Councillor Elizabeth Hillman gave the Chair's Report at the Annual Parish Meeting on 22 May 2024.

Annual Parish Meeting - Chair's welcome and report on council activities for 23/24

I am delighted to share with you that for the first time in many years we have a full complement of councillors. We currently have fourteen councillors which is five more than this time last year. It is so encouraging that Saxilby has a skilled and diverse group of members working on behalf of residents.
We are an extremely busy council representing the local community of over 4,400 parishioners, delivering services to meet local needs, improving quality of life and community well being. 
During the last year we have held fifty council meetings including Full Council, Finance, Planning, and Personnel Committee. As part of its community engagement, the Parish Council sets aside time for public participation at Full Council and Planning meetings.
There are also working groups, with residents and councillors working together to develop plans and report back to committees with recommendations. These include the MUGA Working Group, Saxilby Waterfront Working Group, and Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan Review Steering (Working) Group.


The parish council has now achieved financial stability and has, for the first time in recent years, a small surplus to support agreed commitments. Precept was agreed increasing only in line with inflation, ensuring the lowest possible impact on our residents.

Planning and Development Committee

The planning and development committee has had another very busy year and commented on forty-six planning applications. There have also been two applications which were classed as major developments: one for ten homes and one for over a hundred. A public meeting held in January was well attended to garner residents’ views.
The planning committee also has been working hard to achieve speed reductions around the village. The limit has been reduced to 40mph at Ingleby, and there is consultation to extend the 40mph limit approaching the village on the A57. A request for a speed reduction on Skellingthorpe Road has been made. The Committee have also raised concerns to Highways about the condition of the road, footpath and verges of Church Lane and Church Lane Hill. Safety at the Tree Junction has been highlighted, and a request for a pedestrian crossing has been made for Church Road.

Community Infrastructure Levy Charge

Saxilby benefits from a Neighbourhood Development Plan, which grants the village twenty five percent of Community Infrastructure Levy payment from West Lindsey District Council which is obtained from developers. Our yearly report to WLDC on how the council spent Community Infrastructure Levy money for the year 2023/24 is now available on the website.


The current Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan was made in 2017 and is under review.  Some of the planning policies need significant changes, and additional policies are required which means a full re-run of the Neighbourhood Plan. It is a formal process, following statutory procedures and will include a Regulation 14 consultation, submission, examination and a referendum. All residents are welcome at the public consultations, as your views are critical to the plan.


Residents frequently voice concerns about the speed of traffic throughout the village. Speedwatch started 18 months ago but needs more volunteers to ensure sustainability. The scheduled training last month was unfortunately cancelled as only one person expressed an interest in attending. If anyone can spare some time to help this scheme make Saxilby safer, please complete the form by the signing in sheets.

Community Centre and Library

The community centre room hire bookings continue to increase, with users enjoying a rich and diverse range of classes and activities. A recent new hire of the bar by the Saxilby Sports Hub to raise money for village sports whilst embracing community spirit has been a welcome addition.
Working with the Good Neighbour Scheme (SIGNS) we have supported the ‘Warm Welcome’ initiative which continues throughout the year providing friendship  and support for anyone who feels isolated or wants to get out their house for a coffee and a chat.
The Library is still a vital resource for our residents with 149 new members this year, making a membership total of 1,603 with 7,814 books issued. The library is only able to operate with the dedication and time given by volunteers. 

Saxilby Recreational Ground Charity

Following receiving the annual rental value of the community centre of £18,850, an extra-ordinary council meeting was held in March to agree the next steps in the process for leasing the community centre. It is one of the Parish Councils biggest considerations in terms of finance and like many buildings of its age, it requires improvement and ongoing maintenance. The community centre has annual costs of around £50,000 and totalled with a potential rental cost of £18,850, this would mean the allocation of the precept on the community centre would rise from approximately 13% to 21%.
At the meeting the council agreed to:
o Obtain legal advice
o Meet with the charity for on-going discussions and negotiations
o Commission a professional condition survey of the centre
o Instruct an independent feasibility study into leasing the community centre
o Seek consultation with the community
These steps are currently being progressed. 
The parish council as custodian trustees no longer manages the recreational field and car park. This is now the responsibility of the charity who are the managing trustees.


Sports in the village continues to flourish with football teams for more and more age groups, a tennis club with a focussed development plan and the bowls club (with a new fence) which is becoming even more popular. 
Cricket is now well established for men and women with frequent matches. It is wonderful to see how busy the recreation ground is in the summer with the all the sports clubs using the facilities. This is due to the hard work and efforts of their members.
Fishing is popular along the Fossdyke canal and at the waterfront festival over fifty adults and children were shown by expert anglers how to fish.
The cycle track connection from Saxilby to Lincoln is finally being completed after years of lobbying by our parish clerk. This will be a safer route for walkers and cyclists to use and we look forward to the official opening.

Village Improvements

We continue to make public realm improvements using local businesses and talent. The bespoke new bus shelter on Queensway was designed by our local sculptor James Sutton. It has attracted a lot of attention. There is a new bench ready to replace the wooden one on Queensway with two more benches being ordered for the top towpath. With funding from WLDC Retail Grant there will be a new bench and bin outside Barnard's Garage at the north end of the village.


We were fortunate to receive a grant from WLDC to cover the cost of a new artwork which is a ‘shoal of fish’, designed by James Sutton. This will be an intergenerational project with children and adults taking part.

S137 monies

The Parish Council has a scheme to award grants to support not-for-profit groups which benefit the local community. Grants were made during the year to support a wide variety of groups including the football team, SIGNS, Saxilby Mystery Group, Saxilby WI and Saxilby Cricket Club.


The Waterfront Festival attracted approximately 3,000 people in September. The 1940s event and the Christmas Lights switch on were also a great success. Thank you to the volunteers who arranged these events for residents to enjoy.
During the last council year we said goodbye to Councillor Peter Hewes and Councillor Elaine Meanwell. We have welcomed on board Councillors Paul Roberts, Salim Hadjoudj, Shiela Hughes, Craig Barratt, Carla Saunders, Emma Bowden and Paul Bridge. 
I would like to express the council and residents' thanks and gratitude to our Parish Clerk Lydia, Assistant Parish Clerk Zarina and Administrative Officer Laura, who work extremely hard and provide guidance to all of us. We would like to extend our thanks to Mia, Steve and Reg who are our caretakers to this building and to Paul, Rob and Steve who are the village grounds team.
I would like to thank my fellow Parish Councillors, District Councillor Paul Lee, District and County Councillor Jackie Brockway, and the many organisations and volunteers who have supported our community.
Finally, it is my personal commitment as chair to improve community engagement and attend groups and events. It is my sincere hope that the Parish Council will continue to go from strength to strength and our community will continue to come together and work in harmony.

Published: Tuesday, 4th June 2024