
Full Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 5 May 2023 7.15pm

St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby 


Members Present:

Cllr Hillman, Ashton Derry, Meanwell, Waller, I Willox, J Willox, Hewes, and Spurr



Cllr Crump 


In Attendance:

Lydia Hopton, Clerk

There were three members of the public in attendance.


Public Participation Session

Query regarding public participation as a point of order was raised and [this was] dismissed by the chair.

Member of the public spoke, noting he would like the council and recreation ground charity to re-group following the council election in order to work together and get things going. 

A member of the public arrived.



The chair opened the meeting.


FC073/23 To elect a chair for council for 2023/24 and receive the signed acceptance of office

Cllr Spurr proposed Cllr Hillman and Cllr Waller proposed Cllr Hewes. The nominations were put forward to vote. 

Resolved - Cllr Hillman to be chair. This was resolved and the acceptance was signed. 


FC074/23 To elect a vice-chair for council for 2023/24 

Cllr Spurr proposed Cllr Ashton Derry and Cllr Meanwell proposed Cllr Hewes. The nominations were put forward to vote. 

Resolved - Cllr Ashton Derry to be vice-chair. This was resolved. 


FC075/23 Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Crump.


FC076/23 Receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr Ashton Derry declared disclosable pecuniary interests for items 12 (Ref FC084/23), 14 (Ref FC086/23), 15 (Ref FC087/23) and 28 (Ref FC100/23).


FC077/23 To approve the draft minutes from 1 March 2023, with the chair to sign and date. 

Resolved. Cllr Waller proposed the notes as minutes for 1 March 2023. This was resolved. 


FC078/23 To approve the draft minutes from 5 April 2023, with the chair to sign and date. 

Resolved. Cllr Hewes proposed the notes as minutes for 5 April 2023. This was resolved.


FC079/23 To review the action log

Ref 02/11 Community centre lease close action, as picked up in project plan.

Ref 041/23 Write to trustees action – can go into the project plan. 


FC080/23 Appointment of members to committees

The following appointments to committees were made:


Councillor Committee & Working Group Membership

Committee membership


FC081/23 Agree the annual schedule to review council policies, procedures, and the asset register 

Resolved - Cllr J Willox proposed the schedule with one change to move August items to September. This was resolved.


FC082/23 Annual review and approval of the Financial Regulations

Resolved - Cllr Hewes proposed the Financial Regulations with updates to section 4 (V5.8). This was resolved. 


FC083/23 Review delegation arrangements for committees, sub-committees, and staff 

Deferred - A more detailed paper was requested.

Cllr Ashton Derry declared an disclosable pecuniary interest in agenda items 12 (Ref FC084/23) and 15 (Ref FC087/23) and did not participate in the items.


FC084/23 Review and agree a) the council’s and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies and b) its representation on, or work with, external bodies including review of arrangements with other bodies

Suggestions were made to include further organisations. 

Resolved - Cllr Hewes proposed a daytime meeting to look into more detail at other proposals and this was resolved.


Finance and Risk


FC085/23 To resolve to use the General Power of Competence (GPC) and meet the criteria of eligibility (Localism Act 2011)

Resolved - Cllr Waller proposed the council meets the eligibility criteria for GPC and resolves to use GPC accordingly until the next annual parish council meeting, when the council’s eligibility will be re-assessed against the legal criteria the to use the general power of competence and this was resolved. 


FC086/23 To approve expenditure above specified limits, as per Financial Regulations

Resolved - Cllr Hewes proposed the expenditure below and this was resolved. 

Cllr Ashton Derry did not participate in the item.

  • Staff Staff wages March £7,599.41 
  • Staff Staff wages April £9,184.86 


FC087/23 Agree the payment of annual subscriptions 

Resolved - Cllr Hillman proposed the expenditure below and this was resolved.


Body Annual Renewal Cost

LALC - Annual membership April £802 Membership of County Association of Local Councils (part of National Association.

LALC - Annual Training Scheme April £155 Allows Councillor/staff attendance at LALC 

ICCM (Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management) April £95 Access to knowledge, advice, training; ICCM Journal; newsletters; best practice guidance.

