
Full Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 1 February 2023 7.00pm

St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby. 


Members Present:

Cllrs Cotton, Crump, Hewes, Hillman, Spurr, J.Willox, I.Willox, and Waller


Cllrs Ashton Derry, Harper, Mann, and Meanwell


In Attendance:

Zarina Belk, Assistant Clerk

There were three members of the public in attendance.


Public Questions

A member of the public asked why the Pavilion bar was not on the agenda.

Cllr Spurr asked where the twinned with sign had gone. Cllr J Willox had spoken to the grounds manager, and he has not taken it down.

A member of the public said he hoped things in the recreational field will move forward.

It was commented that there are 5,000 residents in the village, but we are struggling to get new councillors.

The chair announced this would be his last parish council meeting as chair, as he will be stepping down due to major surgery. He will remain a councillor until his 10 years is up.  He thanked councillors past and present for their support and comradeship. He noted he felt we are all a family, where everyone is concerned about each other.

A member of the public wished him well and thanked Cllr Cotton from the village for all his hard work and commitment.

Cllr Hillman said, from everyone on the council, thank you for all your time and dedication. Three times a chair. We will miss you. Everyone wished him well with his surgery and a speedy recovery.



Opened at 19:11pm.


018/23 Receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.

Cllrs Ashton Derry, Mann, Meanwell, and Harper gave their apologies. Council received and accepted their apologies.


019/23 Receive declarations of interest (Localism Act 2011)



020/23 Approve the notes of Full Council on 4 January 2023, and the chair to sign them as the agreed minutes.

Cllr Hillman proposed the minutes. The minutes were resolved. 


021/23 To note the meeting action log.

The action log was noted.


022/23 Bi-annual review and approval of training and development policy 

The review was deferred, as changes were proposed.


023/23 Approve expenditure above specified limits, as per Financial Regulations 

Cllr Crump proposed expenditure above specified limits, which was resolved: 

28/01/2023 Staff wages - including backpay following NJC pay deal agreement £7,581.74.


024/23 Consider adding a statement to the council’s social media channels to provide timelines for a response and consider the council’s responsiveness on social media.

Cllr J Willox, the comms lead, proposed “Thank you for your message.  We aim to provide an initial response to queries within three working days. If your query is urgent, please contact the council on 01522 703912 or 07742 826611”. This was resolved.


025/23 Recreation ground and community centre

a. Receive the latest project list and agree any actions required.

Council received the latest project list.  

b. Note the tennis club risk assessment.

Council noted the risk assessment (previous full council action). 


026/23 Approve service level agreement for Mill Lane 

Defer to March Full Council. 


027/23 Receive a Saxilby Waterfront update and agree actions.

An update was received. Cllr Hillman proposed the following actions from the January Waterfront Working Group contained in the background paper:

1. To update the project plan 

2. To seek sponsorship to cover the costs of the festival.

3. To appoint a Health and Safety Officer (a resident) as part of the event project plan.  

4. To request third party permission to use the Fossdyke Canal and land the other side of the canal from CRT 

This was resolved.


20:07pm Cllr Cotton left the meeting.

20:08pm Cllr Cotton returned.


028/23 Receive a MUGA update and agree actions. 

An update was received.


029/23 Consider and agree an approach for 2023 events including Christmas Lights Switch On, Coronation, and D-Day 80 Anniversary [2024]

Cllr Hewes put forward the proposals in the background paper:

Christmas Lights Switch-On Event

1. Council support a constituted community group to organise the event 

2. Council arrange an open meeting in February and invite local organisations and residents to ascertain interest and set-up an event group to lead on arrangements 


Kings Coronation 

3. Council assumes a faciliatory role in arrangements to support community organisations co-ordinate their events

4. Council arrange a meeting in February and invite local organisations and residents to begin co-ordinating arrangements 

5. To use the budget to support arrangements, including those by community organisations  


D-Day 80 (2024)

6. Council note the date and consider setting aside budget for the 2024/25 budget

7. Council arrange a meeting in February and invite local organisations and residents to discuss whether the community would like to mark the occasion and share initial ideas

This was resolved.  


030/23 Approve planning recommendation that latest community infrastructure levy tranche goes towards a replacement Queensway Bus Shelter to complete this year’s replacement of all existing bus shelters 

Cllr Waller proposed the ratification of the planning committee proposal to spend the third tranch of the CIL income on replacing the old bus shelter on Queensway – resulting in all three existing shelters been replaced in 2022-23 with new ones. This was resolved.


The meeting closed at 20.39pm


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the assistant/clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.