSource. The group discussed ways to make this accessible for members of the public who may not have access to, or confidence with using, the internet. The group also discussed ways to promote the project within the community.
ii) Painting of Virgin boxes on Bridge Street
Virgin have not agreed permission to paint the boxes due to risk of disruption of services.
iii) Family Fun Day feedback and music event
The Waterfront Working Group raised £80 on the water and wine stall. The group offered a vote of thanks to Laura Thompson for her efforts in organising a successful event.
The music event proposed to take place on Sunday 15 September was postponed due to limited capacity to plan and organise. The parish clerk has requested an extension to use the funding at a later date. Laura Thompson to check how much of the grant is remaining for the music event.
iv) Residents’ purchase of an additional memory leaf
Costings have been put together for a plaque and additional engraved leaf, as discussed at previous meetings based on a resident’s enquiry. This resident has yet to contact the office to make a formal enquiry. A further resident has also enquired about the process to add a leaf. The group raised some concerns about this as the original purpose of the branch was to identify groups and individuals who contributed to the cost of trees along the canal, and not a memorial for the deceased.
Having been proposed (Cllr Hughes) and seconded (Jane Kay), it was RESOLVED:
That the original enquiry will be followed up by Jenny Clarke and the resident advised to contact the office, and that if the office hasn’t been contacted by 31 October then the group will seek to purchase the plaque out of their budget.
Having been proposed (JK) and seconded (EH), it was RESOLVED:
That any further interest in memorial plaques, branches and so on will be directed to the office and advised regarding any current relevant projects.
v) Saxilby Waterfront Public Facilities renovation
Contractors have been contacted for quotations for roof repair and lintel replacements. An independent survey may also be conducted. A meeting with The Sun will also be required as the roof is shared.
Planning permission is required for any external work, for example cladding, artwork, and rendering.
vi) Conservation area leaflet for Saxilby
Cllr Hillman and Laura Thompson are scheduled to meet on 1 October to begin working on a leaflet for residents and businesses in the conservation area.
vii) Update on the mosaic and quotations for a plinth
Contractors have been contacted regarding quotations for building of a plinth to house the mosaic.
Planning permission is required for the previously agreed location outside the Co-op pharmacy. An enquiry has been sent to Lincolnshire Co-op to ascertain if they would be prepared to support with the costs of a planning application.
Installation of a plinth and mosaic could take place under permitted development on council land, and this is an alternative option.
Discussion and confirmation of the proposed location deferred until a response has been received from Lincolnshire Co-op regarding their capacity to support with planning application costs.
viii) Pipe bridge
Press release will be written and a letter written to Sir Edward Leigh to garner support for the painting of the pipe bridge.
6. To discuss and agree recommendations to the Planning & Development Committee:
i) To locate the plinth for the relocation of the mosaic to Westcroft
ii) To contact the WLDC conservation officer, Heritage Lincolnshire and Cllr Brockway for support with the replacement of the current street lights to heritage lights
Having been proposed (Cllr Hillman), and seconded (Jane Kay), it was RESOLVED:
To contact the WLDC conservation officer, Heritage Lincolnshire and Cllr Brockway for support with the replacement of the current street lights to heritage lights.
7. Date of next meeting
Thursday, 10 October at 7pm.
Meeting ended at 8.01pm.