SLCC (Society of Local Council Clerks) Principal membership - Clerk July £226 Professional body for Clerks; advice and information; bi-monthly ‘The Clerk’ magazine; access to training; discount voucher on training.

SLCC Membership – Assistant Clerk February £177 As above

Grounds Management Association  - Grounds Manager March £50 Professional body for Grounds staff; access to advice and information; newsletters; discount on training.


 FC088/23 Agree direct debits for 2023/24

Resolved. The list of direct debits below was proposed by Cllr Hillman and resolved:


1. WCF

2. B&Q 

3. Close Brothers Ltd 

4. West Lindsey Dc 

5. Paypal 

6. Corona Energy

7. Tesco Mobile 

8. Vodafone Ltd 

9. Anglian Water 

10. Engie Power 

11. Gazprom Energy 

12. Grounds Management (Inst.)

13. Office Depot Int 

14. Stallard Kane 

15. ICO

16. Plusnet 

17. Public Works Loans  

18. BT Group 

19. Nest 

20. BNP Paribas Leasing 

21. British Gas Trading

22. N Power 


FC089/23 Review expenditure incurred under LGA Act 1972, s137

The s137 expenditure incurred for 2022/23 was reviewed and noted.

1. 03/02/2022 Citizens Advice Lindsey, grant towards charitable services in 2022-23 £100.00 FC 22-02 Ref 030/22

2. 05/05/2022 Saxilby and Ingleby Good Neighbour Scheme (SIGNS), grant towards insurance £201.60 FC 22-05 Ref 138/22

3. 01/06/2022 Saxilby Voluntary Car Scheme (VCS), grant of ≤£100 for dead-leg mileage for transport. £35.55 claimed FC 22-06 Ref 161/22

4. 02/11/2022 Saxilby Hornets football team, grant towards materials for the pitch £100.00 FC 22-11 Ref 250/22d

5. 01/03/2023 Saxilby cycling club, grant towards insurance £99.00 FC 23-03 Ref 046/23

Total Expenditure £536.15

Budget £500


FC090/23 Agree an application for s137 funding by SIGNS

Resolved. It was resolved to pay a grant of £201.60 to cover insurance for the organisation. This was proposed by Cllr Hewes.


FC091/23 Agree an application for funding for a 1940’s event  

Resolved. Cllr Spurr proposed full council noted the report and approves a payment of £116 to cover the event insurance, with finance committee to agree which budget the expenditure will come from. This was resolved. 


FC092/23 To approve 2023/24 rates for football facility hire



FC093/23 Appoint safeguarding officer

Resolved. Cllr Ashton Derry proposed the clerk. This was resolved.


FC094/23 To agree to join a ‘cycle to work’ scheme 

Resolved in principle. Cllr Hewes proposed to resolve the proposal in principle, with finance committee being delegated to sign off the proposal subject to identifying which budget it will come out of and managing associated risks such as if the member of staff left.


FC095/23 Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks

Resolved. Cllr I Willox proposed the insurance cover arrangements in respect of all insurable risks. This was resolved.



FC096/23 To consider a request to extend the library opening hours

Resolved. Cllr Spurr proposed the item go to finance committee to investigate the funding aspect and that officers liaise with volunteers to bottom out the rationale and then to bring back to full council. This was resolved.

20.28pm Three members of public left.


Closed Session

FC097/23 Council to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Resolved. Cllr Ashton Derry proposed the meeting go into closed session. This was resolved.


FC098/23 To approve a quote for replacement windows at the St Andrews Community Centre (from the community centre ring-fenced fund)

Further quotes requested. Bring back to full council.


FC099/23 To agree to a quote for the new burial ground Groundwater Risk Assessment prior to land handover

Further quotes requested. Bring back to full council.


20.46pm Cllr Ashton Derry left the meeting.


FC100/23 To ratify annual staff increments and pay

Resolved. Cllr Spurr proposed the recommendations to:

1) Approve salaried contractual increments

2) Note the discrepancy between the pay policy and NJC scales and bring staff in-line with the NJC pay scales 

3) Clerk update the pay policy accordingly

This was resolved.


The meeting closed at 20.54pm


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant/clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.