
In the past few days and weeks there has been a lot of comment and misinformation on social media about the Saxilby Waterfront Regeneration Project and the parish council’s support for it. Let’s try and bust some of the myths:

Background: The Waterfront area was classed as an ‘at-risk area’ by Historic England and as such was listed as a priority community project in the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Development Plan which was made in 2017. The plan can be viewed here: https://bit.ly/3rwWvoz
Other priority projects included the newly completed Wheeled Park and the MUGA which has been submitted to West Lindsey for planning approval.

‘There’s no money for anything other than the Waterfront, it’s all that counts’
The waterfront project funding has come from a wide range of successful grant applications and fund raising from the active working group made up of local residents, business owners and councillors - ranging from selling pens, creating activities for families to take part in around the village, plant sales and much more besides, including the 2019 Waterfront Festival.
Funding has also come from a number of private donations from local residents wishing to create a permanent memorial to a loved one, or wishing to leave their own mark on the village.
When ordering items or applying for grant funding, the chairman of the working group works with council officers. If you would like to view the finances of the working group please contact the council office.
When we post about new things in the waterfront area, we always state how they’ve been funded.

‘The parish council’s time is all focused on the waterfront’
The waterfront project is led by an incredible team of local volunteers giving up their time for free to make this project happen and make it a success.
The Bridge Street Working Group meet monthly to progress the project and are always looking to welcome new members. They also have a monthly volunteer day on the first Saturday of every month, again giving up their free time to help improve the area. Everyone is welcome to get involved with the working group and help out.
There are some councillors in the working group and they have really helped to drive the project forward.
Parish council often has to ratify decisions taken at the working group meetings to make them official and when items need ordering or grant applications need completing. However, this is by no way the majority of the clerks job.

Parish councillors and council staff only have so much time in the day and many councillors have full time jobs away from council.
We are gradually working through the list of projects identified in the neighbourhood plan and the neighbourhood plan will be updated this year. This is the parish council’s priority for the next few months.

To conclude, the council would like to extend its thanks to the Bridge Street Working Group and all volunteers who aren’t part of the official group, for all the work they are doing. You are all making a huge difference to the look of the village and it’s incredibly disappointing to see members of the community sniping at other members of the community who are willing to go out and make a difference to where we live.
The chairman of the Bridge Street Working Group is happy to meet and talk to anyone who wants to know more about the project.

With the Bridge Street project, the MUGA project, the NDP renewal and the general day to day council tasks, the council does not at this stage have capacity for another working group. However when we do, we will let you know.
Until then, the council currently has four vacancies, why not apply to join us and do your bit to help make improvements rather than tapping negative remarks on a keyboard:  https://bit.ly/35P5lGi

Published: Thursday, 28th April 2022